What is the employment direction of gemology and material technology?

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Selected answers

Jewelry enterprises: gemstone identification, gemstone processing, organic gemstones, jewelry design, and jewelry sales; Pawn and quality inspection enterprises: gem appreciation and gem testing.

Professional Use of Gem and Material Technology

Gem and material technology mainly studies the necessary basic knowledge, skills and methods of gemology and jewelry technology, including the cause of formation of color, identification methods and processing technology of gems, and mainly conducts gem identification, jewelry processing, jewelry design, etc. For example, the research on the origin of natural jadeite, the identification of the authenticity of pawnshop gemstones, the cutting, polishing and design of diamonds, etc. Key words: appraisal of jewelry diamonds

Gem and Material Technology Learning Course

Fundamentals of Geology, Crystallography and Mineralogy, Crystal Optics, Gemmology, Principles and Methods of Gem Synthesis, Gem Processing Technology, Principles and Methods of Gem Identification, Gem Testing Technology, Principles of Art Design, Gem Depositology, Causes of Gem Color, Jewelry Making Technology

Professional Explanation of Gem and Material Technology

Major code: 080410T

Degree awarded: Bachelor of Engineering

Length of schooling: four years


Main subjects: gemology, art design, material science Main courses: crystal optics, modern testing technology, physical chemistry, crystallography and mineralogy, introduction to material science, basic petrology, gem identification principles and methods, colored gemology, gem processing technology, gem inclusions, introduction to Chinese jade, diamond science, material technology B Crystal growth and synthetic gemstones, gem improvement, precious metal materials and processes, ornamental stones, jewelry trade, jewelry and jade evaluation, gem deposit science, professional English of gemology, jewelry design, jewelry inlay, etc

Similar majors:

Composite metal materials

Main practical teaching links

Including computer course design, geological cognition practice, jewelry cognition practice, gem processing practice, gem identification comprehensive practice, jewelry trade internship, jewelry design course collection, production practice, graduation design, etc.

Training objectives

This major cultivates high-quality application-oriented talents with innovative spirit and practical ability who can engage in teaching, identification, quality evaluation, grading, pricing, style design, jewelry processing, improvement, gem synthesis and optimization, trade, marketing and asset evaluation in the professional fields and departments of gem and material technology.

Professional training requirements

The students of this major mainly study the basic theories and skills of gem and material technology, and have scientific theories, basic knowledge and strong practical skills of gem and material technology.

Professional knowledge and ability of graduates

1. Have a solid foundation in foreign languages and computers, and master certain basic theories and knowledge of humanities, social sciences and natural sciences;

2. Systematically master the basic theory and knowledge of gemology, and master the knowledge related to gemology;

3. Master the basic research methods of gemology, and initially have the ability to conduct scientific research on gemology independently;

4. Master the basic skills of gem identification, and have the preliminary ability of gem identification and detection;

5. Master the basic principles and methods of art design, and have the preliminary ability to engage in jewelry design;

6. Master the basic principles and skills of gem processing and jewelry making, and have the preliminary ability of jewelry production and processing;

7. Master certain business management knowledge, and understand the methods of jewelry trade or jewelry production, operation and management.

Suggestions on selecting subjects for gemology and material technology

3+3 provinces: chemistry/physics+chemistry 3+1+2 provinces: physics first, chemistry second

Courses for Gem and Material Technology

Fundamentals of geology, crystallography and mineralogy, crystal optics, gemology, art foundation, art design principles, gem instruments and gem identification, jewelry design and renderings, jewelry manufacturing technology, gem cutting and grinding processing technology, etc.

Celebrities in Gem and Material Technology

Cao Yunguang, Wang Yuan, Luo Liting, etc.

Lifetime commitment 2024-06-17 16:08:37

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1. Su Wen · Qi Jue Lun: "Water and gas come from the large intestine, and when you walk quickly, you will sound like a bundle of milk."
2. The 72nd chapter of the Annals of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty written by Feng Menglong of the Ming Dynasty: "As for Ezhu, the soldiers are walking fast. As far as the river is concerned, there is no boat to cross the vast expanse of water. The soldiers are in great danger because they are blocking the flood in front and chasing after the army."
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