Who was Zeng Gong's champion

Fresh chrysanthemum still smells
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The Song Dynasty is the most prosperous era of culture in China's history, and the era that scholars most yearn for. Today, through the list of the imperial examination of the Northern Song Dynasty, we will explain to everyone what is called the gathering of heroes and shining stars.

Who was Zeng Gong's champion

The number one scholar is Zhang Heng.

In the Song Dynasty, there was such an imperial examination list, which can be said to be the first in the history of the imperial examination. It can be called an all-star lineup. It can be said that most of the essence of the Song Dynasty's reading seeds are here.

The imperial examination conducted by Song Renzong in the second year of Jiayou was the most brilliant one in history. The chief examiner and deputy examiner were Ouyang Xiu and Mei Yaochen.

The number one scholar is Zhang Heng, the number one scholar is Dou Bian, and the number one scholar is Luo Kai; In the same year, Su Shi, Su Zhe and Zeng Gong, who were ranked among the eight famous scholars in the Tang and Song Dynasties, also won the entrance examination; Zhang Zai and Cheng Hao, the leaders of Neo Confucianism in the Song Dynasty; Lu Huiqing, Zeng Bu, Zhang Dun, the core cadres of Wang Anshi's political reform.

This session is the essence of the scholars in the Song Dynasty. All the talented people are top class. There are 24 people in the History of Song Dynasty, which can be said to be the first celebrity list in history.

What is Zeng Gong's highest official position

Zeng Gong (1019-1083), the highest official position was Zhizhou and Zhongshushe. Top four.

Zeng Gong's career

In the fourth year of Jiayou in the Northern Song Dynasty (1059), he served as a member of the judiciary in Taiping Prefecture (now Dangtu County, Anhui Province). He was famous for learning laws and sentencing properly.

In the fifth year of Jiayou in the Northern Song Dynasty (1060), Ouyang Xiu recommended him to work as a museum in Beijing to collate and gather talents to collate a large number of ancient books, such as Warring States Policies, Shuoyuan, New Preface, Liang Shu, Chen Shu, Tang Ling, Li Taibai Collection, Bao Rong Poetry Collection, and Biographies of Lienv. He has done a lot of sorting work on books of previous dynasties and written a large number of prefaces.

In the second year of Xining in the Northern Song Dynasty (1069), he was appointed to review the "True Record of the Song Yingzong", and was soon released to Yuezhou (now Shaoxing, Zhejiang) for sentencing. In the year of famine, Zeng Gong posted a notice and told the counties he belonged to, urging the rich people to declare their stored grain truthfully, which was 150000 stones in total, and asked them to sell the grain to the people after slightly increasing the price of the grain compared with the normal closing price.

People can easily buy food nearby without going out of their hometown, and they have more than enough food. Zeng Gong asked the government to lend farmers seeds to repay with the autumn taxes, so that farming was not delayed.

After the fifth year of Xining in the Northern Song Dynasty (1072), he successively served as the prefects of Qizhou, Xiangzhou, Hongzhou, Fuzhou, Mingzhou (Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province), Bozhou and so on.

Zeng Gong was honest and devoted to public affairs and concerned about people's livelihood. He implemented the new law according to Wang Anshi's purpose and the actual situation. It is committed to combating unjust imprisonment, maintaining public order, combating heroism, disaster relief and epidemic prevention, dredging rivers and building bridges, setting up post houses, repairing cities, building schools, reducing official documents, rectifying officials, and abolishing exorbitant taxes, which is popular with the masses.

Zeng Gong's reform measures

In order to keep the black hats and vested interests, the feudal officials tended to shrink their sharp edges and protect themselves wisely. Zeng Gong advocated reform to reduce the burden on farmers and safeguard the interests of the people. When he was governor of Fuzhou, he got on the horse to control officials and got off the horse to control people, and tried his best to deal with maladministration.

At that time, local Buddhism was very popular, and there was a saying that "there were thousands of temples in three mountains in the city, and half of the pedestrians were monks". Because the temple bears less taxes, the "Dudie" of the temple is very popular.

As the identity card of the monk, the "Dudie" was used to sell money and pay less taxes. Therefore, the temple also developed and expanded by plundering people's fields. So a large amount of taxes will be transferred to farmers.

Once Zeng Gong learned about this situation, he angrily scolded, "Where is the old story of the King of Fujian now? Only an inch of Buddha's land can be offered". After full investigation, he first reduced farmers' taxes, and then took coercive measures to dismantle two illegal temples, blocking the source of corruption.

These reform measures have curbed the vicious expansion of the power of the monk class and reduced the taxes of farmers to a certain extent.

Zeng Gong dared to cut himself. His Zhizhou predecessor left a large vegetable garden, and he earned a lot from farming. It not only satisfied the state government to eat food up and down, but also sold the balance to the market, which led to the decline of vegetable prices and affected the income of vegetable farmers.

Having learned this truth, Zeng Gong said indignantly, "It's OK for the imperial guards to compete with the people for profits." Officials should try to increase farmers' income. How can they compete with the people for profits? He immediately cancelled the vegetable garden that "rich officials hurt people", and the people applauded it!

The sunset knows the autumn 2024-06-16 11:16:24

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