SoporKiddo constellation Tarot luck (7.24~7.30)

one falling leaf is indicative of the coming of autumn
Selected answers



Face: Moon Eternal Chariot

Forced stagnation, helpless loss of control, perhaps the heart is very eager to end the current hesitation, ready to start a new journey (plan), if the decision is made, please face the front bravely and walk. I dare not say that this is a "desperate situation", at least it can arouse the fighting desire in my heart. I dare not say that it is surging, and there is no problem in plopping. For those who want to leave the current environment, there are several things to be determined. First, whether the environment is favorable to them (providing the possibility of learning), and second, whether the introducer is qualified. If there is no major accident, you can try to do these two things. After all, there is a stage called trial period. In general, new ways are not so difficult to find. As long as you are not satisfied with your own, there is nothing difficult.

Stop to cool down and take this opportunity to re plan the journey of each other (for example, new exchanges, communication, and getting along patterns). I believe that through a series of changes, the relationship will inevitably have a new leap forward. Single friends (currently in contact) may welcome the renewal of their relationship, or they may be closely linked due to the promotion of some "stimulation" or the sudden emergence of common interests. Sometimes, learn to give up some of the past


Thought, behavior, etc. are just to turn to a new and unfamiliar road. Although I am not sure whether it is the future I want, it is better than immersing in some memories of the past. Warm tips, friends who dare not express themselves can borrow others' words.



Face: Fool's Holy Grail 10

Calm down, perseverance, hard work will be successful, very conventional words, really useful. This week, we need to maintain a positive and positive working attitude, rational and objective analytical ability, such as signing


Some previous exchanges may not be suitable (attractive) for you, but you should also try to do them, especially if they are lacking


My friends, seize the opportunity, if there is any good opportunity, right? On the other hand, learn to accept pertinent suggestions. Even if you know it, it is good to be patient, give the other person an ear, and keep smiling. Since we are pursuing stability, we should participate in more activities and have more opportunities to show ourselves. The focus of this week, details determine success or failure.

When the deep love becomes a sense of security and warmth that only family members can bring, maybe your emotional path will reach an "end". It is also time to fulfill your previous commitments. Let's indulge and coddle more, and end the unfinished things and unfinished words. Maybe after this week, there will be no more passion. On the other hand, friends who are secretly in love with each other should do something to change their current state. If they really are your trustworthy partner, they should go out of their way and fight for once. It's a big deal to go back to the original point, just to let the other party know that you care about them. For a friend who is in a quarrel, be calm. Never say "break up" easily, even if you are angry.



Face: Star Coin Two Star Coin Knight Hangs upside down

It seems that the current space can not meet my desire. I am eager to grow fast, to see more, to keep trying, and to keep changing, which will inevitably require more hard work. So, here is a suggestion. I really want to think about it and understand what I am missing (wanting) most. At this stage, there may still be a good foundation, so we can be patient and stay where we are for a moment, and we can consider making some adjustments to ourselves. There are many choices and opportunities every day. Don't rush to make a choice. Warm tip: friends who want to travel can be regarded as a business trip.

One possibility is that a single friend can be understood as having two choices. Which one is the most unforgettable? The attitude should be clear and don't force yourself into a dilemma. A friend who is experiencing love may have the possibility of empathy, but whether it is love or not is not clear to kiddo. The second possibility is that the renewal of the relationship, whether to maintain the status quo or go further, depends on the mentality of the parties. No matter which choice is made, it will have a far-reaching impact on the future (for example, maintaining the status quo may have the first possibility mentioned above; and further, it may be to achieve a stable relationship with a strong sense of trust).

Making a choice between habit and hope, and making a choice between blandness and tumbling, advance and retreat is not the only possibility, but the most likely is the transfer of goals. Although I am not sure what the goal is, I would rather return to the origin to think about it in vain. Maybe sometimes what I want is a simple promise.



Face: Star Coin, Ten Treasures, Sword and Five Chariots

Unexpected good news, such as accepting a new task, such as receiving assistance, such as receiving a grant, such as inadvertently self reforming. This week, I will spend more time on how to break the full daily life into parts, and just do more, faster and cheaper things. I will let go of those who are weak, and divide them into priority and priority. For those who are eager for "adventure", if you can reasonably allocate time, try it. On the one hand, it is to tap your own potential; on the other hand, it is not easy to understand life. The most important thing is to find some inspiration for yourself. If you want to change (or are looking for) a job, you may find an ideal working environment. If you think it is good, work first, in case it brings you a big development. Warm tip: use your mouth flexibly this week.

