How to learn the subjects of Grade Three

Heart like a rock
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1. Language: First of all, entering the third day of junior high, the learning task is heavier, and the time is especially tight. Therefore, students in the third day of junior high school must accurately grasp the rules of the proposition of the high school entrance exam, master the key points and difficulties in the process of Chinese learning, and only in this way can they win the high school entrance exam. Based on the senior high school entrance examination over the years, the Chinese test paper consists of three parts: accumulation and application, reading comprehension, and composition.

(1) Accumulation and application: This is the basic question of the language test for the middle school entrance examination, accounting for about 30 points. It includes Pinyin, judgment of correct and wrong sentences, memorization and dictation of ancient poetry and prose, contextual flow, and memorization and imitation of a small amount of classic knowledge. The review method of this part is to review the old and learn the new, strive to pass each article, speak in a coherent manner, write correctly, and review in time according to the memory rules.

(2) Reading comprehension: This is the most important part of the Chinese language test, accounting for about 60 points. It includes modern writing and classical Chinese writing, of which modern writing is divided into prose, expository writing, argumentative writing, and narrative writing. As far as the high school entrance examination in various places is concerned, modern writing mostly tests famous writers and famous articles outside the text, while classical Chinese is generally based on textbooks, involving comparative reading in and out of class. It should be emphasized that whether reading modern Chinese or classical Chinese, the design of the test questions for the senior high school entrance examination is mainly subjective, and the examinees are required to answer the questions according to their own understanding of the reading materials.

(3) Composition: The composition of the middle school entrance exam accounts for the largest score in the Chinese exam, because it best reflects a person's Chinese level. It can be said that the quality of a composition is related to the success or failure of the whole Chinese examination results, and it must not be taken lightly. Many students write sloppily at ordinary times, which is mainly reflected in not making drafts at all, even copying others' articles, dealing with teachers, etc., which is not conducive to the improvement of writing level. Therefore, composition must form good habits.

2. Mathematics: How to learn mathematics in the third day of junior high is a difficult problem for students who are about to enter the new third day of junior high. In fact, it is not difficult to learn mathematics well! Learning mathematics requires methods, plans and reasonable arrangements.

(1) Textbooks should be prepared, done and replied. Before the new lesson, do a preview first, and draw out the difficult points or areas you don't understand with a colored pen, so that you can pay more attention during the lesson. You can do the exercises behind each section first, compare and review the knowledge you have learned, summarize concepts, theorems and formulas, and deepen your understanding of knowledge. You'd better do the examples in the textbook yourself. Reasoning the concepts, theorems and formulas in the textbook to form an overall understanding of knowledge.

(2) Listen, remember and practice in class. Put the problems existing in the preview into the classroom and pay attention to them. You also need to take notes, consolidate them through some exercises, and reduce errors in calculation through practice.

(3) Homework should be "thinking, asking and gathering". For homework, we must develop the habit of independent thinking. We should start with different methods and angles, and explore multiple solutions from typical topics to get association and inspiration. We should also set up more mathematical problem-solving ideas: for example, the idea of equation, the idea of function, the idea of combining numbers with shapes, the idea of the whole, the idea of classification and other common methods; For difficult problems, we should ask more why, such as changing conditions, adding conditions, and exchanging conclusions with conditions. Is the original conclusion still true? In addition, it is better to prepare a set of error questions for the mistakes in your homework and test papers so that they can be used in future review. Never make a similar mistake again.

3. English: In the third grade of junior high school, some students gave up reciting English words and common phrases because of many subjects, tight time and scattered energy. Therefore, to learn English well, in addition to strong interest, they must also have strong determination and self-confidence.

(1) Words and phrases: Mastering a certain amount of vocabulary is an important guarantee for learning English well. The spelling and pronunciation of most English words still have rules to follow. Students can also quickly remember words according to the changes of affixes and parts of speech, especially irregular changes. In short, we must know its sound, shape and meaning, and keep the words in sentences, so that vocabulary learning will be effective.

(2) Grammar: To learn English well, you can't do without mastering grammar. But in the third grade of junior high school, it is not good to learn English just by listening to the teacher speak grammar rules or reciting grammar rules. A more effective way is to experience and understand grammar in sentences or articles through a certain amount of grammar practice after the teacher explains. Some key points and difficulties in grammar can be well mastered only after practicing the basic sentence patterns.

(3) Reading: In the third day of junior high, the length of text reading should be longer, and students will not have enough vocabulary, grasp enough grammar knowledge, or have narrow knowledge, which will affect the reading comprehension of the text. Students can regularly and quantitatively carry out text reading training. The subject matter should be rich and the content should be novel. When doing reading comprehension, you should not be too casual, and you should limit the time; Don't look up every new word in the dictionary. Learn to guess the meaning of the word through the context. The combination of extensive reading and intensive reading can be used to train and improve their reading ability.

(4) Writing: We should not only pay attention to the correct and reasonable language structure, proper use of words and accurate spelling, but also pay attention to smooth expression and beautiful sentences. Students can recite some specific sentence patterns and beautiful sentences in their spare time.

4. Physics: junior high school physics is mainly about memorizing formulas. It's OK to bring the known conditions inside. Of course, there are some problems, but after analysis, they can all be reduced to the simplest state, that is, set of formulas.

