What parents should do when children lose their temper

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It is believed that many parents have similar experiences, that is, children will suddenly lose their temper and become emotional, sometimes crying and making noise, which makes parents very confused. They don't know whether they can tolerate the children or what to do. They can't help the children, so they can only watch the children in a hurry.

What parents should do when children lose their temper

1. Parents should not compromise easily. If your child compromises by crying, it will make him feel that "crying" is effective, so he will still use your psychology to continue crying next time, and never fail. Therefore, when children are upset, parents must adhere to the principles and not easily compromise.

2. Don't hurt children with words. Young children, faced with verbal deterrence, do not have the ability to digest and bear these negative energies. Over a long period of time, children will have a fear when they see their parents, which may affect the parent-child relationship, or may directly affect the character development of children.

3. Don't preach to children endlessly. When a child is crying, he has his own emotions. You can't listen to him if you try to reason with him. For him, your incessant preaching is just a kind of noise. He will only feel upset and cry more severely.

Moreover, some children understand the truth, but only see crying as a means to achieve their goals. Your preaching to him will also hurt his self-esteem to some extent. Since you can't achieve your goal, you must save me some face.

4. Understand the reasons for children's bad temper. It is very important to understand the reasons for children's bad temper. Some children's bad temper may be due to physiological reasons, such as hunger, fatigue, pain, etc., and some may be due to psychological reasons, such as frustration, emotional loss of control, etc. Therefore, we need to carefully observe children's behavior and emotional changes, find the root of the problem, and take targeted measures to solve it.

5. Be patient and understand children. The child has a bad temper, and usually has a lot of emotional loss of control. At this time, parents need to keep calm and patiently listen to the child's emotional expression, and understand the child's inner feelings. Don't get angry or blame the child, which will only make the child more anxious and uneasy. Instead, we should give our children a warm hug, help them release their emotions and pressure, and let them feel the support and care of their parents.

Why do children like to lose their temper with their families

1. I hope to get the attention of my family. What children want most is the love and attention of their parents. If parents neglect their children because of busy work or other reasons, children will try to make some noise to attract their parents' attention, or even pretend to be ill. If this is the reason, parents should reflect on whether they have not given their children enough care and security.

2. Influenced by parents. Children's behavior is the daily behavior of parents. If parents like to lose their temper and throw things at home, children will also be used to venting their emotions in this way. If you want your children to get rid of their temper tantrums, parents should first set an example.

3. In order to achieve their own goals. Children may lose their temper in order to achieve their own goals, such as wanting a toy, eating snacks, etc. If this is the reason for crying and losing their temper, parents must not get used to it, because the first time there will be the second time. In the case of ineffective persuasion, parents can choose to ignore the child directly, let him understand that this move is useless, and will not commit it again next time.

When the "storm" of children's emotions comes, parents can also learn from these practical practices

1. In public, from long memory to humor. When children lose their temper in public, many parents will feel ashamed and embarrassed. This is a problem that almost all parents will encounter, which does not mean that you are not a qualified parent.

2. Don't deal with problems when children are excited. You should know that it is useless to talk to a child about any reason when he is angry or in a bad mood, because at this time other parts of the child's cerebral cortex are closed, and only the emotional center is active. What parents should do is to gently hold the child in their arms and patiently accompany him. Let the child know that you understand him.

Lifetime 2024-06-11 16:11:04

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