The Importance of Chinese to Children

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In the process of learning knowledge, children do not correctly realize the importance of it, such as language subjects. Many children think that the language is commonly spoken and easy to learn, so they can achieve good results without much effort. This idea is totally wrong. Chinese is the basis of learning, and it is impossible to learn Chinese and improve the performance of other subjects, so Chinese is a very important subject.

The Importance of Chinese to Children

Chinese is very important. In primary school, students should learn Chinese well and learn both Pinyin and new characters, so that they can understand the meaning of the question and make correct answers in the exam. I believe that many people have done math word problems. The math word problems are boring, and there are many pitfalls. They may be playing word games with you.

So if you don't learn Chinese well, you may not be able to spy out the traps, and then be blinded by the meaning of these questions, making you make mistakes. Although we have spoken Chinese since childhood, Chinese is different from Chinese after all. It contains a lot of knowledge. So we should learn Chinese well when we are in primary school, so that we can understand the proposals of other subjects and get a good score.

Chinese is also a required subject in the college entrance examination, so Chinese is very important. Many students think that Chinese is relatively simple when they study, and they ignore that Chinese may write homework in other subjects when they are in Chinese class, which is very unwise. Because if you don't study Chinese well, you may not be able to write a beautiful composition.

And the required subject of the college entrance examination also has Chinese, so if your language performance is not good, it may also drag your college entrance examination results backward, so that you can not go to the desired university. Therefore, in order to achieve balanced development and achieve better results in examinations, we must not neglect Chinese, and we must learn it well.

What are the benefits of children learning Chinese

1. Chinese can improve the ability of understanding and thinking, and can promote the development of personal cognition and thinking. We know that language is a system of symbols, a combination of shape, sound and meaning. Learning language well will help us to grasp the complex relationship between things, things and symbols, symbols and symbols.

At present, learning linguistics well has become the basis of learning philosophy and logic. In addition, for students, learning Chinese well is also crucial to understanding the test questions. After all, if they can't understand the test questions, it will be too difficult to get good grades. For example, "increase" and "increase to" are two different meanings.

2. Chinese can become an important means for children to make a living in the future. In the age of intelligence, learning Chinese well can not worry too much about occupation and work being replaced by machines, and even can have a life track more than others.

The era of intelligence will come, and many occupations and jobs will be changed and replaced by machines. Machines cannot replace creative and emotional work, and literary creation is just such work. Even if children do not like creation and have mastered the knowledge and skills of language and literature, it is also very important for other jobs.

How to let children learn Chinese well

1. Bad writing is better than good memory. This sentence is familiar to everyone, but few can really do it. Taking notes is not a simple mechanical and repetitive work, and recording requires skills. In class, the teacher will let the students record the key points, but what the teacher summarizes is his own experience over the years. For different students, the learning progress is different, and naturally sometimes it is not very applicable.

The purpose of taking notes is to mark words that are easy to be wrong or confused, rather than just "taking notes", which is a waste of time.

2. Combine with real life. When many students are learning Chinese, whether it is ancient poetry or classical Chinese, there is always a feeling that they will break away from the textbook, and they do not have a deep grasp of what they have learned. But like "Singing the Goose" I learned when I was a child, I will remember it no matter how many years later. That is because the repetition over and over again in my childhood, coupled with the combination of real situations, can make me remember more deeply.

There is not much Chinese content in primary school, so it is not too difficult for children to accept it. Learning to combine with reality to remember is also very helpful for writing and reading.

Listen to the wind in the rain 2024-06-14 13:12:48

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