What books did the three Bronte sisters write

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The works of the three sisters came out one after another, causing a sensation in the literary world of Europe and even the world. The three sisters published many novels and poems in the 19th century, which are famous at home and abroad for their literary and artistic values.

What books did the three Bronte sisters write

1. Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre tells the story of a girl who grows up firmly in adversity and finally gains happiness and makes people yearn for it. Charlotte Bronte is one of the three famous Bronte sisters in the history of English literature.

Born in a remote village in the north of England, she was sent to a boarding school by her father. It was also a school for poor people. In a poor village, Charlotte had a difficult childhood, and literature and words were her only consolation.

Jane Eyre, Charlotte's representative work, is also the first handed down work in the history of English literature to express the voice of women. Charlotte's works have similar and obvious themes, all of which show women's autonomy and independence and highlight women's beauty.

2. Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights

In this work, the contradiction between Catherine's love ideal and the social reality reflects her tragic theme. From a deeper perspective, this work shows Bronte's beautiful yearning for life, good wishes for social development, and pursuit of life's ideal. It is full of tragic color, but also flows with a strange and tense romantic atmosphere.

Emily's Wuthering Heights, together with her sister's other works, forged a legend in the Victorian literary world, which successfully established Emily's position in the history of English and world literature.

3. Agnes Gray by Anne Bronte

This book is the first work of Anne Bronte, the smallest of the three famous Bronte sisters in the literary world, with obvious autobiographical color. It is almost the portrayal of the author's life.

George Moore, a famous Irish novelist, poet and critic, praised the book as "the most perfect prose novel in English literature" and considered it "simple and beautiful, just like a thin gauze dress".

How Charlotte Bronte's Works Reflect Female Consciousness

Charlotte's novels imply the pursuit of women's freedom. In different novels, Charlotte adopts different ways to convey female consciousness.

Jane Eyre is an autobiography. The heroine in the book is ordinary in appearance, low in status and rebellious in personality. She has independent personality and equal love view, does not yield to marriage due to money and material conditions, and her love with Rochester is based on the resonance of ideology and spirit, with a strong ideal color.

In contrast, Sherry and Villette are more realistic and contemporary. Sherry shows the appeal for women's independent and equal rights and interests by reflecting Sherry's character image and his tortuous love experience. Villette is also an autobiographical novel, criticizing the social reality from the female perspective, and is the author's catharsis and self-examination of self love.

What are Emily Bronte's creative characteristics

Emily has a strong wilderness complex. She is good at describing supernatural phenomena in her works, creating a horrible and mysterious atmosphere, running through the twists and turns of strange thrillers, and shaping a rebellious marginal person and a Gothic hero with a proud character.

As a representative work of Gothic style, Wuthering Heights is set on the desolate and remote wilderness, and describes a series of events in the Heights. Through such supernatural techniques as balderdash and fantasy, the work depicts the love psychology of the protagonists Heathcliff and Catherine in detail, showing the instinctive impulse of human nature and bright and strong feelings of the characters.

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3. The first part of Zheng Guangzu's "Wang Can Climbing the Tower", Yuan Dynasty: "Great men rely on the aspirations of swans and are based on the talents of heroes.".
4. The Biography of Zhang Ding and Zhang Gui in the Northern History: "When they are depressed and have not met, they can also know that they have lofty aspirations!"
5. Song · Lu You's poem "Miscellaneous Books in the Nunnery": "The aspiration of swans on the ridge of abandoned farmland, the sound of phoenix in the Changxiao Mountain."
6. Yu Dafu's poem, "In the autumn, when a diplomat was dismissed for trying to rush eastward, I don't know when to return home", said: "The swallow doesn't know the ambition of the swan, and the phoenix will cherish the feather wound!"

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The physical test items for the first and second grades of primary school include height and weight, vital capacity, 50 meter run, sitting forward flexion, and 1 minute rope skipping. The third and fourth grade physical test items in primary school have 1 minute more sit ups than the first and second grade physical test items. The physical test items of Grade 5 and Grade 6 in primary school are 50 meters × 8 round-trip more than those of Grade 3 and Grade 4.
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50 meter run: It is a sports event that can reflect the ability of fast running and reaction.
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