The Romance of the Three Kingdoms

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The historical works of historical events are not only《

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Romance provides the basic

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And the framework of historical events. At the same time, historical consciousness and the historical consciousness represented by official history also directly affected


The creative mode and basic tendency of the. Here's what I brought you《

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The content and main characters of Romance.



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Introduction to Romance

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Romance describes the history of nearly a hundred years from the late Eastern Han Dynasty to the early Western Jin Dynasty. The whole book reflects

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The political and military struggle of the era reflects

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The infiltration and transformation of various social contradictions in the era summarized the historical changes of this era, and created a group of heroes who were all powerful.

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Romance depicts nearly 200 characters, among which Zhuge Liang, Cao Cao, Guan Yu, Liu Bei and others are the most successful. Zhuge Liang is the embodiment of the author's virtuous prime minister. He has the lofty demeanor and integrity to devote himself and die, the ambition to help the people and rebuild a peaceful and prosperous society in modern times, and the author also endows him with the strange ability of calling the wind and calling the rain, and ingenious calculation. Cao Cao is a traitorous man. His belief in life is that he would rather teach me to defeat the people of the world than teach them to defeat me. He is both ambitious and ruthless. He is a political careerist and schemer, which is not confused with the real Cao Cao in history. Guan Yu is powerful and resolute, and his righteousness is as heavy as a mountain. However, his loyalty is based on personal gratitude and resentment, not the national justice. Liu Bei was portrayed by the author as a model of benevolent monarch who loves people and things, treats virtuous corporal, and knows people and is good at their duties.

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Romance describes wars of all sizes, with grand ideas and various techniques, which makes us clearly see the battle scenes of bloody battles. Among them, the description of Guandu Battle, Chibi Battle and other wars is ups and downs, ups and downs, which is soul stirring.

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Introduction to the main characters of Romance

1. Liu Bei was born in 166 AD and died in 223 AD. He reigned from 221 to 223. Emperor Zhaolie of Shuhan, with the word Xuande, was born in Zhuoxian County (today's Zhuoxian County, Hebei Province). The son of Liu Sheng, King of Shanjing in Hanzhong. The boy was lonely and poor. He made a living by selling shoes and weaving straw mats with his mother. Later, he became sworn brothers with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei in Taoyuan. He has made great contributions to the eradication of the Yellow Scarf Army, and served as Anxi County Lieutenant. He often depends on others and has successively taken refuge in Gongsun Zan, Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, Liu Biao, etc. In the 12th year of Jian'an (A.D. 207), Sangumaolu invited Zhuge Liang as a military adviser and led the army to capture Jingzhou, Yizhou and Hanzhong. He was officially proclaimed emperor in 221 AD. When taking revenge for Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, he attacked the State of Wu on a large scale and was defeated by Lu Xun of Eastern Wu with fire attack. He died of illness in Baidi City soon after. The world also called him Liu Xianzhu.

2. Zhuge Liang was born in 181 AD and died in 234 AD.

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At that time, it was a politician, strategist and talent in Shu. Kongming, a native of Langya County (now Yinan, Shandong Province), was named Mr. Wolong, a descendant of Zhuge Feng, a college captain of Han Sili. If you lose your parents when you are young, you will live with your uncle.

3. Guan Yu, whose birth date is unknown, died in 219 A.D., Liu Bei's sworn brother, General Wu Hu, ranked first. Word cloud long, Hedong Jie (now Linyi, Shanxi Province, southwest) people. He once killed Huaxiong in front of the Sishui Pass, and was famous for fighting Lv Bu in front of the Hulao Pass. Captured before the battle of Guandu, Cao Cao worshipped him as a partisan army, granted him the title of Han Shouting Marquis, and killed Yuan Shao's famous generals Yan Liang and Wen Chou for Cao Cao. After a thousand miles, I rode alone on a red rabbit horse, took a green dragon Yanyue sabre, passed five passes and killed six generals, and finally returned to Liu Bei. After attacking Cao Ren in Fancheng, the seventh army was flooded, and the general of Cao Cao was subdued. Pang De was killed, and Huatuo was asked to scrape bones and cure poison. But because of pride, he despised the enemy and was obstinate, so he defeated Maicheng and was killed by Sun Quan. All his life, he values friendship, wisdom and courage, and has unparalleled martial arts skills.

