Where does the wedding car leave on the wedding day

Indifferent Enron Marriage Strategy
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Wedding is what everyone aspires to, and the wedding process and steps are also very strict. For all the newlyweds, the first marriage is not clear about some details, and they don't know what to do. Recently, the young editor often heard friends ask, "Where does the wedding car usually start from?" This question is very important in the process of marriage, If you don't understand the wrong direction, it may affect the overall wedding. I have compiled a related article for you today.

1、 Where does the wedding car leave on the wedding day

1. Never go back

When you marry a bride, you must not repeat the route, because going back means divorce, which is a big taboo in our Chinese marriage customs. However, it should be noted that the way of turning back here means that we can't go the same way for affinity and greeting, but we can cross each other, just not repeat.

2. The route of wedding car selection is particular about feng shui

In the route selection of the wedding car, we should try our best to avoid walking in government agencies, high-voltage lines, temples, churches, hospitals and other places. Because hospitals, temples and other places will have a negative impact on the marriage of new people; And places like high-voltage lines are very unsafe, so we should try our best to avoid them.

3. Select the nearest route for marriage

Since the number of kilometers is limited for renting a wedding car, the route for the groom to pick up the bride must be as close as possible, which will not only save time, but also avoid extra cost overruns. Moreover, we have the view that we should not avoid detours, which is also killing two birds with one stone!

4. No rough road

The bumpy road also means that the future life of husband and wife is full of thorns and difficulties. China has always advocated that the road that the wedding car goes through should be flat and spacious, implying that the future life will be smooth, profitable and happy. So when designing wedding car routes, remember to avoid rough roads.

5. Timely route communication

It is inevitable that a motorcade will encounter traffic lights or separate due to uneven speed, so the best way is to unify the route of the wedding car the day before, such as at which intersection, which intersection, which building to see, and so on. It is also better to prepare interphones between drivers to communicate the route conditions from time to time to ensure the smooth and unified journey.

6. Try to avoid traffic lights

Traffic lights mean that marriage is blocked, so when designing routes, try not to go to places with many traffic lights such as the city center. One is to ensure the speed of the team and the other is to avoid losing cars. Of course, no matter how the route is designed, it is inevitable to encounter one or two traffic lights. Anyway, you must obey the traffic rules when driving, and take the overall situation as the priority.

2、 Wedding car departure schedule

At 7 o'clock in the morning, the groom should basically get ready to wash and gargle, and then start the final inspection and preparation, take care of his own appearance, and prepare for the wedding reception. At the same time, our bride should also get up early, eat breakfast, let the skin wake up, and wait for the arrival of the makeup artist to start dressing up

At 7:30 in the morning, the groom began to arrange the arrangement of the wedding car fleet, mainly including the decoration of the first car, the arrangement of flowers, the posting of some happy words, and the tying of special wedding ribbons. Then he made a final communication with all the drivers, clearly letting the drivers follow the designated driving route. The wedding car can't go back on the wedding day, so it should be arranged in advance, And make the final work arrangement and arrangement with his best man group and relatives and friends group

At 8:00 in the morning, the groom is about to leave his home and go to the vicinity of the woman's house. This time can be 8:00 or 8:30, mainly depending on the distance between the groom's house and the bride's house. This time should be calculated to avoid being late and delaying the auspicious time. So it is generally recommended that the groom arrive 20 to 30 minutes early. On the one hand, final preparations can be made, On the one hand, the photographer can also take some photos and videos for you as a souvenir, including the heroic momentum of the wedding car fleet on the road, which can be taken when there are fewer vehicles in the morning

Arrive at the bride's home at 9 a.m. to start the wedding ceremony, the game of blocking the door, the proposal, the oath, the tea ceremony, etc., and try to complete all the games and the ceremony of thanking the elders within one hour so that the follow-up time will not be affected. If you are really worried that one hour is not enough, you can also consider arriving at the bride's home earlier, The wedding ceremony can start at 8:50, compared with the fire prevention

At 10 a.m., basically at this time, the bride will start the ceremony of going out. The bride will also set off firecrackers to celebrate when she goes out, and then her mother will put on new wedding shoes for her daughter. After hugging, she will start to go to the man's home. Basically, at 10:10 or 10:18, she will officially leave her parents' home, which is also a lucky number

At 11:00 in the morning, the groom takes the bride back to the husband's family's bridal chamber to complete the tea ceremony for the husband's parents, and then you can have lunch and have a rest. So, normally, around 11:00, the bride will arrive at the bridal chamber with the groom.

So, we should start from the woman's home at around 10 o'clock, otherwise it will affect the auspicious time of the marriage

3、 How to arrange the wedding car passengers

1. Who will take the main wedding car

There are various arrangements for the main wedding car, but one principle must be observed: Sina and the bride must sit on the main wedding car. Seating arrangement of the main wedding car --: the passenger seat is empty, and the groom and bride in the rear row sit on both sides, following the male left and female right sitting method. The seat arrangement of the main wedding car is two: the best man sits in the front passenger seat, and the groom and bride sit on both sides in the back row, following the male left and female right sitting method. The seat arrangement of the main wedding car is three: the passenger seat is the best man, the bride is in the middle of the back row, the groom is on the left side of the bride, and the bridesmaid is on the right side of the bride. The seat arrangement of the main wedding car is four: the front passenger seat is for the groom, the rear seat is for the bride in the middle, and one flower child is for each side.

2. The wedding car fleet generally includes: camera car, main wedding car, car following (keep in mind the number of wedding car fleets - must be an even number) camera car: take the camera, camera, and goods carrier for the convenience of shooting - must let the staff take the camera car, and the goods carrier must also follow the bride because of the bride's main wedding dress and shoes. The bridesmaids are better not to squeeze into the back seat of the main wedding car with the bride and groom, otherwise the photos will come out at that time, and the rabbit will be embarrassed.

3. Car following 1: Both parents

In some places, the parents of the man will also go to pick him up, while in some places, only the parents of the woman will go. If there are only the parents of the bride, and the main wedding car needs to take staff, the bridesmaid can also go with the bride's parents. If there are elders in the family, such as the bride's grandparents, the bride's elders and the bride's parents should ride in the same car.

Sleeping in spring and not knowing the dawn 2023-07-28 22:18:24

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Rhythm writing method:
1、 It should be clear that the quatrains of ancient poetry are different from regular poetry.
For quatrains: five character quatrains are called five character quatrains; Seven words in one sentence is called seven character ancient poetry. It is generally composed of four sentences, which can be divided into Lvjue and Gujue.
For metrical poetry: the metrical poetry with five words and one sentence is called five character metrical poetry, which is called five metrical poetry for short; The seven character verse is called seven character verse, which is called seven verse for short.
2、 Rhyming difference:
In terms of rhyme, quatrains have different requirements according to different forms. The law is the most strict. Like metrical poems, they should pay attention to the balance of tone and level, and rhyme strictly. But the quatrains like "Gujue" are not so strict.
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4、 By paying attention to the "flat" and "oblique" in poetry, and combining with the matching songs, the words in poetry can be matched, and the rhyming poetry can be written with frequent practice.

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