Precision Human Identification Skill (III)

Clouds and rain drifting
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"Ying Yao Chapter" is a secret that Jianghu warlocks do not pass on! Reached the Chinese "guessing" skill


As long as you have a little knowledge of the basic terms and principles of fortune telling, recite this "Yingyao Chapter" thoroughly, and travel in the Jianghu to tell fortunes and eliminate disasters, you will not worry about getting money or cheating women. If your fortune telling skills are poor, you'd better change places with one shot. If fortune telling is more advanced, combined with another secret of the Jianghu, "Zhafei Chapter", it can make political dignitaries and shopping mall tycoons flock to it with perfect knowledge and eloquence, so that they can become rich overnight and become famous all over the world. They can stand tall for a long time, and become "prediction masters". Of course, all of these should be added to the essence of Li Zongwu's "thick black science" - "thick skin, dark heart".

Be brave and ruthless, and kill yourself with many moves.

(People who like to make trouble, show off their strength and be aggressive, fight and be cruel and ruthless often suffer from violent disasters and die unexpectedly.)

If you are cowardly and incompetent, you should be bullied.

(People who are naturally cowardly and look upon themselves as imbecile must be bullied, and can only sigh with dismay all day long.)

He is ambitious and talented, and has a lifelong ambition.

(People who have high ambitions, high vision but low skill, and great ambition but little talent have a hard life. They are very tired, but can only hate and be unhappy all their life.)

Talent bias and stubbornness make people extremely poor without great disaster.

(The talented person is very biased and stubborn, and will not turn back even if he hits the south wall. Even if he does not suffer a major disaster, he will be extremely poor and live a very difficult life.)

He is a man who values literature in governing the world, and he is a hero in troubled times.

(If the society is stable and prosperous in a peaceful and prosperous age, people who have learned a lot or have professional skills will be put in an important position. When divining, you must consider such people to have a bright future. If we are in a troubled world, most of them are reckless heroes, and most of them are upstarts or profiteers. For example, in the current reform and opening up, the social hooligans and prisoners of reform through labor have become entrepreneurs, the chairman of the board, the boss of the underworld, etc. I have seen "street children" entrepreneurs, pickpockets, cold noodle stalls, and smugglers, There are people who start to run factories to produce fake and inferior products, and there are people who start to sell fake cigarettes... This must be taken into account when divining.)

Commercial Dayi competes for industry and commerce, and remote villages compete for forests and fields. (Four sentences are missing below).

(If yes


In developed big cities, most of their disputes are about industry and commerce. If disputes occur in remote areas, most of them are about forest and farmland

Hurry and slow, knock and sell. Sell Qi Shi on a grand scale and use it to beat and review thousands. Ten thousand nine rings, ten dragon nine percent. Knock the big and push the comparison (brother), judge one and know three. Once you hit the snake, you should follow it on the staff. If you don't want to beat it again, why not pluck grass to find the snake. A thousand before a thousand, there is no disadvantage; There are thousands of people who have no glory. They are good for emperor longevity (stupidity). Therefore, it is said that if there is a thousand, there will be no sound, and if there is no prosperity, there will be no success. Scholars can understand their own thoughts by holding on to their own ends, and learn from one corner to know three corners. Contingency, unpredictable, measured, arbitrary vertical and horizontal. It is prudent to pass on people. The school does not go out of the imperial life. It is very familiar with this article and will be famous all over the world.

The above paragraph is about the deception of fortune telling, which is the core part of the whole article and also the most important "secret" of the fortune tellers. It is a theoretical summary of deception in the process of fortune telling. According to the six words of "review, knock, hit, thousand, long, sell", the matchmaker can not only try to grasp the details of the person being ordered


State, and can deceive the other party to be dumbfounded, admire the ground, sincerely into the nets and traps you set. Its moves are really profound and wonderful.

"Hurry and slow" is the basic principle of fortune telling. That is to say, when you tell someone's fortune, you must look at the right time, ask questions suddenly, hit the nail on the head, get caught off guard, and make the other person forget the alert when he comes in a hurry


And reveal the truth. The so-called "rush attack" should be sudden. Hit the other party unprepared, so that they have no time to take care of themselves, thus breaking him down


The defense line, like this, is not worried that he will not recruit from the truth. The so-called "slow thousand" means that after learning the other party's "information", you should use the means of intimidation to give the other party a strong stimulus to make him surprised, afraid, and afraid of the impending disaster. In this way, he will naturally ask you for advice, and ask you for advice on how to avoid disasters. In fortune telling, the fear and worry of the other party is the best bait. With this meaning, you can lead him by the nose. Why is "thousand" slow? Because you need to organize a set of "military horses" (that is, language) with a sense of order and progress to attack the other party. The tone must be stable and powerful. You must avoid impatience and incoherence. You must slowly spit out every word, sentence, sentence, sentence, sentence, sentence, sentence, sentence, sentence, sentence, sentence, sentence, sentence, sentence, sentence, sentence, sentence, sentence, sentence, sentence, sentence, sentence, sentence, sentence, sentence, sentence, sentence, sentence, sentence, sentence, sentence, sentence, sentence, sentence, sentence, sentence, sentence, sentence, sentence.

