What to do if children steal money at home and refuse to correct after repeated teaching

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The continuous behavior of children stealing money shows that there is a problem in the way parents deal with problems. Some parents will yell and beat their children when they see their children stealing money. But the result is often counterproductive, children steal money more and more small actions.

What to do if children steal money at home and refuse to correct after repeated teaching

1. Emphasize the seriousness of stealing family money with children. The reason why some children steal money from their families is that they do not realize the seriousness of this problem and think that they are taking their parents' money, which will not cause any serious consequences. The parents did not stop the child's behavior in time, let alone tell the seriousness of the problem. The child finally developed the habit of stealing money. Therefore, parents must immediately stop their children when they first find them stealing family money, and should repeatedly emphasize the seriousness of stealing family money with their children.

2. Try to let the children manage the money. Some children steal money because they are curious. At this time, parents should try to give some money to their children for safekeeping. For example, parents can give children some money, which can be freely used by children and is their private property. This will not only let children have the experience of managing money, but also cultivate their money awareness and help children develop a correct view of money.

3. It is far more effective to let children suffer the hardship of earning money than to beat and scold. In the face of children stealing money, many parents are aware that this is a serious problem. Parents are always used to solving this problem through endless criticism and violence, hoping to deter children. However, this practice seems to have little effect. Only when children understand the hard work of making money, can they have a more profound understanding of extravagance, waste and stealing money.

4. Give children more pocket money in a reasonable way. Many children steal money because their parents do not give them enough pocket money. Therefore, instead of giving our children a small amount of pocket money to steal, we should develop some reasonable methods to let them fight for their own pocket money, which is not better.

What are the reasons why children steal money at home and refuse to correct after repeated teaching

1. A "comparison" mentality has emerged. It is undeniable that in the process of children's growth, the influence of the surrounding environment will make them develop many bad habits and make children have a mentality of comparison. Some children are not rich at home, so when they see a classmate around who has bought an enviable expensive item, they will have this "comparison" mentality, and also want to have an identical item to satisfy their vanity.

2. Inner loneliness. Some children often do not accompany their children at home because their parents have been working outside for a long time. Children often can only watch TV and play games at home to relieve their loneliness, and immerse themselves in the game to establish relationships with the players in the game. Many games need to be recharged. Children sometimes give them game skins in order to maintain a relationship with their "good friends" in the game.

What can't parents do when dealing with children's stealing money

Beat and scold children. They believe that children must learn a lesson by beating and scolding. However, this will not only not let the child learn a lesson, but also let the child remain unrepentant next time, and even make the relationship between parents and children more and more distant. You should know that communication is always the first thing when a child is in any situation. Parents who just beat and scold will probably have the opposite effect.

Threaten children. Some of our parents stubbornly believe that when a child has such bad behavior, they can only make the child understand the seriousness of this matter by threatening the child, and will also prevent the child from committing it again. Maybe parents' threats to their children will make them afraid, but this practice is likely to have a temporary effect, and in the long run, it may even have the opposite effect.

Deliberately alienate children. Although our relationship with our children seems particularly close in general, many parents deliberately alienate their children when their children steal money. Parents want to let their children correct their mistakes in time by deliberately alienating their children. However, the child may not think so, thinking that his parents hate him very much, which will lead to the inferiority of the child.

Dreamer 2024-06-14 13:08:26

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