What is the impact of the specialty

Plantain in the Rain
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Profession means:

Specialize in a certain school or occupation.

Specialized knowledge.

The academic categories of colleges and secondary professional schools.

Each business segment of the industrial sector.

It refers to the degree of understanding a substance very thoroughly.

Junior college education generally refers to college (higher vocational college) education, which is an important part of higher education in China and one of the academic levels of universities. In China, college education is mainly undertaken by higher vocational colleges (higher vocational and technical colleges) and colleges (higher vocational colleges), and some undergraduate colleges also have colleges. No degree will be awarded at the junior college level, and a junior college diploma will be issued upon graduation.

Both higher vocational education and higher vocational education belong to the college level of general higher education. The former focuses on technology, while the latter focuses on theory. There is no essential difference. The junior college education in China also includes five-year higher vocational education, namely 2+3 junior college, including open education, adult education, self-taught examination, distance education, etc.

On the basis of completing secondary education, the junior college has trained a group of senior technical personnel with university knowledge and certain professional technology and skills. The teaching of knowledge is based on sufficiency and practicality, and the enrollment of both is combined.

What's the difference between a junior college and an undergraduate? What impact will their differences have on future employment?

① Different training objectives:

Junior college: training middle and senior talents with certain professional knowledge and skills; Cultivate technical applied talents who can adapt to the frontline of production, management and service and the vast rural areas; To cultivate talents who master certain theoretical knowledge, have certain special skills, and can engage in a certain occupation or a certain type of work, their knowledge is taught based on "availability" and "practicality".

Undergraduate: cultivate senior talents who have a solid grasp of the basic theory, expertise and basic skills of the discipline, and have the preliminary ability to engage in scientific research or undertake specialized technical work. Students are required to have a reasonable knowledge structure, master the general methods of scientific work, be able to correctly judge and solve practical problems, have the ability and habit of lifelong learning, and be able to adapt to and be competent for the varied professional fields. The teaching of undergraduate education knowledge should not only develop in depth in disciplines, but also pay attention to the horizontal relationship between disciplines. At the same time, Undergraduate education pays attention to cultivating students' scientific thinking ability, creative ability, innovative spirit and entrepreneurial spirit.

② Different functional structures:

Junior college: teaching is the main function.

Undergraduate: mainly responsible for teaching, scientific research, achievements transformation and industrial services.

③ Differences in knowledge structure:

Junior college: horizontal professional post knowledge module, emphasizing post business knowledge and practical operation skills. The theory is "enough" and "practical". It focuses on "WHAT TO DO" and "HOW TO DO", and focuses on transforming the category of understanding the world. It is the unity of a relatively complete practical system and a relatively incomplete theoretical system.

Undergraduate: a vertical framework knowledge system, emphasizing the integration of courses, the integrity and integration of disciplines, and the transfer of interdisciplinary knowledge. It focuses on "WHAT" and "WHY", and focuses on the category of understanding the world. It is the unity of relatively complete theoretical system and relatively incomplete practical system.

④ Different disciplines:

Junior college: mainly for industry or local area, with narrow professional coverage, small number and limited social adaptability. The potential to continue learning is weak.

Undergraduate: mainly for industries and large economic regions, with wide professional coverage, large number, and strong comprehensive social adaptability. There is great potential to continue learning.

⑤ Differences in teacher structure:

Junior college: bachelor's degree is the main body, teachers take teaching as the main task, and the evaluation of teachers mainly depends on the teaching effect. "Double qualification" teachers are very popular, and there are few influential subject leaders.

Undergraduate: Master's and doctoral degrees account for a high proportion. Teachers should not only teach but also undertake scientific research tasks. Teaching ability and scientific research ability are the main basis for teachers' evaluation. There are many influential subject leaders.

⑥ Differences in organizational structure:

Junior college: small scale, few levels, linear unified decision-making management. Teaching and research section becomes the basic unit of teaching and research.

Undergraduate: The school is large in scale and has many levels. The management system is mainly linear or flat. The power and responsibility of the secondary institutions of colleges and departments are enlarged. Team research in the form of project teams is more common.

What's the use of specialized courses? Is it worth it?


Because the value that the school gives to students is far more than the teaching quality and the social recognition of the diploma, but more importantly, the learning atmosphere and interpersonal circle given to us will directly affect our level of thinking and cognition.

In fact, according to my own opinion, knowledge is "dead", and the content of knowledge taught by any school in the same profession will not differ too much. After all, in terms of knowledge teaching, all schools are just spreading the "truth" widely recognized by the society at present.

