How to educate children who like to steal

Obsessed with old dreams
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In the process of children's growth, there will always be various problems, such as "taking" other people's things. But if parents can not guide and correct these problems in time, it is easy to bring some negative effects on their future healthy development. But in the process of guidance, parents also need to pay attention to methods to avoid causing some bad consequences to children.

How to educate children who like to steal

1. Communicate with children to understand the reasons. When a child is found stealing something, parents should not rush to blame him, but should first guide the child to tell the reason, understand the child's true thoughts, and accept his feelings at that time, so as to solve the problem pertinently.

2. Let children learn to think in terms of position. Let the child stand in the perspective of others and consider the feeling of being stolen. Tell the child: "You see, your things were taken away without your permission. You are very angry and sad. If you take things away without the consent of others, others will be very sad."

3. Let children return goods and money. If the child's things are taken in the store or other places. After the incident, parents must supervise the child to return the goods and apologize, and must return face to face, instead of putting them back secretly, so that the child can realize the nature and corresponding consequences of stealing things.

4. Tell children the correct concept of ownership. Young children are not so profound about the ownership of objects. They may feel that they must own what they like or want. Parents should timely teach their children the correct concept of ownership at this time.

For example, if you want to play with other children's toys, you need permission from others; You need to pay to buy something in the supermarket before you can own it; What are your own things, which can only be owned with the permission of others, and which do not belong to you at all... When children understand these things, they will not "steal".

What parents should pay attention to when dealing with children's "stealing"

1. Don't label children easily. We often hear old people say that "when we are young, we steal needles, when we are old, we steal gold". Parents always treat a child's mistake as a "habitual offender". Maybe the child didn't do it intentionally, or maybe he was just curious. Don't label your child as a "bad boy" or a "thief" without fully understanding the reasons for his "stealing".

2. Don't scold the child in public. If the child really "steals", don't scold the child loudly in public. Parents feel ashamed and lose face when their children do something wrong, but their children also have self-esteem. It is wrong for children to make mistakes, but it is more important to protect their self-esteem. Children can be educated and guided at an appropriate time, rather than being ashamed by "loudly announcing", which will only hurt children.

3. Don't "rake over the past" all the time. It is inevitable for children to make mistakes. Parents should not hold on to their children's mistakes all the time. It seems that children will always make mistakes if they remind them all the time. But always repeating the child's past mistakes in this way will make the child feel that his self-esteem is damaged, and it will be counterproductive. Parents only need to point to the end of their children's mistakes. As long as the children do not commit them again, they do not need to "bring up the past".

Why children like to steal things

Parents are too strict. Usually, such parents are also very strict in the management of their children, even a little harsh. In this way of education, children will not only hide their true thoughts from their parents, but also have some rebellious psychology towards their parents' management. Under this harsh education, children may even deliberately go against their parents and steal to show the most real side of their character.

Affected by the surrounding environment. If the family environment is very lax and does not pay much attention to the quality education of children, then it is likely to form an educational way that connives at children's behavior. The child's moral awareness and behavior are in the stage of gradual development and formation. His right and wrong judgment ability is still in the learning stage, and there is no too clear moral values and values. If the occasional small mistake is not corrected in time, it is bound to make children step by step backward in terms of moral bottom line.

Harsh gentleness 2024-06-11 16:08:30

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