When to apply for the college entrance examination in advance

Liangcheng Old Man
Selected answers

1. The college entrance examination will be approved in advance when the college entrance examination results and score lines are announced, and it is expected to start filling in at the end of June. The address to fill in the application form is the official website of the education examination institute in the province where the examinee is located.

2. Those who are admitted to the college entrance examination in advance are military schools, national defense students, public security, judicial, police schools, free normal students, sports and art schools, etc.

3. The advance batch of the college entrance examination is earlier than the ordinary batch. Generally, the early batch starts to register after the college entrance examination. If the early batch is not accepted, it will not affect the filling of other batches.

4. Colleges and universities admitted in advance include some ordinary colleges and universities, military [national defense students (canceled in 17 years)] colleges and universities, public security colleges and universities, judicial colleges and universities, and civil aviation and air force flight recruitment colleges and universities. Advance approval mainly includes: art, sports, military, public security, armed police and others (reconnaissance, public security, law, etc.).

Half maple lotus 2024-05-31 13:13:19

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example sentence:
1. Buy:
(1) So that no merchants can buy and no farmers can sell—— Book of Lord Shang · Reclamation Order
(2) You come to buy rice. Give me the silver to weigh—— "Selling Rice in Chenzhou"
(3) Buy rice without using money—— Hakka proverbs are commonly used.
2. Properties:
(1) The price has been sold for thousands of hours—— Records of the Historian: Biography of the Goods Colony
(2) So that no merchants can buy and no farmers can sell—— Book of Lord Shang · Reclamation Order
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