Argumentation paper must be analyzed with examples

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If we do not analyze the examples in the demonstration, just put the examples in the article, we will not build a bridge between the examples and the arguments, which will not play the role of demonstration. Analysis is the glue between case and argument. The following is the content that must be analyzed in the argumentation examples collected and collated by the small editor for everyone.




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Example demonstration must be analyzed.

See the following example:

Argument: learning should pay attention to methods.

Argument: Gauss, a famous mathematician, was very particular about learning methods and operation skills when he was young. Once, the teacher asked the students to add natural numbers from one to one hundred, and the other students began to stack blindly. After some thinking, Gauss found the rule. The sum of the first and the last was exactly one hundred and one. He not only finished the problem quickly, but also the result was correct, which surprised the teacher. Liu Qian, my deskmate in junior high school, has always had poor grades due to improper learning methods. After entering senior high school, under the guidance of her classmates and teachers, she found a learning method suitable for her. She made rapid progress and became an outstanding student in the grade, especially in


On the other hand, she is the best in her class in almost every test.

Modification suggestions:

Learning should pay attention to the method is the core of discussion. How Gauss pays attention to the process and meaning of methods and techniques is naturally the focus of narration and analysis. Add analysis to the narrative, for example, Gauss can find the rule that the sum of the first and last two numbers is exactly one hundred and one with the help of thinking. In doing so, he not only completed the topic calculation quickly, but also got the correct result. Gauss's good learning method is to use thinking to find rules; It's hard to imagine that if Gauss doesn't pay attention to learning skills, can he still learn better than other students?

Let's take another example:

Argument: from another angle

Argument: Sima Qian, who was sentenced by the imperial court, was able to write Records of the Historian, Su Shi, who had been demoted for many times, was able to sing a song about his life, and Shi Tiesheng, who was physically disabled, became a writer because they could see things from a different perspective.

Modification suggestions:

Add in the analysis: whether they are facing physical defects or setbacks, they do not regard them as having suffered a fatal blow, but face them from a different angle, regard them as the sharpening of life, and finally achieve a career or be praised. Or it can be changed into that their situation is not smooth, but why can they win the praise of everyone? Because they did not regard these experiences as hardships like ordinary people, and did not become depressed because of them. In their eyes, these hardships were just like the opportunity to sharpen their minds. They interpreted the meaning of hardships from a new perspective, and finally reborn from hardships to become a generation of celebrities.

Give a positive example:

Calm comes from no desire. Mencius said: He who has no desire can be king. No desire means no selfish desire. Those who do great things cannot destroy the overall situation because of their selfish interests. Only in this way can they develop a calm character and win the final victory. The Tathagata Buddha cast off his selfish desires and was calm in character. He eventually achieved positive results and saved all living beings. Zhuge Kongming was indifferent to his ambition, quiet and farsighted, and finally planned strategies and achieved success. When you have selfish desires, you can't calm down naturally. When you are in trouble, you will panic. The overlord drove away Yafu and Han Xin with his own selfish desire. He was finally trapped in Gaixia. It's a pity that the hero has been in tears for thousands of years.

Training questions:

Ye Haibin, Chen Yurong's son, suffers from congenital hepatolenticular disease, and liver transplantation is the only treatment. Chen Yurong, a 55 year old mother, suffered from severe fatty liver. In order to save her son, she walked 10 kilometers every day in 7 months, rain or shine, broke four pairs of shoes, tightened the waistline of several pairs of pants, and finally her weight was reduced from 68 kg to 60 kg. The fatty liver disappeared. The hospital experts decided that the liver cutting operation could be carried out. At about 8:00 a.m. on November 3, 2009, her mother Chen Yurong stepped onto the operating table and the operation began. Three hours later, Chen Yurong's right liver was successfully removed. His son Ye Haibin then moved to the operating room at 9:50 p.m. on November 3. The surgeon in charge announced that Chen Yurong's right liver was successfully transplanted into his son Ye Haibin.

What kind of association and thinking do you have about this matter? Please write an argumentative paper of no less than 600 words. It mainly uses examples to demonstrate, especially to analyze examples. At least two typical examples shall be used, and examples of materials shall not be used.

Heaven rewards diligence 2024-04-15 13:31:17

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1. Bird Singing Stream Tang Wang Wei:
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When the moon rises, it startles the mountain birds.
2. Lotus Picking Song Tang · Liu Fangping:
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3. Spring Dawn Tang Meng Haoran:
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The difference between no matter and no matter

The difference between no matter and no matter:
1. Different meanings:
No matter, indicating conjunction: no matter; No matter. The ancient meaning is not to say, let alone say.
No matter, it means no further discussion, investigation or comment; No matter; It means that the result is unchanged due to different conditions or circumstances. The following text often uses "all, total" to echo it.
2. Different definitions of quotation:
① Conjunctions. No matter, no matter. Indicates that the result is the same under any condition.
② Needless to say; Not to mention.
③ More than that.
④ No investigation.
① No investigation, no comment.
② Don't talk, don't talk.
③ Conjunctions. Not only; Not only.
④ Conjunctions. Indicates that the condition or situation is different but the result is unchanged.
3. From different sources:
"No matter" comes from Tao Yuanming's "Peach Blossom Garden" in the Eastern Jin Dynasty: "If you ask what the world is today, you don't know the Han Dynasty, regardless of the Wei and Jin Dynasties."
"No matter" comes from Xunzi's "Xunzi: Evil Nature" in the Warring States Period: "It is the knowledge of the servant not to care about right and wrong, whether it is straight or crooked, in order to defeat people."
4. Different parts of speech:
In modern Chinese, "no matter" is only used as an unconditional conjunction.
"Regardless" is not only used as a conjunction, but also retains the part of speech of the verb, becoming a multi category word.
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