How to deal with the poor academic performance of the first grade children

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The child is in the first grade and his academic performance is poor. Our parents should not worry. After all, the child has just graduated from kindergarten to primary school. So it is normal that he cannot learn well and integrate into the school. Parents should be able to understand, and take time to pay more attention to and coach the child's learning, and often communicate with the child's teachers, I believe we can help children improve their study.

How to deal with the poor academic performance of the first grade children

1. Cultivate children's patience and concentration. First grade children are active, and their attention is easily distracted. Especially when they have just entered primary school from kindergarten, two thirds of a 40 minute class may look left and right or play by themselves. In this case, we should try our best to use various means to stimulate and cultivate children's good habit of listening carefully.

2. Train children to think independently. A person who can think independently is a person with innovative consciousness. Most of the time, our parents think that their children are still young in the first grade, and it is still early to talk about independent thinking. Now they are still young, so long as they listen to adults.

If parents have this kind of cognition, it is wrong. The fire of salary can start a prairie fire. Children's thinking may be simple and shallow, but as long as parents pay attention to guidance and cultivation, it can also grow into a prairie fire.

3. Listen carefully in class and ask questions if you don't understand. It is easy for adults to listen carefully, but it is not easy for children, because the concentration of the first grade of primary school can only be maintained for about 25 minutes. There are differences in concentration among different children. Children who can concentrate for 25 minutes in class usually have good academic performance. There are also some children who are not aware of the importance of class and academic performance.

Parents can give appropriate rewards to stimulate children to listen carefully in class by means of family rewards. Parents can test children's efficiency in class by means of after-school inspection. At the same time, we should constantly tell children: if you don't understand something in class, we should learn to ask the teacher, don't let children be afraid of teachers, and actively and positively integrate into the collective life of primary school.

4. Children should be given a time to read books. Parents should also urge children to follow this time to finish their homework. Children are poor at reading. It is not a matter of two days to develop a good way to read books. Remember not to fish for three days or sun the net for two days. Long term persistence will lead to gains. Many people mistakenly believe that improving grades is for their parents, not for themselves. If this view does not change, children's reading attitude will go wrong.

The children's learning is poor. It is estimated that there are the following reasons

1. The habit of listening to lessons is not developed. It takes a certain amount of time for children just in the first grade to adapt to classroom learning. Some children are trained well before school and will adapt faster. However, some children still keep the learning style of playing and learning in kindergarten, or the children themselves are more active and can't adapt to classroom learning at once, so that the teacher gives lectures on the top and plays with himself below. As for what the teacher said, he naturally did not know, let alone absorb knowledge.

2. Learning interest is not cultivated. Grade one is still the age of playing. For children, playing is the most enjoyable. To cultivate children's interest in learning, first of all, let children have fun in learning. For example, parents can tell more stories to their children, or start from their children's interests and buy them some books that they are interested in.

Primary school children can't learn well. Can they learn well in junior high school

In fact, such worries are unnecessary. If a child loves learning after he goes to junior high school, his academic performance will also be improved. But if he wants to improve his academic performance, he must develop a series of learning plans for the child, so that his academic performance will be improved after he goes to junior high school.

Children like to play, and their parents are still luring their children to play nearby, so that their children do not love learning, so parents should set an example. When children are doing homework, we should accompany them to do homework together, so that children can love learning, and their academic performance can be improved later.

never give up 2024-06-11 16:13:33

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