Model text on the review of employees' dereliction of duty

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Review on employees' dereliction of duty

Model essay

People are not sages. We can't avoid dereliction of duty in our work. First of all, we should reflect on ourselves. Let's take a look at the small editor's review of dereliction of duty

Model essay



For reference only.

Employee's Delinquency Review

Distinguished leaders and colleagues

Recently, due to my dereliction of duty, neglect of management and inflexible control of the system, some negative events have occurred, which has caused interference and trouble in the work of everyone. Here, I apologize to all leaders and colleagues.

After the leadership's careful education, I deeply reflected on my recent work, mainly in the following issues:

(1) Inadequate ideological understanding.

The dereliction of duty in management and supervision at work is largely due to my subjective negligence, lack of ideological understanding and failure to perform my duties well.

(2) The understanding of employees' thoughts is not deep enough.

Some employees' thoughts and behaviors were not thoroughly understood, problems were not found in time, ideological work of employees was not followed up, and guidance for daily ideological management was lacking.

(3) Management is too institutionalized.

The control of the management system was not flexible, too mechanized, the system requirements were not humanized, and the combination of kindness and authority was not achieved. Instead, the management system was strictly implemented, resulting in contradictions and management dead ends in the work.

(4) Lack of performance management guidance and communication.

In the performance appraisal management, there are some problems, such as imperfect performance communication system, lack of effective feedback channels for employees' work performance, which can not get effective feedback and guidance, and lack of corresponding system guarantee for performance communication, making the existing problems unable to be effectively improved.

In view of the above issues I reflected on, and in combination with the leadership's tips on my work, I put forward higher requirements for my future work:

(1) Establish correct leadership and management mentality.

As a first level manager, we should be fair, impartial and objective to every employee, actively listen to the different opinions of employees, and achieve a clear distinction between public and private. While strictly requiring employees, we should also help employees in difficulty, do a good job of ideological guidance, be closer to employees, and make management more humane and reasonable.

(2) Strengthen team building and create a good team atmosphere.

Sincere and equal internal communication is the basis for creating a harmonious working atmosphere. On this basis, create a working atmosphere of mutual help, mutual understanding, mutual motivation and mutual concern, so as to stabilize the working mood, stimulate work enthusiasm, make each employee clear about team goals, strengthen training and learning, and form common work values.

(3) Improve the performance appraisal system and strengthen performance management and communication.

In the process of setting performance goals and standards, it is necessary to discuss with leaders and employees, comprehensively consider various factors, and develop a reasonable performance appraisal system. During performance implementation, analyze the completion of employee performance indicators, find out problems, give employee performance coaching and suggestions, and give performance feedback to employees, so as to feed back the results; Face to face communication and analysis shall be carried out on the indicators that are not well completed, and improvement measures shall be determined. Achieve the expected objectives of performance management through full and effective communication in all aspects of performance appraisal.

(4) Strengthen detailed management and start from every detail.

Detail management is the foundation and soul of management. Any small link in the management work may affect the progress of the overall work, so it is necessary to strengthen the awareness of detail management, pay attention to details, improve details, attach importance to detail management, and carefully handle every detail in the management work.

To sum up, I will be more dutiful in my future work, refine management, strengthen communication with employees, assume management responsibilities, and strive to do a good job of the first level managers.

I hope that all leaders and colleagues can give me more valuable suggestions. I will try my best to improve myself and repay everyone's trust and support with good work results.

Reviewed by: xxx

XX, XX, 20xx

Review on employees' dereliction of duty

Dear leaders

Hello, I feel extremely guilty and sorry to submit this review of dereliction of duty to you. As for the supervision of the complex building construction project of Hangzhou Xiasha Wumei Supermarket, due to my personal negligence, I was unable to fully check the samples of all materials of the project. Didn't check the account book carefully, and didn't tell you the truth after checking


I can say that I have made the lowest and most principled mistake. I'm guilty of failing to do such basic work well and failing to report the progress of the project to the leaders according to your requirements


It has caused a great negative impact on the company, and also led to some losses. At the same time, I feel guilty for the trust and care of President Chen.

But this time, through self reflection, I must find out the root cause of my work mistakes, and I reflected. The root cause of my mistakes lies in my sloppy character. I work half heartedly and half heartedly. I know that this style of work is extremely dangerous and will continue. It is likely to cause more and more serious mistakes in the future.

