Why don't you suggest choosing colleges outside the province for postgraduate entrance examination

Snow rose
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Because the graduate students in this province have some advantages, such as easy to find materials and information; It is convenient to contact the tutor during the second interview. In essence, there is no difference between the postgraduate entrance examination inside and outside the province. The postgraduate entrance examination is a national unified examination. No matter where you take the examination in the same school or major, it will be the same examination paper. The examination paper is revised by the province where the school is located, and the professional courses are revised by the school, with the same degree of severity.

What are the benefits of postgraduate entrance examination in our province

1. In the city you are familiar with, you can easily adapt to the surrounding environment, such as temperature, transportation, food, etc. If you go out of the province to take the postgraduate entrance examination, facing a strange environment may bring some maladjustment problems.

2. In your hometown, you can easily get support from social resources, such as teachers, friends and relatives. The alumni relationship in the province can also provide more employment opportunities and networking resources. If you leave the province for postgraduate entrance examination, you may have to face an increase in living expenses, such as rental, transportation, daily life, etc.

3. There may be opportunities to keep in touch with tutors or teachers at the undergraduate level when they study in the province. They have a deeper understanding of their research interests and potential and can provide better guidance and suggestions.

4. If you leave the province for postgraduate entrance examination, you may need to spend more time and energy to adapt to the new academic environment when changing your research direction. The postgraduate entrance examination in the province can make better use of the academic resources and research background accumulated during the previous college years.

How to Select Postgraduate Examination Institutions

1. Profession selected by individuals. The situation of different majors in each college is different, and colleges should be selected according to their chosen majors. The difficulty of choosing different postgraduate entrance exams is different. Generally speaking, the competition from strong to weak is: popular majors in famous schools, general majors in famous schools, popular majors in general colleges, and general majors in general colleges.

2. Competitiveness of institutions. There is a big difference between graduate students from 985 and 211 colleges and non 985 and 211 colleges. Here we should consider the competitiveness of colleges and universities. If they can enter their own ideal colleges and universities, it will be a great encouragement to their own lives, and maybe their future life paths will be very different.

3. Personal ability. No matter what kind of college you choose for postgraduate entrance examination, you can't get away from your actual ability. We must make a good balance between our ideals and reality, otherwise we may end up with nothing.

4. Areas for future work. The last thing to consider is the future work area. If you can work in the place where you take the postgraduate entrance examination, the contacts and resources accumulated during the postgraduate period will be conducive to future career development.

freely flowing style of writing 2024-05-20 13:14:37

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