The real difference between schools is that they are divided according to ability level by level through assessment and screening, and finally match with our classmates.

I have seen one of my classmates in China study hard with dreams in mind. Sometimes they talk about learning with their friends, sometimes they plan to go step by step to the peak of life in the future. Most of them are not shy about their educational background and confident about their future, but they are generally more willing to put themselves in the queue of "ordinary people".

I have also seen the students of the second edition study hard and write down the teacher's blackboard script conscientiously. I was thinking about my business plan after graduation, but at the same time, I was worried about whether my ability and background could really support me to succeed. But when discussing with the students around, the students often laugh and tease: "Oh, boy! Don't forget if you want to be rich in the future!"

The three students in the circle of friends are usually down-to-earth and rational, and won't have too many "absurd" fantasies. The more sober students are very clear about the reality of this society, while the other simple students just want to live happily. At this time, someone told them what to invest? What market outlet? What philosophical significance? What is the law of the world "Cut, think of something useless."

I have also talked with my college students. In their words, I can hear that those who have successfully upgraded from junior college to undergraduate have already been the successful people they think are extremely motivated. Although they know that there is still other room for development beyond undergraduate education, most of their choices stop at "graduation work or college to undergraduate education", and seniors who have entered undergraduate education are like crowding into people with a secure life, and have the right to enjoy happiness and stability. And I also thought that it was true

It's a pity that the junior college student I talked with was full of energy when he first entered the university for a semester. He thought that he was not a junior college student and vowed to keep a distance from the surrounding students; As a result, the next year, he gave up the idea of upgrading from junior college to undergraduate college, and thought that he saw through everything, understood life, and was just accepting the reality that belonged to him

The students in 985/211 and international famous schools seem to be much more naive. Most of them go to school to gain knowledge, broaden their horizons, and have a clear understanding. While learning basic knowledge like other schools, they sometimes even feel like they don't know the depth of heaven and earth. They are not satisfied with the foundation, and are willing to think about some deeper questions or ideas. What's more, they dare to think and do what they don't understand, ask what they don't know, and discuss what they don't know. If they fail, they will pat their ass and start again, or they will learn a lesson calmly and turn to the realization of another idea.

It is strange that teachers and students around them are also willing to discuss with them those "unrealistic" and seemingly useless ideas and problems. They always think about "how does this theory and that theory affect the society?", "what is the prospect of their own profession?", "even if the development of industry reform in the secular sense has gone downhill, how can we view the downhill path as an opportunity to take off from another side track through the change of our own thinking?". After they understand these problems, the tasks given to them by the society will inevitably be biased towards problems that need to be handled from a higher perspective. Even if the society did not give at the beginning, they can naturally show higher level abilities in their future development.

After all, "It's gold. It shines everywhere."

In addition, it is an indisputable fact that children from upper class families are more likely to be admitted to famous schools. The simple reason is that families with good conditions can provide more opportunities for children to receive quality education than others. So there are more children from powerful families in famous schools than from ordinary families.

Then get along with these students, aside from the just mentioned attitude towards life, dreams and learning, many of the so-called "aristocratic ideas" of these upper class students are also very referential. (Presumably, many people are curious about the reason why "the rich get richer as they play, and the poor get poorer as they get busier". This question may give some clues from observing the way of thinking of the rich.)

So, although these examples must be incomplete, they are just my own observations, but these observations make me clearly note that:

Schools that serve students from different circles provide their students with "shared values" with obvious differences. And these values will influence every student's life imperceptibly, even the contacts that the school brings to students!

Although everyone's environmental impact is multi-dimensional, it does not mean how positive and precious an impact you can get when you go to a famous school, but I dare say that the chance of getting valuable enlightenment and positive impact on the whole life in a famous school must be much greater than in an ordinary school! This also directly or indirectly affects our chances of success and happiness for the rest of our lives!

Does it matter if you study community rehabilitation

Hello, it is influential to study community rehabilitation undergraduate and specialist courses. The specialty of community rehabilitation involves social environment, mental health, social policy, social service, social work and other disciplines. To learn this specialty, both undergraduate and junior college students need to have certain learning ability and knowledge structure. Undergraduate study needs more theoretical knowledge, while specialist study pays more attention to practical skills. At the same time, learning community rehabilitation undergraduate and junior college also requires good communication ability, organizational ability, coordination ability, as well as a strong sense of responsibility, social responsibility and pressure resistance. Therefore, learning community rehabilitation undergraduate and specialist courses is influential, and requires greater efforts to achieve better results.

Between two smokes and water 2024-06-19 14:06:45

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