How to practice breath when singing

The fragrance of flowers
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When you practice singing, you should breathe deeply, that is, you should take root, which is closely related to your breathing training methods. Practice method of rapid inhalation and exhalation: inhale a piece of paper, hold a narrow piece of paper, place it in front of one nostril, inhale with your nose, the paper is sucked into the nostril, cover the nostril, and make a click at the same time, then exhale with your mouth, and so on. The greater the suction force, the greater the clatter.

When practicing, you should only pay attention to the inspiration and the expansion of the waist. Exhale is not active. After inhaling, just relax the swollen waist and exhale.

The requirements of this exercise are: inhale 80-90 times every 30 seconds, insist on 30 seconds every time, stop for a while and practice again, and each time should not be less than five minutes.

Later, increase the time to 40 seconds, 50 seconds, 60 seconds, until 3 minutes, or more. The number of times is 2-3 times per second, that is, 120-180 times per minute. Of course, this exercise is very tiring. Can you keep practicing?

In vocal music learning, there is also the so-called practice of dog gasping or toad breathing, that is, the practice of dog breathing with his mouth open, that is, the practice of breathing in and out, which was a popular practice method in the past.

This practice method, when practicing, open your mouth and spit out your tongue. After practicing for a while, your mouth will dry, so many people are unwilling to practice it. If you are not willing to practice, it is suggested that you use this paper suction method to practice. Its function is the same.

Supine Inhale, Leg Lift Exhale

Lie on your back, inhale, and exhale while lifting your legs (just lift your legs off the ground, don't lift them too high). When you exhale, say silk or sing a sound, which can be short or long.

This exercise is mainly for students to experience the feeling of the waist, stomach, and lower abdomen when exhaling. The part above the navel protrudes outward, the waist expands, and the lower abdomen retracts with the exhalation. That is to say, the stomach bulges first, and then the abdomen is closed.

This exercise is mainly to exercise the muscles related to singing and breathing to make them flexible and powerful. Therefore, people who learn vocal music should pay attention to exercise.

How to practice breath when singing?

1. Change your singing awareness

The so-called change of singing consciousness is to change the consciousness of only shouting up when singing high notes. The higher the pitch, the more relaxed the whole body will be. The feeling of singing up will change to singing down. The higher the pitch, the deeper the breath will become. This will make the breath and pitch form a confrontation. The breath must be held, not relaxed. When singing a high note, the glottis will close more tightly. You should find a fulcrum of elixir.

2. Learn to combine chest and abdomen breathing

If we want to change the habit of chest breathing, we need to pay attention to abdominal breathing from time to time in life. After the habit, we can flexibly use it in singing. Regular practice of sit ups can also exercise our breath.

3. Learn to open your throat and sing

People who learn to sing must learn to open their throats to sing, because opening the throats is to leave a place for the vocal tract, so that the voice can sing better, it can also stabilize our throats, more open our resonance cavity, and increase our resonance effect.

4. Relax chin

Sing to relax your chin, which will also relax your throat, so that breath can flow from your throat. The way to relax your jaw: remove the force from your jaw, and your mouth will open slightly. Because your chin is falling down, it means your chin is relaxed. At this time, your abdomen should be strong and you should take a breath. You will find it easier to breathe out of your throat.

5. Oral resonance

The lips, teeth, teeth, tongue and the corresponding pharynx and throat in the mouth must be naturally loosened, and the epiglottis must be slightly raised to make the pharynx and throat cavity unobstructed. The muscles of the oral cavity wall and pharynx cavity wall are actively hard. When making a sound, the mouth will naturally open up and down, the laughing muscles will slightly lift, the jaw will naturally lower down and then pull, and the upper jaw will feel lifted up.

How to practice breath when singing?

Singing with breath:

First squat down and then inhale. When you feel your stomach is hard or supporting outwards, this is the right way to inhale. Then squat down and hum a song.

That is to say, humming without opening your mouth is a breath singing, not a voice, so that no matter how high the voice is, you will almost never use the voice. When you reach the high pitch, you will feel more and more qi use, but the voice is not tired. The first breath will not last too long, and it will be better after exercise.

It is easy to breathe deeply when smelling the fancy inhalation method, and it is easier to understand and master without the aspirating sound and redundant movements when inhaling.

The Best Way to Practice Breath by Singing

The best way to practice breath through singing is as follows:

1. Practice method of soft flap.

The most common is "yawn with closed mouth", that is, when yawning, the mouth is deliberately not opened, but forced to breathe in and out through the nose.

2. Abdomen pressing counting method.

Lie on the bed, press a stack of books on your abdomen, take a deep breath, and start counting from 1. This is a compulsory training for breath output, so as to enhance the strength of air control of abdominal muscles and diaphragm. When doing this exercise, you can press fewer books at the beginning, and gradually increase them, that is, step by step. In order not to occupy time at work, you can use this exercise before going to bed.

3. Aeroacoustic counting method.

First take a full breath, hold your breath for a few seconds, and then count from 1 with a uniform, low, breath bearing voice, just like whispering. Just like the belly pressing counting method, it can be counted less at the beginning. However, it should be noted that when counting, try not to breathe or leak.

4. Running and reciting poems.

You can recite a short ancient poem when you have slight asthma during running. At the beginning of the training, two people can work together to trot side by side and recite sentence by sentence. When reciting, try to avoid breathing; After reciting a poem, you should regulate your breathing and then continue. In addition, it should be noted that this training is not allowed during intense sports.

5. Stealing breath method.

Choose an article or a paragraph with more long sentences and read it at a faster speed; When the breath is insufficient, use the skill of "stealing gas" and read it to determine the best place for breathing. The so-called "stealing gas" means not to breathe while making a sound, but to breathe in part of the air flow at an extremely fast speed when no one is aware of it. For ventilation, it is better to use both the mouth and nose, mainly the nose, and master the time difference to make the air flow abundant and powerful.

6. Dog breathing method.

Dog panting is a very practical breath exercise, which can practice vital capacity, diaphragm strength, etc. Although the exercise is very graphic, we should try it as long as it has effects.

Everyone has seen that when dogs are hot, they stick out their tongues. Hahaha, they stick out their tongues when we practice. They are fast and powerful. Only when your stomach keeps shrinking, and your chest is relatively stable, you will feel that your stomach is a pump, sending force to your mouth constantly. Such exercises are very helpful to the improvement of vital capacity.

A genial wind 2024-06-15 18:06:04

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