What's the use of Talarea Broken Hero Sword

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How to get the King Sword, a hero trained by Talarea

Defeat the swamp monster and have a chance to drop the Broken Hero Sword.

The broken hero sword can only be obtained during the solar eclipse. Enter the game and wait for the solar eclipse. The time of the solar eclipse is limited. Players need to defeat the swamp monster as much as possible within a certain time, and have a chance to drop the broken hero sword.

After the broken hero sword falls, a broken sword will appear on the map. You can pick it up when there is space in the game backpack.

Terraria What's wrong with the hero's broken sword when the solar eclipse cannot be painted?

Terraria The solar eclipse does not show the hero's broken sword, which indicates that the operation process is wrong. The correct operation method is as follows:

Tools/raw materials

Asus Redolbook14

Windows 10 Education Edition 1909

Terraria 1.3.5

1. Defeat Century Flower.

Defeat the new three kings boss, destroy the buds in the jungle, and defeat the century flower boss.

2. Fragments of Sun Shining Stele.

Enter the temple and hit the monster to get the fragments of the Riyao Tablet. There is also a chance to get the complete Riyao Tablet.

What's the use of Talarea Broken Hero Sword

3. Synthetic Sun Shining Tablet.

Use a copper anvil or a silver anvil to synthesize the fragments of the Riyao tablet into a Riyao tablet.

4. Call the solar eclipse repeatedly.

During the day, use the Sun Shining Tablet to repeatedly trigger solar eclipse events.

5. Kill the Moth Monster.

Generate a moth monster during the solar eclipse, and kill the moth monster with a quarter probability to obtain the hero's broken sword.

6. Pick up the broken hero sword.

Summon several more eclipses to brush out the broken hero sword, pick it up and put it into the backpack.

How to synthesize the blade of Tara

In the game of Talarea, use the anvil in the difficult mode to make the original Steel Broken Sword, the original Night Dagger and the Broken Hero Sword into Talarea Dagger.

1. Place anvils, which are difficult to place, namely mountain copper anvils or silver anvils.

2. Synthesize the original Yongye Blade, consume the Yongye Blade and the Broken Hero Sword to make the original Yongye Blade.

3. Synthesize the original Steel Breaking Sword, consume the Steel Breaking Sword and Leaf Green Ingot to make the original Steel Breaking Sword.

4. Make the Tara Blade, consume the Broken Steel Sword (original), the Eternal Night Blade (original) and the Broken Hero Sword to get the Tara Blade.

If both flat cutting and sword qi touch the enemy monster, the two attacks will be effective and cause twice the damage. Only once you wave the blade of the Tara will you launch an ejection. It can be obtained by using the combination of the original Yongye Blade+the original Steel Breaking Sword on the Silver Anvil, or by using the combination of the original Yongye Blade+the original Steel Breaking Sword on the Mountain Copper Anvil.

How can the Tyrrhean hero get the broken sword?

The hero of Terraria breaks his sword by defeating the monster in the solar eclipse event.

Broken Hero Sword is a hard mode material. It is not a weapon, nor can it be waved or placed on a weapon rack. It fell from the enemy monster in the solar eclipse event. In the computer version, after three mechanical Bosses are defeated, there is a 25% (30.94%) chance that the broken hero sword will fall from the moth monster.

The solar eclipse is a difficult mode event, which happens occasionally after at least one mechanical boss is defeated. A solar eclipse has a 1/20 (5%) chance of occurring at any given dawn.

In the computer version, host version, mobile version, switch version, and tModLoader version, you can also use the Riyaobi: it can be legally obtained only after defeating the Century Flower, but occasionally it can be obtained before that to summon a solar eclipse.

During a solar eclipse, unique and difficult enemy monsters will be generated at a very high speed, even near NPC. No matter how many enemies and monsters have been killed, this event lasts all day, from sunrise to sunset. It can be seen that the moon blocks in front of the sun, causing the ambient light level to drop below the night level.

What's the use of Talarea Broken Hero Sword

The solar eclipse will start at the beginning of the day with the status message that the solar eclipse is happening. This event will only affect the surface layer and can be avoided by moving to the underground layer or deeper. If you have not experienced a solar eclipse before, the moth monster will not be generated until the third stage of the solar eclipse, that is, the third time.

Game background setting of Terraria:

After character customization, the game throws players into a completely randomly generated pixel world. The tools at hand mean that players need to make things, explore the world and defeat monsters.

The whole game world is destructible. After certain obstacles are destroyed, you can find various resources such as stones, wood, iron ore or other equipment. Of course, you will also encounter various monsters as you go deeper. The main task of the game is to let players use all kinds of resources to create all kinds of strange things according to their own ideas, so this makes players full of exploration power.

Life on the ground alternates day and night. In the morning, players can run around and build various shelters; When night falls, zombies and various eyeball monsters will appear, either kill them or escape. The pleasant life on the ground makes people linger. However, the dark underground is the real exciting place.

Some necessities can be found on the ground, but rare materials can only be found underground. The underground world is like a traditional 2D action game. From giant Slim, skeletons, worms to all kinds of worms, they are quite colorful. If the focus of the ground is on construction and exploration, then the ground is where players fight.

Does Terraria usually have a hero sword


Broken Hero Sword: Broken Hero Sword is a hard mode material. Among the computer version, host version, mobile version, switch version, and tModLoader versions, it has a ratio of 1/4 (25%)/7/16 (43.75%).

Is it possible for Talarea to summon a solar eclipse without hitting the three kings?

No, after the three new Three Kings in version 1.3, there will be a moth monster in the solar eclipse. There is a 25% chance to kill it

Terraria 1.4 Why doesn't the eclipse break the hero sword?

What's the use of Talarea Broken Hero Sword

The solar eclipse and blood moon events are random. After the meat mountain queen defeats one of the three mechanical queens, there is a 4% chance that the solar eclipse event will occur every morning. As for the hero who breaks the sword, it is the swamp monster and the scientific monster who dropped it, and the probability of dropping it is 0.4%, except.

Plain white skirt 2024-05-11 12:39:51

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Several cases of full inversion:
1. Complete inversion means putting the whole predicate before the subject (the whole predicate verb, not the auxiliary verb).
2. Completely inverted sentences derived from there: In addition to the most common sentence pattern of there be, there can also be followed by appearance, exist, etc., which are generally translated into the meaning of "you", forming completely inverted sentences, etc.
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From "Xunzi · Fuguo": "If you cut down the country to bribe people, you will cut down the country without being bored."
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The antonym: generous, magnanimous, open-minded.
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