How to deal with the black fluff inside the mushroom

Rain and dew in spring
Selected answers

Soak it in cold water for 1-2 hours. Rub it by hand during the period to make the black fluff and other impurities on the mushroom fall off into the water. Be careful not to use too much force. Then use a soft brush to remove the residual dust on the mushroom cover, and then clean it with warm water.

Tricholoma is a kind of wild mushroom of the genus Agaricus that grows on the Mongolian grassland. It usually grows in the place where there are sheep bones or sheep dung. It tastes extremely delicious. Because the local specialties of Mongolian mushrooms were previously transported to the mainland through Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, Zhangjiakou is the distribution center of Mongolian goods, so it is called "Tricholoma". Due to small production and large demand, it is expensive, and it is still the most expensive mushroom in the Chinese market.

The main producing areas of Tricholoma are Dongwu Banner, Xiwu Banner, Abaga Banner, Hulunbeier City, Tongliao and other grassland areas in Ximeng. This kind of mushroom is usually shipped to Zhangjiakou for processing and then sold to the mainland. Because Mongolian local specialties were previously transported to the mainland through Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, Zhangjiakou is the distribution center of Mongolian goods, so it is called "Tricholoma". Due to the small output and large demand, it is still a mushroom with high price in the Chinese market. When Guo Moruo inspected Zhangjiakou in 1958, he wrote a poem praising the mushroom: "The mushroom is famous all over the world, but why is it called 'mushroom'? It was originally produced in Zhangjiakou, and there are many mushrooms on the mouth." The poet explained the origin of the name of mushroom.

Between water clouds 2024-05-14 12:05:31

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