For my mistakes, I reflected on the following corrective measures:

1. My sense of responsibility is not strong, and my work style is lazy and impractical. I deeply realize that as a person in charge of the Material Department, I should personally ask about many things. No matter how well I handle them, I should give a clear answer to my superiors


And account. In addition to correcting my attitude and working hard, I also need to spare some time to improve my study and professional level, while maintaining the details of my work.

2. I must be strict with myself when doing things in the future, and be a conscientious, responsible and diligent worker. I should always carefully understand the intentions of the leaders of the organization. I should not deviate from the leaders' intentions. I should do my own work well.

Through this profound review, please trust me. In the future, I will work hard to position the company and contribute my modest share to the development of the company.

Reviewed by: xxx

XX, XX, 20xx

Review on employees' dereliction of duty

Model essay

Dear xx leaders

The ancients used to say that it was impossible to do anything, but at the beginning, I did not reflect on myself in a timely manner. The ancients also said that a gentleman should be based on his own principles. Therefore, in the process of self-examination, we must find out the root causes of mistakes. If we can not find the root causes, perfunctory, useless, and will make more serious mistakes in the future. After repentance, the reasons are summarized as follows:

1. The sense of responsibility is not strong, the work style is not thorough, and is not practical. As a law enforcement officer, no matter how many reasons you have, you should correct the attitude of law enforcement and handling cases, strictly enforce the procedures of law enforcement and handling cases, comprehensively and accurately grasp the situation of cases, and ensure that the facts are correct and the procedures are correct; The questions raised by colleagues should be carefully verified and checked. At the same time, it is necessary to enhance their legal awareness and avoid randomness in work. There is a syntactic maxim that the devil comes from details.

2. After the incident, they can't calmly deal with the mistakes and have evasions


At the beginning, I wanted to blame others for many problems, instead of immediately looking for reasons from myself. Why can't we be calm? It's because of the dirty face: I feel that after reading books for so many years, I am at least an authentic undergraduate degree.


The university has established a concept that undergraduates are not allowed to make mistakes. Once they make mistakes, they will deny themselves. The signboard of undergraduates is not so glorious. Therefore, at the beginning, I could not understand the leader's method of bluffing, pushed the problem to the east and to the west, tried to attach too much importance to others, and forced myself to act as if I had nothing to do with it, and carried out a game analysis on it! When I think of my face at that time, I feel ashamed.

Through this incident, I reconsidered my attitude towards study, life and work, and realized that:

1. The most important thing in one's life is the potential of doing things and being a person. To be a man, we should focus on what we do. If you do not concentrate on your work, you must not be able to do things perfectly and master details clearly. Learning is in the process of being a person and doing things.


It is not in books, but in every bit of life and work. Learning is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will fall back. If you read so many books, it is difficult to have joy if you don't understand them and integrate them with life. That is what the ancients said: "It is not fun to learn when you learn.".

2. The most important state of learning is understanding. If you can't understand it in your study, it's just a matter of memory. It's like that if you eat something and don't digest it, it will certainly not help your body, or even be harmful. Recently, I heard a lecture in which an example was given. It said that someone graduated from a research institute. One day, his mother asked him to handle some housework. After he finished, his mother felt that he was not doing very well. She said, "Son, how can you not do such a small thing well? How can you be so stupid?". After listening to this, the man's face immediately became very vicious, and then his mother said: I went to graduate school, and you scolded me for being stupid! What did the institute give him? Did it give him the wisdom of life? The wisdom of treating people, dealing with the world and receiving things only gave him arrogance and gave him no education. This little thing was not done well, which was just a learning opportunity, but he did not seize this opportunity, instead, he could not understand his mother's criticism and criticism. Everything has one body and two sides. If we don't develop towards the good, we will naturally develop towards the bad. After listening to the lecture, we are ashamed to think about ourselves again!

In a word, my behavior has had a bad impact on the unit. I feel very heavy and ashamed to do such behavior. I will try my best to grow into a rational person, a person who can feel at ease, learn wisdom from past mistakes, and no longer simply regret. It's easy to get a teacher, but hard to get a teacher. I sincerely thank the leaders for their teachings. I hope I can learn more wisdom from you in the future growth process, and I feel very lucky and grateful for your teachings and help!

Reviewed by: xxx

XX, XX, 20xx

This feeling is worth recalling 2024-04-13 15:28:16

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