How to deal with pupils' difficulties in endorsement

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In the process of learning, memorizing texts and accumulating knowledge is an essential process. However, for some children, reciting texts is really a difficulty. One text cannot be recited for two days. There are many reasons, such as children's inattention, unequal recitation methods, and parents should help children solve problems in time in the face of children's recitation difficulties, Teach children the correct method of recitation and guide them to repeat and review for many times.

How to deal with pupils' difficulties in endorsement

1. Clarify the purpose and concentrate

When reciting a text or a paragraph of sentences that must be mastered, the most taboo is to look around, inattentive, and distracted. If it is a very simple text, and you still make mistakes after reciting it for several days, it must be due to your carelessness.

2. Combination of repeated reading and reproduction

Reciting a short article, just reading it several times, is not feasible. You must be familiar with it until you are familiar with it. The effect of simply repeated reading is not good. Learners should actively try to reproduce the article before it is fully remembered, and then read it when they cannot recall it.

3. Understand the content of the text

The third grade text has appeared in classical Chinese. For children, classical Chinese is obscure and difficult to understand. It will be easier to help children understand the text content first and then recite it. The same is true for other contents: first understand, then recite.

4. Review and consolidate

When they are familiar with the text, parents should guide their children to take the initiative to review, consolidate and strengthen in time, so as to make their memories more solid. Don't feel that you have memorized it, just ignore it. Forgetting is always there to affect your memory.

What are the reasons for children's difficulty in endorsement

1. Poor reading ability

When children read the text, their vision is not wide enough. They read very slowly, and their eyes are only staring at a few words. In this way, they can not reach a coherence, so they can not understand a sentence well, so that the whole article does not know what thoughts or feelings to express. Reading and reciting texts will be difficult.

2. Less language

If mothers seldom read storybooks to their children, but only buy comic books for their children at different stages, or just let their children watch cartoons, science videos, etc., they can not edify their children with language, and their children have problems understanding the texts, so they will have difficulties remembering them.

3. Insufficient sleep

A child's lack of sleep for a long time will lead to his brain not getting enough rest, and he will be lethargic all day long. It is not easy to remember new things, so the more he recites, the less he can recite, and may also affect his healthy growth and development.

4. Inattention

Children's learning environment is too noisy, resulting in inability to concentrate, easy to run away, and poor memory, which may be related to the lack of zinc. Zinc contains many coenzymes of enzymes, especially those of the nervous system. If children lack zinc in their bodies, they are prone to lose concentration in class and poor memory.

5. weariness of learning

If children are not interested in, or even disgusted with, what they learn, and thus refuse to accept it, endorsement will naturally be difficult.

Children can't remember their endorsement. How should parents guide them

1. Teach children the correct memory methods: such as segmental memory, associative memory, initial letter method, etc. These methods can help children remember knowledge points more effectively.

2. Reasonably arrange the learning time: avoid allowing children to memorize a large amount of content in a short time, and appropriately spread the learning time so that children have enough time to digest and absorb.

3. Create a relaxed learning environment: try to let children learn in a relaxed atmosphere to avoid excessive pressure on children. It can help children learn through interaction and games.

4. Use a variety of learning methods: such as oral repetition, writing down, making memory cards, etc. to help children remember in different ways. In addition, the learning content is divided into small pieces, each time focusing on a few key points, gradually increasing the difficulty.

5. Repeated repetition and review: Repetitive learning is the key to memory. Encourage children to repeat recitation for many times and review in different ways and at different times, such as morning, evening, weekend, etc.

6. Use association and contextualization: help children connect the knowledge they want to remember with existing information and build meaningful association. Situational learning can increase memory effect by creating interesting stories or scenes and combining knowledge with specific situations.

I haven't seen you for a long time 2024-06-15 12:14:13

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