(1) Remember the formula. When the title of a chapter is mentioned, it can naturally reflect all the formulas in this chapter. This can help you to know well and build confidence for your problem solving.

(2) Flexible application, so as not to learn physics (I think we should start from the concept). This can help you find a breakthrough quickly. You can read more about physics and physical phenomena in life.

(3) Practice more, lay a solid foundation, and practice comprehensive questions in chapters. Don't ask for difficulties. Do some classic physics final questions for the senior high school entrance exam. Remember not to be ambitious or timid. Be persistent and persistent. If you really don't want to learn to ask teachers for help.

5. Chemistry: After entering Grade Three, students will be exposed to a new basic natural science -- chemistry. Students need to finish a year's chemistry course in a short period of half a year. All students have the same starting point, and there are no basic problems. So we must build confidence in learning chemistry well at the beginning.

(1) Preview in advance and arrange learning time reasonably. The summer vacation from the second day of junior high school to the third day of junior high school is the longest discretionary time before the entrance exam. Students must use this time before the beginning of school to preview the chemistry textbook, understand some basic chemical concepts, and be familiar with some basic operations of chemical experiments. To establish a good beginning for chemistry learning in the third day of junior high, it is better to do some simple auxiliary exercises, on the one hand, it can enhance the interest in learning chemistry; On the other hand, we can also understand the concept at a deeper level.

(2) Understand double bases and master chemical terms. The so-called "double bases" refer to the basic concepts and theories of chemistry. They are an important part of basic chemical knowledge and the basis for learning chemistry well. The so-called "chemical terms" refer to some chemical terms commonly used in chemical science in the process of communication, description and expression of material changes, such as element symbols, chemical formulas, chemical equations, etc., which should be skillfully mastered and flexibly used.

(3) Based on the structure, understand the nature of matter. The object of chemical research is matter. The composition and structure of matter determine the nature of matter, and the nature of matter restricts the existence, preparation and use of matter. Therefore, when learning the properties of elements and compounds, we should grasp their structures to understand the properties of substances. For example, when learning about oxygen, we must consider that oxygen is composed of many oxygen molecules, and one oxygen molecule is composed of two oxygen atoms. The oxygen atom has six electrons on the outermost layer, so it is easy to get electrons. Therefore, the chemical property of oxygen is relatively active. Many substances can chemically change with oxygen at room temperature, when ignited or heated, and emit a lot of heat. After learning a lot of materials, we should be good at building relevant materials into a knowledge network to make knowledge organized so that we can grasp them firmly.

In a word, as we are about to enter the third day of junior high school, students should enter a tense state from now on, review and grasp the key knowledge of the second day of junior high school, and then put it into the preview of the new third day of junior high school, understand the structure system of the textbook and grasp the key points, in order to prevent students from causing tension and frustration in the final study!

Keep quiet for a lifetime 2024-06-02 11:13:51

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What does that mean

Well, the Chinese word, whose pinyin is b à le, is a modal particle. It is used at the end of a declarative sentence and has the meaning of "just so", which dilutes the meaning of the sentence. It is often followed by words such as "but", "nothing but", "just" and so on; It means tolerating, reluctantly letting go, and not going deep into it for the time being.
1. The fourth part of Yuan · Guan Hanqing's "Golden Thread Pool": "He really refused to stop. How can he teach me to judge?"
2. Ming Gaoming's The Story of Pipa: A Sad Encounter in the Library: "He taunted me, which is unforgivable. If you said you knew, how could you stop working?"
3. The 22nd chapter of Wu Jingzi's Unofficial History of the Scholars in the Qing Dynasty: "I don't want to talk about you. It's ridiculous that you ask me these questions!"
4. Liu Dabai's "Flood": "People also drift away, let's forget it. Are the people left with no food, no room, and no shelter at the end of the flood?"
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6. The second chapter of the Biography of Heroes in Children: "This is all about me! If I didn't have such property, I would have it, and I wouldn't do it."
7. The fifth chapter of Journey to the West: "You four are going back. Please thank me."
8. Ming Ling Mengchu, Volume 9 of "Amazing Two quarter Clapping the Table": "The Feng official still asked my sister. You are just greeting her."
9. The 19th chapter of The Scholars: "Every morning my brother's wife comes out of the house to carry firewood. Tomorrow everyone will lie there and grab it if you meet them."
10. Chapter 22 of the Dream of Red Mansions by Cao Xueqin in the Qing Dynasty: Who is meditating again? It's just a temporary joke.
11. The 32nd chapter of the Dream of Red Mansions by Cao Xueqin in the Qing Dynasty: "I am just a vulgar person."
12. Lu Xun's "Two Places Book - To Xu Guangping II": "I believe that writing it may not be useful for you, but I can only write these things."
13. The 23rd chapter of Wu Chengen's Journey to the West: "Brother, just! Just! We met a ghost!"
14. The 23rd chapter of The Scholars: "It's all right! I was taken in by this little beast!"
Sentence making:
1. He won't really hit you, just scare you.
2. This is just my learning experience.
3. It's enough that he doesn't want to go.
4. Is this question difficult? only.

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From the 43rd chapter of The Scholars: "The salt ship is stranded, let's help him get it up!"
Synonyms: stop, stop, stay, stop, pause, stagnation.
Antonym: sinking, floating, swimming.
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