The sudden confession made me a little confused. I couldn't believe it was true. So don't be too excited, let alone agree so easily. In case it was a "conspiracy", if he really liked you so much, he would not be afraid to refuse again. On the contrary, if he was stubborn and ran away, he would have a plan (or you became the chip of a bet). On the whole, there will be "new people" this week. If you fall in love at first sight, you should grasp it and be brave. It is a potential possibility that the predecessor may come back with "hatred", so he is not in a hurry to make a statement. What's more, another dark possibility may lead to a competition that deviates from the moral standards. Kiddo suggested that we should watch the fire from the shore and skillfully repair the knife.



Face: Holy Grail, Five Scepters, Six Universes

I suddenly lost patience and could not listen to others' words, so the most suitable job this week is to rest. It seems a little difficult to achieve the set goals and the original plan recently. On the one hand, it is due to the environmental factors, on the other hand, it is due to the lack of stamina. It may also be due to the sudden pass. It is good to say that more self rest time and less activity. In other words, it is also a kind of enjoyment, Since many things have nothing to do with you, right? Potential crisis, income problem, possibility 1, meaningless spending increase; The second possibility is to luxuriate once in order to expand channels (the result may be mixed).

We are still good friends if friends with contradictions seize the opportunity, bow down and admit a mistake. Although it is a bit difficult to do so in our feelings, it is also a proper attitude to let the other party see your sincerity. On the other hand, this week is still a period of investigation, especially for those who are about to enter the wedding hall. At this moment, be patient and don't be upset at the last moment. Another possibility, though finding a suitable partner, may lead to entanglement (doubt) due to lack of blessings from relatives and friends, "Is this what I want



On the whole, this week may look pretty good on the surface, but the heart is really bleeding



Face: Eternal Sword Two Scepters Two

The biggest threat is the shortage of funds. For those who are eager to increase investment, don't worry too much. Although this pressure makes people sleep and eat uneasily, on the other hand, it may not be the right time yet. Those who are eager to seek breakthrough (transformation) can consider receiving further education, strengthening and then working with a new spirit and enthusiasm, which may be better. On the other hand, all kinds of obstacles tell me that this is a time to test my ability and patience. I'd rather slow down, but I can't stop trying. If I don't go to this level, I can't talk about making a grand plan!

Most of the quarrels are due to differences in personality and values. On the other hand, it may be the difference between primary and secondary. Don't be too nervous about who is in the lead. Sometimes you want to hold it firmly in your hand. Maybe it will only make the other party want to escape more, so keep your mind steady. If you can, moderately reduce your desire to conquer, make fewer self assertions, and learn to listen and comply more. Just like intimate partners, take care of each other, understand each other, and understand each other. After all, sometimes forgiveness is much harder than hatred. Warm reminder, reconciliation is not impossible, the premise is to take into account the feelings of others empathy.



Face: Holy Grail ace Holy Grail three star coin five

In order to make yourself happier and worthy of your own efforts, it is not a bad idea to leave because of the economic crisis. It is suggested that you should not focus most of your energy on how to maintain those emotions that cannot be let go (for example, some rabble in the environment, some things that are bad for you). After all, these are the biggest obstacles that affect your progress. On the other hand, judgment should be objective and rational, and more importantly, we should combine our own current situation to talk about making plans. We should not take those theories as the only reference standards (less stubborn, more easy-going). Please remember that sometimes it is really not a person's thing to realize wishes and ideals.

I am afraid of losing. I care about it. I have used many means to hurt each other to achieve the goal of retaining. Maybe one day I will lose more possibilities and bring more harm because of my stubbornness. The biggest obstacle at present, the difficulty of communication, makes it difficult for each other to connect closely, or to immerse in some memories of the past, and dare not and do not want to go out easily. Since the heart cannot be fully open to the other half, when can there be a real result.

You don't trust yourself and have no confidence, which leads to self isolation. Who can save you?



Face: Scepter Four Moon Star Coin Ten

The ideal working environment and full working life will not only bring you strong confidence, but also enough sense of security. With a very centripetal team, what can we do? Try to be bold, can be stubborn, can focus on past success


Turn around, but not too rigid. If you can make good use of the upcoming opportunities (maybe many), it will add chips to your growth; If you are conservative, chances may disappear one by one, and you will lose confidence again and again. Focus on efficiency this week.

Ambiguity is not equal to mutual appreciation. Maybe we can reach a temporary understanding and stability, but this kind of strange relationship is really good? For single friends, in such a situation, they have to choose to go further, or they will only add endless distress and jealousy; For friends with company, this may be the biggest threat to destabilization. However, perhaps after experiencing this "stimulus", you will miss the old ta more. After all, there is no standard to describe what is really good without comparison. Warm reminder, sometimes love can wait, but clearly know that it is the love you want, why not give it a try?



