What to do if the child has a bad attitude

Old Lane Old Man
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With the growth of children's age, children may become more and more difficult to discipline. Sometimes children will have a bad attitude when facing parents' preaching, and will talk back when talking to their parents. Some parents will directly confront their children when facing such a situation, and some parents will choose to ignore them. These two ways cannot correct children's behavior very well.

What to do if the child has a bad attitude

1. We should refuse to be spoiled by other generations. Although it seems very good, we have to say that such a situation does have a huge impact on children. Therefore, when parents find that children are particularly close to the elderly, and the elderly choose to cover up when the children do something wrong, we should teach the children and also need to talk with the elderly.

Seriously communicate with the elderly to prevent them from spoiling their children excessively. Only if family members use the correct way to teach children, then children's problems will not exist, and children's character will also move on the right path.

2. Parents should correct their behaviors in time. When a child does something wrong or does something impolite, parents should correct it in time. If parents always choose to shield their children, they will not know how to respect others when they grow up.

So when children have wrong behaviors, we should remind them at the first time, and ask them to apologize to each other and correct their behaviors, then children will naturally remember the lesson.

3. Insist on not preaching. To get along with children, it's useless to just preach to them. They can't listen to it at all. Instead, they will feel disgusted, nagging and pedantic. Therefore, when dealing with adolescent children, we must adhere to the principle of not preaching, do more and speak less, and use our own actual actions and performance to influence them.

4. Think and speak from the perspective of children, don't impose your will on children, and respect their ideas. Don't rush to express your opinions when you don't understand your child's needs and ideas, and don't rush to teach when you don't understand your child's feelings. You should first think from the perspective of children and respect their ideas, rather than analyze from your perspective.

When you start from the perspective of children and respect their ideas, you will find it easier to communicate because it is easy to resonate with children.

The child's impolite speech and bad attitude

1. Do not respect the elderly. In today's family education, children are spoiled and their needs are not met. They often vent their emotions on the elderly and shout loudly. Only when parents are around, they will converge slightly.

2. Call the adult by name. If a child calls an adult's name directly, it is extremely impolite and will make the adult feel embarrassed. Therefore, this kind of behavior is also very impolite.

3. Specially against adults. When children are a little older and have self-consciousness, they will fight against their parents' constraints, deliberately indulge themselves and fight against adults. If it goes too far, parents will give severe criticism and education.

What are the manifestations of children's weak expression ability

1. Speak without logic. Every child is an independent individual from birth, and needs to learn to speak alone. When a child can really speak on his own, he will really grow up and become an independent person.

Some children can speak, but their words are illogical, because they are totally different from each other. This kind of child seems to be "able to talk", but in fact, his expression ability is completely unqualified. People who speak illogically like this have no age limit, and some adults also have this behavior.

2. Repetition of words, wordiness can not find the point. He kept repeating and wordy, and could not get to the point. After talking for a long time, others did not know what they were talking about. The first thing that many people think of is that children who are just learning to speak are very boring and wordy, with overlapping words and repeated sentences.

When children learn language, there will be such performance, of course, there will also be people with weak language ability. This situation is generally beyond the speaking age, and the expression ability is still unclear, that is, the performance of not speaking.

pierce a willow leaf with an arrow from the distance of a hundred paces 2024-06-13 14:11:05

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