What is the employment direction of animation?

You said I always think too much
Selected answers

Animation enterprises: original drawing, animation design, animation director, animation production; Game enterprises: game design, game animation production; Film and television production enterprises: film and television animation production, special effects production.

Professional use of animation

Animation mainly studies the basic knowledge of film, television, animation creation, etc., receives skills training in animation design, animation drawing, animation director, animation production, etc., and carries out animation creative design and director, animation production, special effect synthesis, etc. in animation, games, film and television industries. For example, the creation and painting of animated characters such as Monkey King and Happy Sheep, the design and production of animations such as King of Navigation and Piggy Page, and the production of animations and special effects for films and games. Key words: Journey to the West Monkey King Sword Legend of Transformers

Animation learning course

Some colleges and universities in Constitution Design, Perspective, Animation Techniques, Animation Audiovisual Language, Animation Film and Television Post production, Animation Modeling Design, Animation Motion Law and Performance, Animation Director, Animation Concept Design, 3D Max 3D Foundation and Application are trained in the following professional directions: creative design, animation literature, film and television animation Game art, game design art, animation design and production, 3D animation and special effects.

Animation professional explanation

Training objectives: This major aims to cultivate application-oriented and innovative talents who have the basic knowledge and skills of animation creation, can engage in animation planning, animation creation, animation promotion, animation application in film and television and animation production groups, animation application agencies, animation communication enterprises and institutions, and can engage in animation teaching and research in schools at all levels.

Training requirements: students of this major mainly study the history and current situation of animation, understand the basic process of animation creation and communication, master the basic principles and skills of animation creation, and build a solid basic knowledge structure for better animation career.

Graduates should acquire the following knowledge and abilities:

1. Understand the Party's and the country's guidelines, policies and regulations on film and television, drama, culture and art, and have good political quality, ideological quality, moral quality, as well as legal awareness, integrity awareness, group cooperation awareness, good Chinese and Western traditional cultural literacy, literature and art accomplishment, and modern awareness and interpersonal communication awareness;

2. Basically master the corresponding tool knowledge of foreign languages, computer and information technology applications, document retrieval, thesis writing, and the humanities and social sciences knowledge of literature and art, historical philosophy, political ideology and morality, psychology, management, and so on;

3. Master the necessary theoretical knowledge of animation, and have strong animation planning, creation and promotion skills;

4. Master at least one important link from planning, creation to promotion of animation independently, be able to plan, create and promote one or two animation short films or animation application projects in cooperation with others, and reach a certain professional level;

5. Be able to basically use professional knowledge and skills to comprehensively analyze the animation works to be created, explain their significance, grasp their style, use the corresponding animation skills to make them realized, and effectively promote their own animation works.

Main disciplines: film, drama, fine arts, design, art theory.

Core courses: History of Chinese and Foreign Animation, Introduction to Animation, Fundamentals of Animation Modeling, Film and Television Principles, Animation Principles, Computer Multimedia Technology, Fundamentals of Photography, Animation Planning, Animation Script Writing, Fundamentals of Animation Software, Character Design, Scene Design, Animation Audiovisual Language, Screenplay Design, Post animation Synthesis, Animation Project Promotion, Animation Peripheral Products.

Main practical teaching links: the school independently sets up animation creation with different scales and participation of each student, through regular or irregular project production and related art practice; Major and minor animation teaching practice, as well as in-depth folk collection, in-depth market research, comprehensive paper training and other forms.

Major professional experiments: animation software application, animation audio-visual language, animation post synthesis.

Length of study: four years.

Degree awarded: Bachelor of Arts. 1304 Fine Arts

Suggestions on Animation Examination

3+3 provinces: unlimited 3+1+2 provinces: unlimited first choice, political/chemical/geographical/biological

Courses for Animation Major

Film and television dramas, film and television sounds, animation techniques, film and television animation creation, multimedia technology and application, animation design, animation director, etc.

Social celebrities of animation

Sun Lijun, Yu Jinhui, Zhang Cong, etc.

Smile and see the world 2024-06-18 15:08:42

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The horizontal line is dash. Dashes are widely used, first to introduce explanatory sentences, and then to indicate sudden changes in meaning and voice extension.
Its main functions:
Indicate the statement of explanation in the text:
1. It leads to the specific explanation of the concept connotation.
Example: "The spirit of helping people" will never leave his hometown - China (Zhou Kuohai's Speech at the Speech Contest on Learning to Help People)
2. General description:
Example: Her strength, her purity of will, her strictness of self-discipline, her objectivity, her impartial judgment - all these are rare to focus on one person. (Einstein's Mourning Mary Curie)
3. Lead to the explanation of the cause:
Example: Lu Dahai, you are not qualified to talk to me now - you have been fired from the mine (Thunderstorm by Cao Yu)
4. To introduce additional instructions:
Example: Lights, no matter who's home lights, can guide pedestrians - even a stranger like me - (Ba Jin's "Lights")
Emphasize the following: The following is mainly a colon function, which is replaced by a dash to make the tone stronger or read more eye-catching.
Example: At this moment, the hearts of all the people in the room are the same. They all have one thing. This is the memory of the dead. (Ba Jin, Things Never to Forget)
Used for allegorical sayings, leading to the end:
Example: Although they make such a scene, they are rabbits' tails - they can't grow. (Hu Denver, Keep Your Eyes Far Away)

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The article is natural, but its internal structure is very tight and compact. The object of the original article is the subject of the article. However, the article puts aside the main body, starting from myself, calmly speaking, from myself and others, and finally talking about the object of gift. It seems careless, but in fact it is ingenious. In the deep structure of the article, there is a close internal relationship between the subject and the object, which is always aimed at the subject and takes care of the subject everywhere. However, it avoids the shortcomings of the general preface giving article, which makes the article tactful, implicit and meaningful. In writing, he also successfully used the technique of contrast and contrast to make the left and right have contrast, and the front and back have reference. The article shows its integrity in a relaxed and leisurely manner, "fish and fish are elegant and self disciplined". This is also very impressive.
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