"Knock gently and sell loudly" means that when trying to get the information of the other party, we should adopt the method of beating around the bush, instead of hitting the hammer straight or hitting the wrong place. Once you knock, you will knock something that has something to do with the other person's mind, which will have the effect of knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger, making the "tiger" howl and exposing the hidden goal. "Sound selling" means that after "knocking" and figuring out the other party's bottom line, you can follow the vine, show your cards in a positive tone, and present your insights, so that the other party will be greatly surprised and deeply admire your cleverness. The so-called "ring" means that once you have found out the way, you should not hesitate to attack the other party's "acupoint" decisively, firmly grasp the other party, and establish your belief and sense of authority in the other party's heart, so that you can find both sides and all roads lead to Rome. "Selling" is also a blow and a further stimulus.

However, it is not enough to just have a blow and stimulation. It must also be accompanied by "Long", that is, flattery, praise and encouragement, to give hope to the other party, to make him believe that fortune can be turned into disaster avoidance, and all misfortunes can be resolved; It made him believe that under bad luck, he was still rich and lucky, and luck would bless him. This is very important. A person who is still depressed until the end of fortune telling will not give more money to Mr. Xiangming. Therefore, "selling" and "prospering" should be implemented together, and selling alone will scare the other party away. The more you show him the aura of good luck, the more obediently he will listen to your "dispatching". When fortune telling is over, both are happy. If it doesn't end like this, it will be a failure. In the same way, "beating" and "judging thousands" must also be used together. In this way, it will be "ten thousand nine ring, ten dragon nine percent".

How to use the six words of "review, knock, hit, thousand, boom and sell" together? It is said in the secret script: "Knock it big and push it to compare it with (brother), and judge it (look at the face, judge the situation). Knock it and answer it. You may as well hit the snake with the staff, and then knock it without spitting. Why not pluck the grass to find the snake." Then, it concluded: "A thousand before the dragon, there is no harm; there is a thousand without the dragon, Emperor Shou (stupid) material. So it is said: no thousand without the sound, no dragon without the success". At last, it emphasized that "scholars can follow their own direction and organize their own thoughts, learn from one corner and know three corners (that is, integrate and connect, draw inferences from one instance), adapt to the circumstances, be unpredictable, have a definite sense of proportion, and be arbitrary."

After all the information about the inquirer has been cleared up, and after the "ring sale", it can be "off the hook" at this time. "Qian" not only refers to "intimidation", but also means hitting the other person's vital points and attacking his most unforgettable things. For example, pointing out that his unfortunate experience is "thousand", criticizing the inconstancy of the world, social injustice, and the departure and abandonment of relatives and friends is also "thousand". After the "thousand", we should "prosper", comfort him, and describe the future for him. This kind of prophecy and hope is to give each other a


Suggest and give them spiritual strength. Without a thousand, there will be no good effect, because "thousand" mostly means that he or she is sad, and "thousand" will definitely make the other party rely on you, so you will have no doubt about the future "long". This is the truth of "no noise, no success".

"Trial, knock, strike, thousand, boom and sell" should be combined, which is actually a set of advanced divination tricks. How to use it specifically? Jianghu warlocks know well that they can use "Qian, Long and Sell" at the same time, or "Knock, Beat" with "Shen, Qian", or "Shen, Qian" with "Long and Sell", or only use one word, or use six words together. In a word, it is flexible. It depends on the specific situation of the diviner to decide the general plan and magic.

blue sky 2024-04-22 14:46:54

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1. "Zuo Zhuan, Fifteen Years of Xi Gong": "You will walk on the earth and wear the emperor."
2. Shuzhou Is Called to Try Not to Go to My Book: "It's hard to wear a bowl and look at the sky at the same time."
3. Ode to Tokyo: "Dai Jinzheng built a yellow axe."
Sentence making:
1. Our old headmaster was heartily loved by the whole school.
2. Teacher Li is kind and open-minded, and is deeply loved by students.
3. He has done good things for the people, and people love him for sure.
4. He is selfless, fearless, upright and deeply loved by the people.
5. Mr. Zhang is an old teacher who is deeply loved by his classmates.
6. From childhood to adulthood, I will always respect and love you.
7. These teachers, who have worked hard and made great contributions, are deeply loved by the broad masses of the people.

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From modern phrases.
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