What to do if a ten year old boy is unwilling to do his homework

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The problem of children not doing homework is a problem that most parents will encounter, so what are the solutions? In fact, if you want to fundamentally solve this problem, you still need to stimulate the children's internal motivation to love learning and homework.

What to do if a ten year old boy is unwilling to do his homework

1. First of all, we should communicate with the teacher to see if the children can attend the class attentively. Children at this age are more playful, and their concentration time is not long enough. Parents can play some intellectual games with children at ordinary times, such as chess games that require concentration of energy and time, and focus on training. In addition, we should cooperate well with the teacher, Supervise the completion of daily work, because the child is relatively small and has poor self-control, the supervision responsibility must be fulfilled until he can complete it on his own.

2. If the lower grades of primary school do not develop good learning habits and strong interest in learning, then at this time, it is necessary to analyze which course is affecting children's learning momentum. If it is Chinese, children can read more books, develop interest in reading, and then connect with textbooks. If it is math, You may need to find a teacher to make up your lessons.

3. As parents, they should set a good example for their children and create a good learning atmosphere at home. When children learn, they should never watch TV by themselves. They should not say that learning is their own business. Adults can do whatever they want. It is very important for adults to teach by example.

4. When you take your children to play outdoors, you can tell them more examples of hard work, which is an example for children to promote and help stimulate their learning motivation. For example, when I take my children out, I often call older children from friends' homes. For example, they have good learning habits or learning methods. When they play together, they can consciously remind them, communicate with each other, and speak out good learning habits and learning methods in a relaxed atmosphere, which is also a kind of promotion.

Why children are unwilling to do homework

First, the way parents accompany their children to do homework is wrong. Many parents will think that it is OK to accompany their children to do homework as long as they watch their children do homework by themselves. Then parents will start playing with mobile phones. In such a situation, no matter who is, it is difficult to calm down to do homework. Imagine that if parents are reading books and children are watching TV by themselves, parents' minds may also be attracted by the wonderful content on TV. It is better to let the children do their homework alone than to be accompanied by such interference, which may be more efficient.

Second, parents are not patient enough. Many parents are very gentle when their children ask for advice for the first time. But children may not be able to understand what parents say. If children ask more questions, parents will easily fall into an anxious mood, and sometimes even say some offensive words, such as how can you be so stupid? In fact, it is very harmful for children to say such unpleasant words when they are in extreme mood. These words with personal attack color will to a large extent dampen children's enthusiasm for learning, and will gradually make children lose confidence and have a fear of learning.

How to let children actively do homework

Reasonably select the writing environment. As parents, we can't change the content of homework, but we can provide children with an environment where they can concentrate on their homework. Maybe you will say that the children do their homework in their own room every day, but they always write slowly!

In fact, the best place for children to do their homework is not their own room, but the living room. In this case, when children do their homework, they can also ask the parents who are preparing dinner in the kitchen. When children are not concentrating on their homework, parents can also urge them from time to time, which is better than their own cats doing homework in the room.

Timely relieve the pressure in children's hearts. When the child doesn't want to do homework, parents can ask the child: Is there a lot of academic pressure in school recently? No matter whether the child is really under pressure or not, when the child is cared by his parents, he will feel warm in his heart. For children under pressure, parents can find ways to help them relieve their pressure, such as going downstairs with their children for relaxation or sports, listening to music at home to relax, and so on. When children feel relaxed, they will have the motivation to do things right now.

Subtract unnecessary tutorial classes. Now parents report to their children for counseling classes. Sometimes it is not their children's real need, but when they see other children report, they feel that their own children also have to report. The consequence of doing so is that children do not have a real free day. It can be said that they are busier than usual on weekends, and their mentality gradually becomes negative. Parents should pay attention to their children's status, take the initiative to help their children reduce their burden, and report to classes according to their children's interests.

to end 2024-06-16 11:12:47

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