Basic skill training methods of performance

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Basic skill training methods for performance include:

1. Relax and pay attention, carry out strong and weak exercises, and find objects exercises;

2. Logical order, performing without objects and practicing dialogue;

3. Sense of belief and practice in the specified situation;

4. Feel the memory and pay more attention to what you see and think.

1. Relaxation and attention

Relaxation: It means that the actors should relax in front of the stage or the camera, not be too relaxed or too nervous, grasp a degree, and then perform actively, rhythmically and realistically. Only such a performance can be a good performance.

Focus: follow the principle of "true listening, true seeing and true feeling", pay attention to the stimulation given by your opponent and the feelings brought to you by the stage or environment in real time, and your performance should also change accordingly.

Exercise methods: strength and weakness exercises, and finding objects exercises.

2. Logical sequence

Performing Skills

Basic training of film and television performance: to eliminate tension and relaxation, actors must keep their muscles in an appropriate state before performing, so that a relaxed state can produce normal thinking, gradually obtain correct experience, clearly express the inner life of the role, and freely reveal the inner feelings to the outside. In other words, it is impossible for the extra tension to obtain the freedom of creation. In order to eliminate tension, relax the body, restore instinct, and liberate nature, students of performing arts major carry out the following exercises and games: chair grabbing game - four people grabbing three chairs to guess the leader game - let one person leave, and the rest recommend a leader. Everyone will follow what he does, and then let the person out come in to guess who is the leader.

Film and television puppetry exercise: relax the whole body, stand with two feet apart and parallel, and naturally hang hands. I feel like a puppet. I use the line above to operate all parts of the puppet, lift my hands up, slowly open my fingers, and try to lift them up. Then the line is broken, and the hands return to their original position section by section, and the head neck shoulder back hip thigh calf are all relaxed, and finally fall on the ground, Like a cat lying on the beach, the whole body is very relaxed. Zoom in exercise - stand with two feet apart, control yourself from the toes to exert yourself, slowly go up to the calves to the head, all parts of the body on the face, fingers to the palms, that is, the whole body is tense, the face is also tight, and the eyes are wide open, assuming that you are a very proud, great person imitating a lion, a very powerful state.

Shrinking exercise in film and television performance: Contrary to the practice, slowly relax from head to foot until you shrink into a ball on the ground, like an ant eager to get into the ground and find the feeling of shrinking body at this time, such as cold, hungry, black, etc. Those who practice without objects and correct beginners' performance are prone to be nervous, lack of faith, inattention, lack of imagination, etc. First, they should practice without objects and simple actions. Why do you want to do exercises without objects? When doing physical exercises, many actions are instinctive, and naturally flash by according to the mechanical nature of life. The practice of action without material objects is another situation. You have to focus on the big action, each of the smallest components. Without material objects, you will be more careful and pay more attention to the nature of physical action.

Basic Training of Performing Cry Drama Skills

Basic training of performing crying skills is as follows:

1. Role substitution method: it is to deeply understand the feeling of the role, truly understand the sadness of the role, and naturally leave tears. This is called entering the play.

2. Emotion mobilization: If you can't get into the play, try to mobilize your emotions. Remembering the sad things in life, I can't help crying.

3. You can use eyedrops. Although this method is very fake, it is also a good way for those new actors who can't cry. Or play some sad music or music to make the environment sad immediately and set off the atmosphere.

Techniques for actors to cry quickly:

The best way is to think about your most sad things, your most unyielding things, your most painful things. Divert attention and situations, and let yourself be in pain quickly.

The most perfect way is for the actor to deeply understand the feeling of the role at that time, that is, to enter the play. Let you really feel the mood in the role, you can't help crying, and then act in a real sense.

Or with the help of onions, you can smoke your eyes when you perform, and when you cry, you can show your pain, which is more realistic.

You can use eyedrops. Although this method is very fake, it is also a good way for those new actors who can't cry.

make progress every day 2024-06-16 17:06:01

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Synonyms: beacon fire, smoke, fireworks.
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