Face: Scepter Five Fool Star Coin Six

Dig out some problems that I didn't want to face directly in the past, and solve them one by one while facing up to them (small suggestions, more positive emotions, and putting aside unnecessary troubles may be difficult, but this hurdle must be passed). At some times, I want to understand that getting out is the same as being dragged out, although the results are the same, However, the strength of confidence and its impact on future work are different. Please remember that it is a long battle to fight against yourself. Warm tips, some problems can be rooted out, and some problems can only be treated externally, depending on your own needs. Again, we may choose competition to expand (territory) this week. Please remember to ask for help when you are not sure.

After the communication between the two sides, they finally decided to solve the problem. It is like an operation to remove the tumor. Maybe there is some decay around, but it can be cured slowly. If possible, it may be a good change to speed up the process of treatment and slow the process of recovery in order to cultivate a stronger sense of understanding. Sometimes, more waiting will increase unnecessary helplessness, and the process may be slow, but you should get the love you want. Please remember that because of trust and support, each other will have a greater sense of stability and harmony. On the other hand, single friends may welcome their own spring this week.



Face: Hermit Star Coin Seven Desire

Suggestion 1: re evaluate the market, re analyze yourself, and then formulate new policies; Recommendation 2. More self compromises and concessions, learn to live in peace with colleagues, which is your backup guarantee; Suggestion 3: treat problems rationally, seriously and cautiously, but do not ignore them, and stick to being the most authentic person; Suggestion 4: No matter how big or small problems you face, you should be as thorough as possible and make good use of your past


Suggestion 5: If you have the desire to conquer and the desire to fight, you should strive with this strength and never slacken; Suggestion 6: If you realize the way you really should go, go ahead unswervingly.

With the involvement of a force, it seems that everything has just started, so please take the opportunity. Another possibility is that it may be a "sick" period, but it is also a turning point. In view of the current state of extreme poverty, a slight change will have a good effect. Take this opportunity to find a new direction and find a balance point that will satisfy both parties. Small suggestions, less meaningless panic, less unnecessary thoughts, for example, I think this thing is hopeless. Is there any need to do it again? Therefore, a good attitude is more important than anything else.



Face: Sword Princess Chariot Star Coin ace

If you can make good use of this emotion, it will bring you a great promotion. After all, the pleasure of "revenge" is very enjoyable! It seems that this week we still need to face "struggles", such as for positions, such as for development, such as for stability. Kiddo thinks that this is an opportunity to be famous and also an opportunity to make money. Let's talk about some potential crises and feel marginalized (lack of desired identity)


It's good to have a healthy attitude. Of course, work still needs to be done. Never give up yourself. Warm tip: there may be some possibility of exceeding the budget this week. The plan must be careful, small calculation, and big profits.

Single friends, you must learn to control your emotions. xyz is all good, but you can only choose one to be your other half. Therefore, you should never stop, and you must be in chaos! There may be a friend who will let you walk away from your kidney this week. If it's just a simple sensory attraction, Kiddo feels he should give up. There's no need to add unnecessary danger to himself. Friends with company, this is a consolidation period. A small suggestion is to reduce the release and consumption of emotion as much as possible, and find more common goals to pursue. Maybe, the temperature will rise faster.

On the whole, the word "new" is highlighted this week. How to be new depends on the attitude of the parties involved.



Face: Holy Grail Nine Universe Sword Five

After a series of efforts, there must be a good relaxation and adjustment, which can be used to think about your current shortcomings and also to strengthen yourself. The biggest enemy of this week is the sense of burnout caused by working life (this emotion is likely to force you to stop). In other words, use your efforts to strive for all kinds of possibilities you want. It's not impossible to stop. After all, you have been rushing for so long, right. One of the biggest potential dangers this week, being harassed (betrayed) by gossip; Second, they may be involved in an inexplicable transaction; Third, it is on the verge of inexplicable bankruptcy. Therefore, the above three may be a series. Please be more careful. A small suggestion: we are not afraid of failure, but we are afraid of being confused by it.

This week's feelings are a bit extreme. Love is so extreme that the whole world can give up. Hate is so great that all human beings are against me. So there are many changes that need to be made, such as whether attitudes and ideas need to be adjusted, whether more time needs to be spent on communication, whether it is necessary to make a necessary commitment further, whether it is necessary to fulfill its previous vows, and so on. But kiddo is optimistic that he will find a suitable partner this week. After all, love is limitless. The potential possibility is that you are always muddleheaded, that is, you are very irresponsible about your feelings. This must be changed. Warm tip: For the love you can't get, give up decisively. It's better to touch the love you can get easily.

Inclusive love 2024-04-14 14:31:50

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