What to do if I can't go on to high school

Cooked Man with Beancurd
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High school is the most stressful and stressful period in children's learning life. Children in this period will face multiple pressures from life, school and family. Once the pressure exceeds the child's tolerance, children will easily have the idea of not wanting to read or go to school. After this happens, the child's mood needs to be alleviated in time to help him return to his normal life path.

What to do if I can't go on to high school

1. Find the reason

High school children are no different from adults in mind, and what they may lack is experience. There may be many reasons for not wanting to go to school at this stage. You need to analyze the child's situation to find the reasons. As we call it, if we can't find the cause, we can't solve the problem.

2. Listening and attention

Parents need to listen to their children's voices, pay attention to their children's learning and life status, understand whether their children have anxiety, depression and other emotions, and help them relieve pressure.

3. Guidance and support

Parents can help children distract and relieve their pressure by guiding them to try more hobbies and encouraging them to actively participate in social activities. At the same time, parents can help students establish good learning habits and reduce the burden of learning.

4. Help

If students encounter learning difficulties, parents can provide help, such as finding a tutor, going to a suitable remedial class, organizing a study group, etc., to help children solve problems and improve their academic performance.

When high school children don't want to go to school, what's the reason

1. Frustration in school

For example, learning pressure is high, students feel frustrated after poor grades, there are contradictions between students, teachers ignore, etc., and problems have not been solved, leaving a knot. These reasons will make children resist school, and finally, children are unwilling to go to school.

2. Personal reasons

Children with different personality types have different reactions and handling of things. Children with introverted personalities are serious and love to hide everything in their hearts. They are also tolerant and encounter setbacks and unhappiness. It's easy to leave a mark in your heart, and if you can't walk out for a long time, you will not want to go to school.

3. Family reasons

If parents often quarrel over trivial matters, and the family is in a state of anxiety, irritability and unhappiness, the children will suffer from insecurity, introversion, inferiority and poor communication. If there is a slight problem in school, children will easily become bored and do not want to go to school.

4. Too much burden and pressure

There is no need to hide the great pressure and burden of learning for senior high school students nowadays. A serious senior high school student can study for at least 12 hours a day. This pressure and burden is really inappropriate for senior high school students who are in the period of physiological and psychological development.

5. Parents' expectations are too high

Many parents have the mentality of looking forward to their children's success and their daughters' success. They put forward unrealistic expectations for their children, which led many children to "jump up and fail to pick peaches", or even "put up a ladder and fail to pick peaches". Over time, children will inevitably become discouraged, become bored with school, and have the idea of escaping, making them want to give up learning.

How can parents correctly guide high school children to study hard? It's important to understand these points

1. Communicate more with children

If we want to understand children, we can't turn a deaf ear to them. Proper communication is still needed, because through communication we can understand some ideas of children, so as to better guide them.

2. Accompany more children

We should change our identity and learn to be children's friends. We should not teach children a lesson in a condescending manner as parents, which may easily lead to children's rebellious psychology. Parents who accompany their children as friends can draw in the distance with their children, so that children can learn and grow in a relaxed family atmosphere.

3. Parents should keep a stable attitude

Some parents and children start to worry when they are in high school. They worry about this and that. The anxiety of parents will affect their children, causing tension and anxiety, which is harmful to learning. Parents should help their children with a stable attitude, not put too much pressure on them, and guide them to use their experience in learning and relax.

4. Encourage and praise more

It is normal for children to have ups and downs in their exams. Don't just focus on the results at home. If you fail to do well in the exam twice, you will be furious and stormy. Parents should give their children positive emotional support and encouragement, praise their efforts and progress in time, and stimulate their enthusiasm and self-confidence in learning.

5. Encourage autonomous learning

Cultivate children's learning consciousness and independence, and let them actively manage time and learning progress. Parents can give some guidance and advice, but do not complete the task on behalf of children.

6. Cultivate good learning habits

Encourage children to develop good learning habits, such as regular review, sorting out notes, and actively participating in classroom discussions. Parents can give affirmation and rewards to help children form positive learning motivation.

Obsessed with old dreams 2024-06-14 13:14:11

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Extract from the original text:
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Original text:
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With the golden scissors, I left a pillow of lovesickness for you.
After picking all the orchids, you can't see the king, and the red towel is full of tears.
Next year, if more frontier fortresses are to be levied, I would like to be a section of cloud on the balcony.
At the beginning of this poem, a young woman was in her boudoir and worried about a faraway person. Suddenly, a letter came from her, reporting that her husband was still stranded in the north of Jiaohe River. In fact, it is not necessary to send a letter, and the letter will not be sent by Chunyan. Chunyan's return from the sea in the south can not bring a letter from Jiaohe in the far north. These are virtual, even unreasonable virtual, just to draw the reverie of the lady in the boudoir "wishing to be a bird in the middle of the continent". The scene of the poem is in the boudoir of a young woman, and the whole poem is full of scenes in the boudoir and sadness of solitude in the boudoir; And by comparing the imagined situation of the Zhengfu, "the king has green silk riding beside the clouds", "the Xiao blowing officer follows the falling flowers", with the scene in the boudoir in front of him, it shows that the young woman's soul is beyond the control.
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