What if the son hates his mother

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Many mothers consider the future development of their children as the starting point for their children, but children may not understand their mothers' ideas. They always feel that their mothers have too much control, so they hate their mothers and want to rebel against them.

What if the son hates his mother

1. Find the reason

Find out what the problem is, whether it is because of your improper behavior that the child resents, or because of something the child has encountered. Think about the reason before finding a solution. At the same time, parents should also reflect on themselves. Why do children behave like this? I believe they still have something to do with their parents, so we should carefully reflect on ourselves and find the root of the problem.

2. Grasp the strength when communicating

A lot of communication turns into fierce quarrels because of being angry. Parents should be good at observing when communicating with their children. If they find that the child is getting more and more excited, it means that your words have touched his scales. At this time, parents should stop in time and talk about it next time, or change the gentle tone to calm the child's mood.

3. Don't always blame children

No one is perfect, no one says they will not make mistakes, especially young children, who are in a stage of rapid learning. There may be times when you can't do well in the exam. Maybe you can't always do well in the exam. This is our parents' responsibility not to blindly criticize their children's shortcomings. Your criticism may extinguish their active learning.

4. Help children vent their negative emotions

Children hate their parents, indicating that children have a lot of negative emotions. If these negative emotions are not dealt with, children's hatred will become more and more difficult to resolve. Therefore, parents should find ways to help their children to vent their negative emotions.

5. Parents should not be too autocratic

Don't say one thing and two things about children, never consult their opinions, or say that they have asked, but act according to your ideas. This way of getting along will make many children feel very uncomfortable.

The reason why the son hates his mother

1. Sony Ericsson's failure turns into hatred

This type of children hate their mothers, mainly because their mothers don't pay enough attention to their children, and their children want to be proud of their parents, but they find that no effort can be made, so they begin to hate their parents.

2. Use words to attack children's self-esteem

The impact of verbal violence is far more severe than that of domestic violence. Although children will no longer suffer from physical pain, the damage caused to children's hearts is irreversible.

3. Over comparison

Generally, if there are more than one child in the family, parents will habitually compare which child is better and more obedient, and treat children unfairly.

4. Mother is too strict

Children are not allowed to play games on their mobile phones. They are always watching their books and homework. This makes the child's heart unbalanced. In the long run, the child's heart will hate his mother.

5. Both spoil and control

Overindulgence, protection and arrangement make it difficult for children to learn to deal with problems, take responsibility or face challenges by themselves. When encountering setbacks, a child is unable to solve them, he may feel anxious, depressed and frustrated, and turn these negative emotions into hatred for his parents.

How does a mother get along with her son correctly

1. Don't interfere in everything

Some mothers may be too fond of their children, and they usually have to intervene to help their children solve whatever it is. Although doing so can make children feel much easier, don't forget that it is children's life after all.

If the mother has a strong desire for control, it will easily lead to the son's lack of proper assertiveness, and he may become a mother treasure when he grows up. Choosing to let go when necessary, to some extent, is also a mother's love.

2. Don't scold children severely

Maybe it is because of the hard work to give birth to their children. Many mothers have great expectations for their sons. They not only hope that their children will be excellent in life, but also strict with them in study. Occasionally, they will be severely reprimanded and punished if they do not perform well in exams. Doing such behavior at will will constantly hit the self-esteem of children, which is very detrimental to the healthy growth of children.

3. Lower the requirements properly

Lower the requirement properly and let the child compare with himself. As long as your child is a little bit better than yesterday, don't be stingy with your praise and appreciation. Because people always like those who like them very much and have positive comments on them.

If you want your child to like you, you must praise him more and show him that you like him. Children are very sensitive. The more specific and sincere the content of parental praise, the more willing he is to believe it.

4. Pay attention to praise and encouragement

Mother should learn to find his advantages and highlights from his son, give encouragement and affirmation in time, and publicly show his achievements to make him feel valued.

Dried confusion 2024-06-14 13:11:49

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1、 Different meanings:
Lie means:
1. Water is clear, wine is clear. Such as: fragrant spring and clear wine.
2. Cold. Such as clear cold.
Lie means cold. Such as: cold and windy.
2、 Different word sources:
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2. Lie: Pictophonetic characters. 冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冷冷2091; The list sound refers to the decomposition, indicating that the severe cold can crack the soil or tile. The original meaning is cold.
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What is the meaning of helping

Help is a Chinese word, with the pinyin yu á n sh ǒǒǒǒǒǒǒǒǒǒ u, which means to reach out for a person to save him from distress. Generally refers to assistance. From Mencius Liloushang: "If the world drowns, help it with Tao; if the sister-in-law drowns, help it with hands."
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1. After the earthquake, all parts of the country have extended a helping hand to the compatriots in the disaster areas.
2. For those who encounter difficulties, we should lend a helping hand instead of gloating.
3. Who is willing to lend a hand when you are cornered is your true friend.
4. When we are independent and helpless, your parents are often the first to lend a helping hand to you.
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What did it mean then

At that time, the Chinese word, pinyin is b ǐ sh í, meaning that time.
1. The 39th chapter of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong of the Ming Dynasty: "Xing Ba shot his father to death. At that time, each was his own master, and he had to do his best. Now that he is a family, how can he recover the old hatred?"
2. The 41st chapter of Wu Jingzi's The Scholars: "I didn't know who the master was at that time. Today, I think it must be Brother Shaoqing."
3. The 19th chapter of Cao Xueqin's Dream of Red Mansions in Qing Dynasty: "At that time, Daiyu rested in her bed. The maids all went out to help themselves. The room was quiet."
4. The 78th chapter of the Dream of Red Mansions by Cao Xueqin in the Qing Dynasty: "At that time, Jia Zhengzheng talked with his friends on the screen about the victory in the search for autumn, and said, 'When I was about to leave, I suddenly talked about something, which is the best thing to talk about for thousands of years.' The eight characters of 'romantic and meaningful, loyal and generous' are all available, which is a good topic. Everyone should make an elegy."
5. In the 56th chapter of Li Baojia's Official Appearance, Qing Dynasty: "At that time, donations were widely made, and the provincial candidates were very crowded, with good and bad mixed."
6. The second chapter of Flower and Moon Trace: "I thanked you because I was standing near the Spring Festival."
7. Qing Dynasty · Cai Hengzi's "The Myth of Insects": "At that time, the south of the river was the hometown of the tongue of the southern barbarians."
Synonym: At that time.
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