What to do if children can't listen to the class

Roses in the wrong season
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No matter what you do, concentration must be the first, and learning is also if, if a child's concentration is not enough, the child's learning efficiency must be low, so parents should cultivate the child's concentration, let the child learn to listen, so that learning can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

What to do if children can't listen to the class

First, communicate frequently. After the children go to junior high school, parents can't just pick up and send the children every day. They should care about their food and clothing. They should often chat with the children and communicate more deeply. For example, ask children about their status in school, their views on each subject, and who they are close to; Ask your child what interesting or disturbing things he has at school today.

In the chat, you can get a general understanding of the children's learning status in school. Communication is also manifested in the need to communicate with the head teacher or teacher. If you listen at the same time, you will be wise. You should listen to the voice of the child as well as the teacher's views on the child.

Second, goal incentive. Children's inattention and lack of interest in class are often due to their lack of requirements and goals for their own learning. No goal, no motivation. Parents can talk and discuss with their children to set reasonable learning goals. There should be not only three-year goals, but also mid year goals, as well as semester goals, monthly goals, weekly goals, etc. Praise and reward children when they reach their goals, which is conducive to cultivating self-discipline and self-confidence of children.

Third, cultivate children's self-control. First, change some of the children's learning habits, and don't rush to start from their academic achievements. Cultivate children's self-control, so that children can control themselves when learning, rather than learning and playing when they want to.

Fourth, build a focused environment. Move the child's desk to the room, and prepare a desk lamp to create a quiet and undisturbed environment for the child to learn. Don't put it in the living room. There are so many people in the living room that it is impossible for children to study quietly when they come and go.

Fifth, cultivate children's ambition. There is a difference between self-motivated and competitive. You don't need to teach children to surpass all people. It is necessary to train children to be self-motivated and make them aim at themselves. Every effort should exceed their current self and become better and better.

The reason why children can't listen to the class

1. Children have bad study habits and have not formed the habit of listening carefully. Some children have bad study habits and look around in class; Like to rummage in the drawer; Often in the name of borrowing something, talk to your neighbor's classmates; Their attention cannot be focused on the classroom. Even if the teacher reminds him, he can't change it because he has formed a habit. Without good study habits, listening efficiency is naturally low. This kind of students have to be forced by teachers to learn.

2. The environment interferes, and the child is attracted by other things. There is also a class of students, who are always disturbed by the surrounding environment and cannot concentrate, and need the teacher to remind and intervene many times. For example, the child at the next table drinks water; The students next to me took out their ears; Some students are lying on the table; Some students bent down to pick up things... Some small things, he was very clear, because he always observed the surrounding environment with his big eyes open, and simply forgot to pay attention to the classroom, and to keep his eyes on the teacher.

3. Students have different interests and hobbies, and they don't like to listen to lectures for subjects that are not interested in. Children who are good at abstract thinking like mathematics, physics and chemistry; Children who are good at language expression love Chinese writing; Children who are good at logical reasoning like political history, and children with artistic expertise like singing, dancing and playing the piano. Those who are interested in themselves are easily attracted; Those who are not interested in their own subjects often lose their spirits and do not like to listen to lectures.

How can parents improve children's concentration

Family atmosphere is very important. If parents want their children to do things seriously, they must first set an example by putting down their mobile phones and tablets, watching less two episodes of the series, and focusing on their children. Only when children see the changes of their parents can they sincerely want to correct their own problems.

Let children do what they like. Instead of letting the child go to an interest class he doesn't like, let the child do what he likes. Parents can say that it is necessary to cram cultural lessons, but the interest must be left to the children's own choice. When children do things they like, their concentration is the highest.

Teach children to play "focused games". Games are also a way to improve children's concentration. Toys that need to be played while thinking, such as puzzles and complex blocks, can best cultivate children's concentration. If parents can also participate in it, I believe the effect will be better.

Mature and steady 2024-06-16 11:12:47

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