4. Zhang Fei, whose birth year is unknown, died in 221 A.D., the righteous brother of Liu Bei, the second general among the five tigers. The word "Yide" is from Zhuozhou County (today's Zhuoxian County, Hebei Province). He once fought Lv Bu with Guan Yu and Liu Bei in Hulao Pass. A roar at the bridgehead of Changbanpo scared off Cao Cao's millions of troops. Jiamengguan fought Ma Chao at night, Brazil fought Zhang, and a Zhang eight foot spear won the third army. After entering Sichuan, Liu Bei became a general of his horse and a marquis of Xixiang. In 221 AD, in order to avenge Guan Yu, the second elder brother, Liu Bei and Liu Bei attacked the Eastern Wu Dynasty. Before leaving, Fan Jiang and Zhang Da, the generals of the Ministry, assassinated them for lashing the soldiers.

5. Cao Cao, Emperor Wu of Wei, was born in 155 AD and died in 220 AD. He was a politician, militarist and litterateur in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. With the name of Meng De and the nickname of A Xiang, he was born in Qiaojun (today's Bo County, Anhui Province), Peiyuan. He was smart, alert and chivalrous from childhood. When the Yellow Scarf Army uprising broke out, Ren Qidu took part in the suppression of the Yellow Scarf Army. From the second year of Jian'an to the sixteenth year of Jian'an (197-211 AD), the army was used to defeat Lv Bu, Yuan Shu, Yuan Shao and other powerful forces, and unify the north. He was defeated by Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang with fire in Chibi. In the 21st year of Jian'an, he was granted the title of King of Wei. Four years later, he died of illness in Luoyang. After Cao Pi became emperor, he was called Emperor Wei Wu.

6. Sima Yi was born in 179 AD and died in 251 AD.

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The general of the Wei State. Zhongda, a native of Hanoi Wen (now Wenxian County, Henan Province). Familiar with the art of war, resourceful, good at playing politics. He has fought Zhuge Liang many times. When Cao Fang was the emperor, he and Cao Shuang were assisted by the imperial edict of Cao Rui. Later, when Cao Shuang went out to hunt, he launched a coup, killed Cao Shuang, became prime minister, granted the King of Jin, and took charge of state affairs. After his death, he was revered as Emperor Yi of Jin by his grandson Sima Yan.

7. Sun Quan

Sun Quan, with the word Zhongmou, was born in Fuchun, Wujun (now Fuyang, Zhejiang). His father, Sun Jian, called himself after Sun Wu, a great military strategist in the Spring and Autumn Period. He once served as the Grand Guard of Changsha, and was the general of Fengpo. His brother Sun Ce was granted the title of Wu Marquis to fight against the rebellious general.

At the age of 15, Sun Quan was elected as a filial and honest scholar, Ren Yangxian (today's Yixing), the leader, and acting as Fengyi Xiaowei. In 200 AD, his brother Sun Ce was killed. Sun Quan inherited his father's and brother's business and kept Jiangdong. Cao Cao expressed his power as a general who wanted to win over the enemy, and understood the chief inspector. In 203 and 205 AD, troops were sent to pacify Shanyue (i.e. Baiyue in the Qin and Han Dynasties) twice, stabilizing the situation of the six counties in Jiangdong. In 208 AD, he led a large army to fight against Huang Zu and captured Jiangling, and then combined with Liu Bei to win the battle of Chibi. In 211 AD, it was moved to Moling and changed to Jianye (now Nanjing) the next year. In 211 AD, Liu Bei personally led a large army to attack Wu for the sake of declaring the enemy of Yu. On the one hand, Sun Quan fought with Lu Xun as the governor of the city, and on the other hand, he made an official appearance to Cao Pi, the Emperor of Wei Wen, and was worshipped as the King of Wu by Cao Pi. In March of the next year, the Shu army was destroyed. In 229 AD, when Cao Pi died, Sun Quan formally established the State of Wu, proclaimed himself emperor, and built the capital. He died in 252 AD.

