Five Basic Colors of Traditional Chinese Painting

Flowers bloom on the other side
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In traditional Chinese painting, color is one of the most important elements, which can express the emotion and artistic conception of the work. Learning color recognition and matching skills is a very important part of learning Chinese painting.

Five Basic Colors of Traditional Chinese Painting

Learning Chinese painting requires five colors: ochre, rattan yellow, flower green, rouge and dark green.

The pigment of traditional Chinese painting has two properties, which will produce different effects when used. One is plant based, such as Huaqing, Tenghuang, rouge, peony red, etc. The performance is transparent and fine, but will fade over time; The other is mineral, such as cinnabar, cinnabar bleach, first green to three green, first green to three green, ochre, stone yellow, white powder, etc. The performance is opaque, has coverage, and does not fade over time.

Several colors commonly used in traditional Chinese painting include: flower green, vine yellow, ochre, red fat, rouge, stone green, stone green, white powder, etc. According to the nature of raw materials, traditional Chinese painting pigments are mainly divided into plant pigments, mineral pigments, animal pigments, chemical pigments, etc. Traditional Chinese painting pays more attention to the effect of ink and wash, and generally uses less color. There is a requirement that "color does not hinder ink, and ink does not hinder color".

Color Classification of Traditional Chinese Painting

1. Stone color (opaque color): stone color is mineral color. In addition to being used in painting, stone color is also used in murals, architectural painting and other places. In ancient China, painters had a very systematic and complete method of using stone color. However, with the gradual decline of the understanding of meticulous painting by painters in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the traditional method of making stone color was almost lost.

Stone color mainly includes: cinnabar, cinnabar, stone green, realgar, orpiment, stone yellow, black stone grease, mica powder, clam powder, ochre, earth yellow, coral powder and other gem pigments, as well as newly developed high-temperature crystalline pigments.

It should be noted that the classification of stone green and stone green is generally detailed: first green, second green, third green, fourth green and other first green are the heaviest, fourth green is the lightest, and stone green is the same.

2. Water color (transparent color): water color is mainly composed of some natural plants, together with a small amount of animal materials and mineral fine powder pigments. Stone color and water color are generally used together in traditional Chinese painting, which has achieved a rich effect of alternating shades and virtual reality. Water color mainly includes: vermilion, rouge, western red, gamboge, ochre, cyan, water color and acrylic color.

Tips for color matching of traditional Chinese painting

1. Phthalocyanine+Litho+Ink=navy blue (background)

2. Garlic yellow (half)+white (half)=pink yellow (dotted flower core)

3. Garcinia (80%)+vermilion (5%)+Huaqing (15%)=juicy green (reverse leaf, tender leaf, receptacle)

4. Huaqing+ink=ink blue

5. Phthalocyanine blue+eosin=purple

6. Phthalocyanine blue (60%)+gamboge (40%)=emerald green (leaf color is drawn in the south)

7. Phthalocyanine blue (half)+gamboge (half)=grass green (regular)

8. Phthalocyanine blue (more)+gamboge (less)+vermilion (more)=grass green (more blue)

9. Grass green+rouge (a little)=old green

10. White+eosin (less)=pink

11. Phthalocyanine blue+ink (less)=Huaqing

12. Eosin+ink (less)=rouge

13. Grass green+emerald=green

14. Grass green+ink (less)=dark green

15. Huaqing (70%)+gamboge=old green

16. Juice green+gamboge (less)=bud green

17. Phthalocyanine blue (less)+gamboge=bud green

18. Eosin (less)+white=pink

19. Phthalocyanine+gamboge+jadeite (less)=emerald green

20. Rouge+vermilion mark=ink (less)=bean paste color

21. Ink+eosin=ink red

22. Orange+eosin (less)=orange

23. Garcinia+vermilion=orange

24. Garcinia+vermilion+ink=beige

25. Garcinia+anthocyanin (less)+ochre=bud yellow

26. Vine yellow+vermilion+ink+three green=sandalwood

27. vermilion+bright red (less)=vermilion

28. Eosin+ink (less)+cyanine (less)=dark red

29. Ochre+gamboge+three green (less)=ochre yellow

30. ocher+grass green=ocher green

31. Ink+gamboge+vermilion+three green (dots)=khaki

32. vermilion+ink+eosin (less)=red ochre

33. Red ochre+gamboge (less)=bronze

34. Three green+ink (less)=gray green

35. White+light ink=gray (Pulsatilla barb)

36. Garcinia+ochre (less)=ochre (fine bamboo branches)

37. Garcinia+vermilion (less)=medium yellow (bamboo pole)

38. Phthalocyanine+gamboge+three green (less)=emerald green (bamboo leaves)

39. Ochre+gamboge+eosin (less)=beige

40. Zhu Biao+eosin (less)=orange

41. Zhu Biao+ink+stone green (less)=maroon

42. White+three green (less)=pink green

43. Juice green+gamboge (less)=bud green

44. Grass green+gamboge+vermilion (less)=juicy green

45. Garcinia (70%)+vermilion (20%)+three green (10%)=sandalwood

46. Garlic (70%)+vermilion (30%)=beige

47. Zhu Biao (60%)+Ink (40%)=Old Green

48. Stone green+white=three green -- the more white you add, the four green and five green become. Three green, four green and so on.

49. Rouge (30%)+vermilion (40%)+ink (10%)+gamboge (20%)=bronze

50. After the base color of the vermilion label is flat painted and dried (or after the base color such as eosin or rouge is separately dyed), the light eosin is covered to get vermilion -- draw vermilion flower heads.

51. Ink+phthalocyanine blue=ink cyan

Learn how to mix colors in traditional Chinese painting

1. Juicy green: according to the proportion of pigments, the most colorful is blue-green, and the most colorful is yellow green.

2. Ink cyan: floral cyan or phthalein cyan blue tone ink is an essential color for background color, which is better than using ink color alone for background color.

3. Brown: the color of red clam is black, and sometimes it turns red according to the proportion, which can separate the structure of white birds; Sometimes it is dark ochre. It is very effective to draw the texture of tree trunk or stone with ponding method. Because the ready-made ochre pigment particles are relatively thick and prone to sedimentation, it is generally not used in fine brushwork, so remember.

4. Purple: Huaqing or three green tone eosin or rouge, dark series of flowers are often used.

5. Goose yellow: vermilion fat adjusts rattan yellow, which is often used to dye yellow flowers.

6. Dark red: rouge is used to adjust eosin and a small amount of ink, which shows that dark red flowers are often used, and sometimes ink can not be adjusted.

7. Pink: Red, such as bright red, eosin, and peony red, are added with white, which is often used to dye the tip of red flowers to enhance the sense of volume from the surface.

8. Ochra: After being mixed with ink, vermilion is added with gamboge, which is often used to show the autumn scenery and leaves.

9. Vermilion: Twilight red, often used to paint red birds.

10. Green grey: white is mixed with black, and a little bit of flower blue is added. It is often used in the powder method to show the legs and feet of cranes.

11. Bean green: three green, a little gamboge, and a little phthalocyanine blue.

12. Turquoise: add black and red, then add gamboge, and finally add three greens.

Northern Girl 2024-06-12 15:15:12

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Function: The use of parallelism to describe people can portray the characters in a three-dimensional way, and the scenery can be described in detail when painting scenes, which has a vivid effect. The proper use of parallelism can express strong and unrestrained feelings and elaborate complex facts.
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