What should I do if my high school performance gets worse and worse

If the youth is as green as before
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Many children's academic performance in junior high school is among the best, but once they reach senior high school, their performance continues to decline, which not only affects their learning confidence, but sometimes even causes their children to become bored with learning. Their poor performance in senior high school may be related to the difficulty of subjects, learning attitude and learning methods. Parents should find the root cause of their children's performance decline, Targeted help children solve problems.

What should I do if my high school performance gets worse and worse

1. Communicate with children, understand their learning situation and psychological state, and give timely encouragement and support.

2. Find out the problem. Understand why children's performance has dropped so much, and what aspects need to be improved. You can communicate more with teachers and children themselves.

3. Develop a learning plan. It is necessary to develop practical learning plans for children, and clarify their learning objectives and learning priorities of each subject.

4. Sort out learning methods. Help children sort out learning methods and find more suitable learning methods, such as making reasonable learning plans, adopting effective memory methods, and improving reading comprehension.

5. Build self-confidence. By encouraging, supporting and affirming children's achievements and progress, help children build self-confidence, reduce learning pressure and stimulate learning motivation.

What is the reason why children's high school performance has been declining

1. High school learning tasks are heavy, and children have not yet adapted

Compared with the learning task of high school, the learning task of junior high school can be said to be "pediatrics". Some knowledge points in junior high school can be learned by rote. However, in high school, many topics become more flexible than those in junior high school. Those junior high school students who "study hard" still don't pay attention to learning methods after reaching high school, so it is naturally difficult to adapt to the rhythm of high school, and it is expected that their scores are worse and worse each time.

2. Have prejudice against teachers and have problems in learning attitude

"Be close to their teachers and believe in their ways", on the contrary, have prejudice against the teachers, and the subject will be "lame" soon.

3. Unable to adapt to the teacher's teaching method

The learning style of senior high school is different from that of junior high school. The teaching speed is fast. There are many courses. Learning time is tight. If this situation is still the way of learning in junior high school, the performance will not keep up all of a sudden.

4. Knowledge system change

The subject knowledge of junior high school is based on memory. The subject knowledge of senior high school is based on logic expansion thinking. Therefore, if some students do not change their way of thinking, their scores will decline straightly.

Can Senior One catch up with the poor grades of Senior Two? Listen to what senior high school teachers say

Senior one is not good. Senior two still has opportunities, and there are great opportunities. In reality, there are many high school students who have poor academic performance in the first semester of senior high school, but they began to work hard after reaching the second or even third year of senior high school, and their academic performance soared, and finally achieved good results. This requires parents to support and encourage their children:

1. Help children correct their learning attitude

"Attitude decides everything" If you want to improve your child's performance, you must correct his learning attitude and understand his purpose. Whether his attitude is correct plays a decisive role in the quality of his performance, even more important than IQ. If his attitude is not correct, no matter how good it is, his aptitude will be wasted.

2. Encourage children correctly

High school students are easy to lose because of a decline in an exam, and this is also a critical period of character formation. Parents should carefully observe the children's learning situation. When the children's performance is abnormal, they should carefully ask the children why and give analysis, encouragement and support, rather than scolding. The self-confidence of children with parents' support will definitely double.

3. Change learning methods

There are huge differences between senior high school and junior high school. The difficulty and learning methods are different. It is not feasible to copy the learning methods of the previous junior high school to senior high school. We must let children change their original learning methods and quickly develop good learning methods. Senior high school is the best time for children to develop learning habits. Parents should do a good job of supervision and guidance.

4. Help children develop learning plans

Parents can help children develop scientific learning plans and provide targeted and personalized guidance according to their interests and abilities. Parents can also set goals for their children and help them allocate learning tasks according to their children's actual situation and time arrangement.

5. Find a counseling agency to help children

Parents can also seek the help of counseling agencies to let children receive some professional counseling and teaching outside the school, so that children can have a deeper understanding of the learning content.

Youth is the most precious 2024-06-14 13:14:14

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