8. Zhou Yu

Zhou Yu was born in 175AD and died in 210AD as a general of the Eastern Wu Dynasty. His name is Gongjin, and he is a native of Lujiang Shu (Anhui visited the southeast of Lujiang today). Born in a family of officials, he is handsome, intelligent and resourceful. He is called Zhou Lang. After his death, Sun Ce and Zhang Zhao jointly assisted Sun Quan as the governor of the city. In the 13th year of Jian'an (A.D. 208), with the help of Zhuge Liang, Wu and Shu united to burn down Chibi and destroy Cao's army, which was known as Huaxia. He was shot by Cao Ren's ambush when he came back to take Nanjun. He was mean and insidious. Seeing that Zhuge Liang was better than himself, he plotted against him everywhere. Later, he was irritated three times by Zhuge Liang and died of arrow sores.

9. Lu Su

Lu Su, with the character of "Zi Jing", is a native of Dongcheng (now Dingyuan County, Anhui Province) near Huaihe River. He lost his father when he was young and was raised by his grandmother. He has few ambitions, is easy to make money, and likes to practice martial arts, riding and shooting. Therefore, he is quite famous in the local area. Yuan Shu became emperor in Shouchun (now Shouxian County, Anhui Province), and appointed him as the East City Mayor. Lu Su refused to accept orders. Zhou Yu, the head of Juchao (now Tongcheng, Anhui), once asked Lu Su to subsidize military rations. Lu Su generously pointed out to him a large granary with 30000 grains. Zhou Yu was so grateful that he became a bosom friend.

In 200 AD, Lu Su was introduced by Zhou Yu to Sun Quan. Sun Quan attached great importance to Lu Su, drank with him and discussed current affairs. Lu Su advised Sun Quan to set foot in the east of the Yangtze River to see the world's challenges, and then build a number of emperors to map out the world. (《

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Sun Quan admired his talent. In 208 AD, during the Red Cliff War, Lu Su became a colonel of the Zan army. He first proposed to Sun Quan the strategic policy of uniting Liu and rejecting Cao, and sent an envoy to Liu Bei's office to promote the alliance between Sun and Liu. In 210 AD, when Zhou Yu died of illness, Lu Su was appointed as Fenwu Xiaowei, leading Zhou Yu's army and stationed in Jiangling. Later, when he turned to Tunlukou, he was awarded the title of Hanchang Prefecture Chief and Partial General. Cihua (214) turned to General Hengjiang. In 215 AD, troops were stationed in Yiyang (now Yiyang City, Hunan Province). In 217 AD, Lu Su died of illness.

10. Zhao Yun

Zhao Yun, the third general of the Five Tigers in Shu. Zilong, a native of Changshan Zhending (now Zhengding, Hebei), is famous for his bravery and fighting. He was originally a subordinate of Gongsun Zan and later returned to Liu Bei. Liu Bei was defeated by Cao's army at Changbanpo, Dangyang. Zhao Yun entered and left Cao Cao's million troops six times, and rescued Mrs. Gan and Ah Dou. Liu Bei recruited relatives from the Eastern Wu Dynasty, and Zhao Yun led the guards. Later, he stopped the river to rescue Ah Dou. With a long spear, he appeared and disappeared mysteriously, and was full of courage. He fought countless battles throughout his life, and made many wonderful achievements. Later, he paid homage to the general of Yi Army, the general of the Central Guard Army who fought in the south, and the marquis of Yongchang Pavilion. In 227 AD, Zhuge Liang attacked Guanzhong with Zhuge Liang, lost in Jigu and returned to Hanzhong. He soon died of illness at the age of 73. Later generations praised Zhao Yun with a poem:

There are tiger generals in Changshan, and the wise and brave fight against each other.

The merit of Han River is great, and the surname of Dangyang is Zhang.

Help the young master twice and answer the first emperor once.

The history of the Qing Dynasty is a book of loyalty, which should be popular for hundreds of generations.

Summer rain 2024-04-15 13:28:36

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