Types and Methods of Writing in Junior Middle School

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Composition is a kind of creative activity, which is the combination of words and thoughts. It is necessary to bring the reader into the child's own thinking, so that the reader can read with his own feelings. The topic of the composition in the examination room is ever-changing, and there is a bookish atmosphere in the belly. The more you accumulate at ordinary times, the higher your score will be. So, what are the types and methods of composition in junior high school?

Types and Methods of Writing in Junior Middle School

1. Start with the things around you

Junior high school students' compositions are mainly written in a straightforward way, without narrative analysis and discussion, they just need to fully express what they see and think in their own words. Let children start from the things around them, write their feelings and experiences about the experience, and combine these experiences to properly expand and enrich the database of language expression materials. First, describe the simple things around you, then further eliminate the complexity and keep simple, gradually accumulate writing materials, and lay the foundation for writing a good composition in the future.

2. Find inspiration for writing from life

Writing questions are not achieved overnight or fabricated, but a creative process based on the accumulation of certain knowledge and experience. Writing originates from life but is higher than life. If life is copied in words all the time, it is called running book. Therefore, when junior high school students exercise their writing ability, they should observe and experience real life more and find inspiration for writing from real life. Here we need to have strong observation ability and good thinking ability.

3. Read more books

Writing is a creative process. To impress others and attract everyone's attention, you need to use some classic words or fables, which can achieve twice the result with half the effort. The specific approach is to read more books of all kinds, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, literary classics, human history, natural geography, and other books in all aspects. This is not only a process of enriching knowledge, but also a way to improve the ability to quote classics in writing.

4. Use word expression skills

Chinese is broad and profound, and the same words can have different effects with different expressions. Junior high school students can, according to their mastery of words and combined with the content of the composition topic, appropriately use figurative sentences or parallelism sentences and other writing techniques to improve the beauty of the composition. In addition, they should be good at using specific sentence patterns, for example, the reason is that, if, then and other expressions can enhance the readability of the composition.

5. Do more imitation exercises

The composition in the Chinese examination is to write an article according to the proposition or pictures, materials, etc. within the specified time, which requires high writing speed. In a short time, it is difficult to be fluent in language and aesthetic in writing. Therefore, in ordinary times, you can choose some good articles to imitate their writing structure, language expression sentence pattern, layout, etc., so as to improve your immediate writing ability.

Junior high school is a very important development stage in the whole education system, playing an important role as a bridge between the preceding and the following. As one of the more important subjects in junior high school, Chinese is an important aspect that determines the initial achievement. The writing ability among them is related to the overall achievement of Chinese. Therefore, it is very necessary to grasp the writing skills.

I said to myself that the book of half a city 2024-06-13 14:12:22

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