Do you have a dog who is afraid of cold? Add clothes quickly

Mature physical and mental exhaustion
Selected answers

1. Chihuahua: Chihuahua is the smallest of the ten smallest dog breeds in the world. This breed is very old and originated in warm America. It can't walk normally in cold weather. So they still need extra help in winter weather. You can add a coat to them properly.

2. Chinese crested dog: The Chinese crested dog, also known as the hairless dog and the half haired dog, is one of the few hairless dog breeds in the world. They were originally born to hunt mice on ships, but now they are companions of many families. Because their hair is scarce, they need special care when cold weather comes.

3. Greyhound: Don't mention it. You can see from the picture that it will freeze to death when you go out in winter. Although Greyhound is an ancient breed, it was originally bred for hunting and competition. Although they are tall, they are very slim. They are suitable for sprinting in hot weather, but they may shake more than you in cold weather.

4. Italian Greyhound: The Italian Greyhound is a small racing dog, which is usually considered as a miniature version of the racing dog. They are like greyhounds, with slender bodies and little body fat. Because of this, they are very sensitive to cold weather and often need sweaters to go out in winter. In other words, although they are good family partners, they need an extra coat in winter just like you.

5. Mini Doberman: A dog from Germany. They are independent and confident, not suitable for beginners. Their thin "coat" and less body fat also tell you that they are afraid of cold.

6. Rat terriers: They have a small hound like personality and will be very lively in spring, summer and autumn, but they only want to stay in bed in winter. Small size, short hair, poor cold resistance.

7. Sadge hound: Although it seems to have long hair and strong muscles, the hair structure on its long head is not suitable for living in cold weather. Most of the time, it lies lazily in a warm and comfortable place. However, once he finds the prey or the things that let him play, he will show surprising liveliness.

8. Toy Fox Terrier: Small breed. They are very smart and lively dogs, suitable for all kinds of training, even for the elderly and novice owners are and pet dogs. They live best in warm climates, but it's best to add a thin coat to this guy in cold climates.

9. Whipper: It looks muscular, but very slim, with short hair. They are very active, but they still stay at home in winter.

10. Yorkshire Terrier: Small dog breeds except Chihuahua. Although they have very long hair, they do not have enough body fat, so they cannot provide good cold protection. This means that this breed will need some extra dressing when going out in winter. They are active and smart puppies. Don't let them freeze.

We are changing 2024-04-08 12:59:01

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