How to deal with children's poor academic performance

Long Street Old Friends
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Many children are easy to play and do not want to learn when they study, which also results in poor reading performance. When faced with children's poor academic performance, parents should not be discouraged, as long as they find appropriate guidance methods, they can help children.

How to deal with children's poor academic performance

1. Can accompany children to study together. Some parents may work hard because of the pressure, but doing so will also seriously ignore the growth and education of children. Some children's poor academic performance is because they are tired of learning without their parents' company. As long as parents can spare time to study with their children, many children will still love learning.

2. Encourage children more. The child's own performance is relatively poor. Parents should take a reasonable view of the child's performance, not just by looking at the child's own scores, but also by looking at the scores of the whole class, as well as the difficulty of each examination question. They should encourage the child's progress in a timely manner and criticize less, so that with confidence, they will not be bored with learning.

3. Stimulate children's self-esteem and sense of honor and disgrace. In view of the situation that the children's performance has been at the bottom of the class for a long time, and the children have become numb to their academic performance, what the parents should do is to stimulate their children's self-esteem and sense of honor and disgrace. You can find the bright spots in other aspects besides children's learning, praise the advantages of children, and make children feel recognized, which will easily arouse children's self-confidence and self-esteem.

4. Pay attention to developing children's attention. The improvement of children's attention is the premise of improving children's performance. If children don't pay attention to listening in class, they can't understand the textbook knowledge that the teacher says. The study found that the children who were focused, not naughty and active, and calm were all better at school. Therefore, cultivating and improving children's concentration is the first thing to improve their academic performance.

Why children don't like reading

1. Parents have no habit of reading. As the saying goes, parents are the mirror of children, and children are the shadow of parents. Parents did not set an example for their children, and where did children learn good habits? Most children who like reading have been nurtured by their parents since childhood and have developed good habits with their parents' company. It is the insistence of both parents and children that finally makes children like reading.

2. Parents did not cultivate their children's reading habits. The younger the child, the more like a piece of white paper, what you paint on it, he will have what kernel. By insisting on reading to children from an early age, children can experience the benefits and develop their interest in reading more easily. First have curiosity, then establish interest. After children continuously taste the benefits of reading, they will consciously fall in love with reading.

3. Parents' ideas are too utilitarian. Some parents cultivate the habit of reading for utilitarian purposes. They think that only by reading more can they write a good composition, and only by writing a good composition can they get high marks in Chinese. Reading is really helpful to writing, but if you regard helping writing as the ultimate goal of reading, you can't establish a fundamental interest in books. Simply focus on books that are conducive to writing and improve writing skills. Over time, children will pay more attention to the utilitarianism of knowledge and are more easily influenced by scores.

How to correctly guide children who are tired of learning

1. Find your child's interests. Interest drives learning. For example, if children like playing computer games but don't like learning English, let them know more about game related production knowledge, game code, etc., which are all in English and can only be understood if they are good at English (of course, this also involves other knowledge), so as to indirectly guide children's interest in English and curb their weariness.

2. Create a good family atmosphere. Parents should respect, care and understand their children, support their interests and hobbies, look at them with appreciation instead of being critical, and do not give them too much pressure and too many harsh requirements, which will make the family atmosphere tense, increase the weariness of school, and produce rebellious psychology.

3. We must use a variety of methods to make children love learning, such as taking them to exhibitions, or taking them to museums and zoos to stimulate their interest in learning and encourage them to have more desire to explore.

struggle 2024-06-12 15:12:46

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