How to deal with middle school students who don't like reading and play with mobile phones

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With the popularity of the Internet, mobile phones have become a very common tool. For students, their self-control is still very poor. If children have mobile phones, they are likely to indulge in it. They only know how to play with mobile phones, but do not know how to learn, which will greatly affect their future development.

How to deal with middle school students who don't like reading and play with mobile phones

1. Discipline children and make rules. Without rules, the children can't be well formed. The children are still young, and their self-control is not strong. If parents do not guide and let them develop, they will become more and more trapped, develop habits, and it is difficult to correct them. Therefore, parents can guide children to stay away from mobile phones properly. For example, the rules say that you must finish your homework and then you can play for half an hour; Then do 30 physics exercises and 30 math problems, and play for another half hour; Or consolidate the basic knowledge of physics.

2. Actively communicate with teachers to understand the actual situation of children in school and provide targeted counseling. Nowadays, many children have very strong personalities. Many parents talk to their children, and the children are very disgusted. But if outsiders a little older than him, especially those whom he relatively recognizes or even admires, speak, he is willing to listen. For example, if the child likes a certain subject and recognizes his teacher, parents can communicate with the teacher and ask the teacher to encourage the child to stay away from mobile phones from his perspective.

3. Transfer children's interests and hobbies, and cultivate positive ideological quality. Parents can let their children participate in more physical exercises, such as playing basketball, swimming, etc. First, they can release their children's excess energy; Second, it can exercise and strengthen the body; Three sports produce dopamine, which can improve the happy mood of the human body, so it is conducive to the development of children's physical and mental health. Parents should also participate in it and accompany their children. This will not only enhance mutual feelings, but also easily eliminate barriers and enhance mutual understanding.

4. Enrich children's after-school life. The child is energetic and has no place to vent. Nowadays, no matter in the city or in the countryside, smart phones are almost a necessity for every family, and children have nothing else to do to spend their spare time. Therefore, they begin to play mobile phones and games for entertainment. As time passes, they will become addicted to mobile phones. Therefore, parents should try their best to enrich their children's after-school life, such as taking their children to travel during the holidays and cultivating their children's other interests. Try not to let children use mobile phones to pass the time.

The reasons why middle school students don't like reading and play with mobile phones

1. Human nature dictates. People are naturally lazy and like to stay in the comfort zone. Learning is hard for most people, and the sound, light and color in the game give pleasure to the senses. Most people are pressured and motivated to learn, not by nature, but by external forces. If children cannot restrain their nature of pursuing instant happiness in their hearts, they will be addicted to games and do not love learning.

2. Environmental impact. People around, such as parents, classmates and friends, often indulge in mobile phones, which may easily affect children's behavior and value judgment. Children will think that anyone can stop reading and play with mobile phones on the basis of which they are happy. Adults play with mobile phones and get paid. They will mistakenly think that mobile phones have little impact on the future, and they will not be willing to read. In ancient times, the mother of Mencius moved three times. It would be better to pay more attention to the environment.

3. The impact of psychological problems. In fact, the first two points are nothing serious. They are normal factors. Psychological problems are the biggest neglect of our Chinese parents, and also the cause of many tragedies! Most people play mobile phones in pursuit of happiness and comfort, while those with psychological problems basically play mobile phones in order to escape reality and find psychological outlets.

The Harm of Middle School Students' Love of Reading and Playing with Mobile Phones

1. Damage to health. For children in physical development, playing games on computers or mobile phones for a long time will break their daily life rules, including abnormal diet, poor sleep quality, weight loss, etc.

2. Decline in cognitive level. If children play with mobile phones for too long, their abstract thinking ability, logical ability, memory and attention will become worse and worse, resulting in a rapid decline in their academic performance, and then they will lose interest in learning.

3. Learning setbacks. As a student, I should have focused on learning, but because I was addicted to mobile phones and spent too much time playing with them, I could not focus on learning from now on, resulting in poor academic performance; When they are frustrated in their studies, children will be broken.

Half maple lotus 2024-06-12 15:09:10

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