Format and Model Essays of Experience

Cold Moon with Frost
Selected answers


Experience refers to a kind of feeling words written after reading and practicing. Xiao Bian has collected


Experience format and

Model essay



In participating in social life and practice, people often have many feelings and experiences about a certain work or activity. These feelings and experiences do not necessarily need rigorous analysis and thinking, but may just be a perceptual understanding or simple theoretical analysis of the work or activity. In the form of words“


Experience ".


"Experience" is a kind of daily applied style, which belongs to the category of argumentation. Generally, the length can be long or short, and the structure is relatively simple.


Writing of experience


The basic format of experience consists of the following parts



The title of experience can be in the following forms:

In xx activity (or xx work)



About xx activities (or xx work)


Experience (or





If the article is rich in content and long in length, it can also be in the form of a double line title. The headline summarizes its main points in a concise sentence


The subtitle is "


Experience ", for example:

Focus on small things and bring forth new ones

——Students who participate in the University Student Science and Technology Innovation Competition


Text This is


The central part of experience

(1) Start

Briefly describe the basic situation of the work (or activity) involved, including the reason, time, place, process and results of the specific work involved.

(2) Main body



Experience is more inclined to personal subjective feelings and experiences, and people's understanding often has a process of gradual development and evolution. Therefore, in the


In the structural arrangement of the main part of the experience, the author often organizes materials and arranges levels based on the author's subjective feelings of objective things, cognitive development and emotional changes. There are two specific arrangements: parallel structure and progressive structure.

a. Summarize your feelings and experiences into several different aspects from different angles and introduce them separately. There is a parallel relationship between levels. That is:

Experience (I)

Experience (2)

Experience (III)

In each part, we can first summarize the theory and then list the facts


To make the article reasonable and not empty

b. Progressive structure is more suitable for representing the change process of the thought before and after, especially for the situation that there has been a mistake in the past and has been changed through activities (or work).

In terms of hierarchical arrangement, the progressive structure should first briefly describe the previous wrong understanding, then describe the reason, time, place and simple process of participating in the activity, and then focus on the new understanding and feelings generated by the activity, focusing on the contrast between the past mistakes and today's understanding, so as to


The significance of the event.

(3) End


The end of the experience can generally summarize and deepen the theme again, and can also put forward the direction of further efforts in the future. It can also end naturally without special conclusion.

(4) Signature


Generally, you should write your name at the bottom right of the end of the article, or under the title of the article, and the writing date should be placed at the end of the article.



Understand the problems that should be paid attention to

(1) Avoid confusion


The boundary between experience and summary. Generally speaking, a summary is a comprehensive review, analysis and study of a work or a problem by a unit or individual after the completion of the work, so as to find out about the work after the completion of the work


Lessons draw out regular knowledge to guide future work. It focuses on the objectivity, comprehensiveness, systematicness and profundity of knowledge. In terms of expression techniques, on the basis of simple narration of facts, more analysis, reasoning and argumentation are adopted, and attention is paid to the preciseness and conciseness of language.


Experience relatively pays more attention to subjective knowledge and feelings in work, study, life and other aspects, often focusing on one or two points, fully mobilizing and using narrative, description, discussion, explanation and even lyrical expression, while narrating work experience, emphatically introducing their own experience and feelings in work. It pursues the vividness and uniqueness of feelings, rather than the comprehensiveness and preciseness. Even in some cases, it can 'just talk about a little, not the rest'.

(2) Seek truth from facts, do not boast, do not cheat, do not moan about illness.


Experience should be a reflection of real feelings in actual work and activities. It should not be posturing, pretentious, or false or pompous, which may cause the content to be untrue.

(3) The language is concise and vivid.


Realize that on the basis of using concise language for narration and discussion, description, lyricism and various rhetorical devices can be appropriately used to enhance the appeal of the article.



Model essay

Through this internship, I learned a lot of things that I could not have learned in the classroom. It seemed that I had matured all of a sudden, understood the truth of being a man and doing things, and also understood the meaning of learning, the value of time, and the true meaning of life. Understand that life in the world can not be all plain sailing, as long as the courage to face every station in life! This made me clearly feel the heavy responsibility on my shoulders, see my life direction, and realize that secretarial work should support a careful and serious work attitude, have a peaceful attitude and the spirit of not being ashamed to ask questions. No matter what happens, I should always think on behalf of others, listen to others' suggestions, not be too impatient, and be responsible for what I do, Don't make promises easily, and make efforts to fulfill them. The unit has also trained my practical ability and increased my practical operation


A new start has been made to the actual secretarial work, which will better accumulate for our future work


I know that work is a passionate cause, and we should persevere in the spirit of quality and the quality of hard work. I think it is important that during this internship period, I really integrated into the society for the first time, learned some skills of social interaction in practice, and during this period, I paid attention to observing how seniors interact with their superiors and how to deal with the relationship between them. Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, we have also opened our horizons, increased our knowledge, and laid a solid foundation for our further social development.

During the internship, I was never absent for no reason. I am diligent and eager to learn. Be modest and prudent, listen carefully to the guidance of old comrades, and listen modestly to the work suggestions put forward by others. And I was able to observe carefully, experience personally, think independently, and analyze comprehensively, and tried to learn how to apply what I learned in the model to practical work. I tried my best to achieve the best state of combining theory with practice, and cultivated my persistent dedication and hard working style. It also cultivates my patience and quality. Be able to obey commands, get along well with colleagues, respect leaders, work conscientiously and responsibly, and complete tasks with quality and quantity guaranteed. And always adhere to one principle: either do not do, to do the best.

The 2-month internship ended. I learned a lot of knowledge that I could not learn in the classroom during the 2-month internship, and the benefits were great. Now I will make a summary of the work of the two months' internship.

Looking back on my work during this period, I was not satisfied. I have thought about it and learned


Nature is a factor, but more importantly, the change of mentality is not in place. It should be timely to find this deficiency now, because I understand what work is. In the coming days, I will work hard in this direction, and I believe I can erase those "characteristics" that should no longer exist. Thanks to the teachers for their guidance and instruction during this period, I have benefited a lot from them.

This internship made me feel the application of the knowledge and practice for the first time, and the combination of theory and practice. Let's open our eyes, and it can also be regarded as a preliminary review of the previous knowledge! This production practice has really benefited us from our future study and job search. In a short week, let's return to the perceptual and rational understanding, and let's have a preliminary understanding of the society, which is also enlightening for the future direction of life.

I will take this internship as the starting point of my life. In the future work and study, I will constantly demand myself to improve myself and make myself better.

The Old Man and the Sea 2024-04-14 14:31:13

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