Guangdong Satellite TV and Jilin Satellite TV launched the youth music program "Youth Ballads"

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Campus singer's youth inspirational program "Youth Ballads" will be premiered on Guangdong TV and Jilin TV in the beginning of the school season in September, and at the same time, a large-scale song collection activity "from south to north" will be launched.

The world's first full arri video camera program starts 4k+hdr double standards

Youth Ballad is not only recorded in 4k+hdr double standards, but also the world's first variety show produced by full arri video. In terms of dance beauty and lighting design, it also uses many new methods, trying to bring a unique audio-visual feast to the audience.

People in the film industry must be familiar with arri. In the past five years, every Oscar winning "Best Photography" film came from arri. The picture quality it presents can make the film more tonal, and has become one of the commonly used technical equipment for cinematic films. This time, "Youth Ballads" recorded a variety show for the first time with arri equipment, no doubt to bring the film quality into television, and present the audience with more delicate and fresh variety show works.

With good equipment, the coordination of stage and lighting will not be mediocre. In the stage design, the director group chose the paper plane as the main element to represent the state of young students flying dreams and wings on the stage. At the same time, the paper plane is designed to take advantage of poor vision and enhance the depth of the stage. In addition to the lighting design, 480 light sources are used in the front of the large screen to extend the effect of the paper airplane, and 18 eye light matrix is used in the rear of the large screen to form the shape of an eye. The overall design coordination ensures that the audience can see the picture through the arri camera, and can feel the dynamic beauty and three-dimensional sense of the stage from any angle.

Wu Kequn, a musical talent, was appointed as a "youth instructor" and led 24 groups of college students to start a music training trip

Under the escort of equipment technology and stage lighting, Youth Ballads has also found a new way in content production that is different from the previous music programs - no talent show, no competition, no sales, no sensationalism, just music exchanges, hoping that through the college students' green and sincere performances, the audience can understand the values of contemporary college students at the same time, I also recall my youth related to music.

It is worth mentioning that in the preliminary preparation, the program team has carefully selected 24 groups of college students who love music from 100 colleges and universities. In the future, these young students will exchange their music experience and enrich music elements under the leadership of Wu Kequn, the "youth instructor" and other musicians with first-rate singing skills, and finally find their own personalized music path through a three-month music training trip.

During this expectant music training period, 24 groups of young students will experience five stages of training, namely, "Enrollment Division", "Theme Class", "Cooperation Stage", "Challenge Stage" and "Graduation Ceremony", to experience and learn different music theme content respectively. In this process, the program team also encourages young students to see, learn The income is integrated into the music performance to achieve the purpose of learning in practice, growing in experience, creating in perception, and singing in passion.

Tens of millions of apps powerfully enable the interaction between the north and south universities to help the growth

As the first music program spread out on campus, it follows the concept of class as a group, and improves young students through training at each stage. In this process, the audience can not only see more warm images of young students helping each other, making progress together and growing up together, but also participate in the landing activities of "100 colleges and universities" and the large-scale song collection activities of "singing from south to north" issued by the program group through microblog, singing bar and other platforms.

The so-called "100 colleges and universities" landing activity means that the program group sponsored the new year activities of 100 colleges and universities. Students can learn about the program "Youth Ballads" through the new year activities, and participate in offline interactive games sent by the program group, such as listening to songs and guessing names, relay singing, and calling 24 groups of students in the program in real time. The large-scale song collection activity of "singing from south to north" is to invite college students from south to north of the motherland to relay songs and sing the same song "My Motherland and I" to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China in the name of music.

It is reported that "Youth Ballad" will be launched on Guangdong TV and Jilin TV at 21:10 on September 7. In addition, each award-winning class in the program will be given the opportunity to expose hard resources on tens of millions of apps, as well as Migu video, Singbar app, Baidu app head resources.

Fan wind 2024-04-07 13:54:52

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