How to write a good composition for college entrance examination and how to get high marks

This feeling has become a memory
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The composition in the college entrance examination occupies a large proportion of points, which is very important. How to get high marks in college entrance examination composition? In addition to the basic elements mentioned by the teacher in class, in fact, the connotation of composition writing is the same as that of mathematics and physics. It requires skills, and also has formulaic experience. Making good use of these can also make college entrance examination composition get high marks.

Writing skills of chinese composition in senior high school


Read extensively and write frequently

First of all, high school students should read widely and dabble in a wide range of works. No matter domestic works or foreign literary works, they should not read with some negative feelings; Secondly, high school students should go outdoors to collect data and pay more attention to the writing objects they are about to bring into their compositions; Finally, we should write constantly and persistently. The time and length of writing can not be too long, but we must calm down to write, and finally achieve the results of accumulation.


Mastering style and clarifying ideas

In the investigation of Chinese writing in senior high school, the style of examination is basically what the teacher has mentioned, such as narrative, argumentation, letters and other texts. However, the writing techniques of the investigation are unpredictable, which requires students to be very careful when examining the topic, making clear the theme of the material, and analyzing the intention of the author. On the contrary, if you blindly get the topic of the composition and start writing, it is easy to stray from the topic if you misread or miss the topic, and then the composition you write will naturally fail.

The steps to solve a high school composition can be roughly divided into: read the requirements of the topic carefully, read through the materials, circle the key words and sentences, make a small outline, and finally write the text. It is believed that most senior high school students' Chinese writing ideas are basically the same, but not all of them can achieve high scores in composition, so they must master the corresponding writing skills.


Strengthen training and explore rules

Students usually have some bad habits in the process of writing, such as turning the pen while writing, and writing when their ideas are not clear enough. They thought that the writing speed would be very fast, but the results were often unsatisfactory. After all, Chinese writing requires students' attention to be highly concentrated, and it is easy to be distracted when writing. Perhaps this also reflects the lack of writing training of students, which can not achieve the efficiency of writing. Therefore, high school Chinese teachers should strengthen students' writing training and often assign them small writing tasks, so that they can improve their writing level in the process of exploring writing rules and finally form their own personalized writing.

Excerpts of excellent composition topics in college entrance examination

1. __ is a beautiful scenery

2. __, My Forever Sky

3. All the Mishaps Caused by

4. Smile and Proud

5. Life Needs

6. How to Relieve Worries, Only __

7. If I were __

8. Tell you, I'm very __

9. The __ in My Eyes

10. Life Needs

11. __ By My Side

12. "__ is also a kind of beauty"

13. __ is the Most Beautiful Luggage

14. Travel with

15. __ Grow with Me

16. Three Steps

17. __ and I Have a Date

18. I Discover

19. Really Want to Be a __

20. Only __ in the World

travel all the time 2024-05-22 11:08:04

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