How to learn painting?

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What is the general price of painting training? Price is a factor that everyone takes into consideration, so you should take the initiative to consult yourself and ask for some details clearly, so that there will be no misunderstanding when you sign up. However, price cannot be the only measure. Learning is naturally a matter of effort. As a young man, he has the capital to pay for learning. At this time, he will not fight or pay. When he is old, he cannot fight if he wants to.

Because religion is the alienation of another manifestation of human nature and the ideal of subjective aesthetics for objective objects, the essence of human being has been affirmed and praised due to the involvement of aesthetics in appreciation. People's yearning for a happy life is reflected from the emotional perspective through aesthetic appreciation activities.

I want to participate in painting training, which is useful!

Wrong method of sketch layout

1. It is forbidden to be top heavy, and the lines should be even.

2. The lines should not be too disordered or out of order. The lines should be arranged neatly.

How to learn painting

How to learn painting:

1. It is normal for novices not to know the learning steps before they learn to paint. Let's briefly talk about the steps of learning to paint. What's the effect.

2. The first thing we need to learn is sketch, which is the basis of painting. There are still many painting bases to learn in sketch, such as lines, composition, light dark relations, etc., which are all what our novices need to practice when learning to draw.

3. After learning sketch, you can start to learn color. You can choose different types of watercolor painting, gouache painting, oil painting, etc. These are very good ways to learn color.

4. Later, we need to learn sketches, mainly for characters and scenes, which can improve our ability to observe and summarize paintings. Then we can start to find our own style and focus on learning.

It is an art of copying nature by hand on a two-dimensional plane. In medieval Europe, people often referred to painting as "the art of monkeys". Before the 20th century, the more realistic the painting was, the more advanced the technology was. But after the 20th century, with the emergence and development of photography technology, painting began to turn to the direction of expressing the painter's subjective self.

Painting is a form of capturing, recording and representing different creative purposes, and the number of its participants is equally large. The nature of painting can be natural and iconographic (such as still life or landscape painting), photographic painting, abstract painting, narrative, symbolic, emotional or political.

How to Learn to Draw

Suggestions for learning painting are as follows:

1. Strictly speaking, learning painting starts with learning sketch, which generally requires a gradual process of gypsum geometry, still life, plaster figure, structure, and head portrait.

2. The cultivation of correct learning methods is based on a deep understanding of things. Learning sketch should be sensitive to the stereoscopic sense of objects, and should have a keen observation ability to understand the overall proportion and physical structure of objects. Most of the sketch paintings are plaster geometry, static objects, and head portraits. Start from the relatively simple and learn step by step.

3. After learning sketch, you can learn color. Color should not only emphasize color change and color relationship, but also emphasize modeling, structure, and sketch relationship in color. The process of painting is a process of comparison. We should always pay attention to the many relationships between the colors of the pictures, and emphasize the brushwork and methods, strengthen the performance of the body structure and the transition relationship, and strive for the integrity of the pictures.

4. When learning painting, you should not only learn painting, but also learn knowledge other than painting, such as calligraphy, literature, music, design and other knowledge related to painting. Only with comprehensive knowledge and cultivation, mutual reference and integration in actual creation, can the paintings be more meaningful and lasting.

5. Beginners often lack knowledge of pen, shape, structure, painting theory, color and other aspects, and are prone to various errors in the process of painting. Therefore, if conditions permit, it is generally recommended to follow professional teachers for learning.

thinking of an old acquaintance on seeing a familiar scene 2024-06-19 14:06:05

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