The Magician explains

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The magician explains

Related words: create corresponding star: Mercury

The magic card means: now is a good time to start a new plan.

The first card with a positive number is the magician. Look at this magician. He seems to have unlimited power. There are swords, cups, stars and sticks on the table, but he holds a magic wand in his hand. He looks like praying for the power from heaven and evoking magic. What can he change from nothingness?

This card is full of groundbreaking and magical power, unpredictable. Everything is in your hands, success will be a huge gain, failure is also in a single thought, so some great sadness and joy. The victory and defeat are obvious, so we must work hard at solving the cards and analyze them together with other cards.

In the card, the magician points to the sky with his right hand and the earth with his left hand, becoming the channel connecting heaven and the earth. On the table in front of him, there are four kinds of holy vessels, which endow him with four kinds of strength: clear motivation, detailed plan, intense enthusiasm like a spring and down-to-earth implementation. The holy vessels of the four elements, together with the inspiration beyond ordinary people, are integrated into their own creativity. Waving the wand in their hands can summon magic power and become the real master of the world. In the eyes of others, this is amazing, but for him, everything is normal, because his intelligence is inexhaustible. He will make full use of his intelligence and the four holy vessels. But the magic power is acquired by paying several times more efforts than ordinary people, and it needs strong will and just purpose to play, which is the secret of magician's success.

The magician put a red robe over a white tights and tied a snake around his waist as a belt. The right hand stretches upward to point to the sky, while the left hand points downward to the ground. There are many red roses hanging above the head, and more red roses and white lilies beside the feet. The symbol "infinity" above his head represents infinity, suggesting that his knowledge has no beginning and no end. The tools on the table used to be packed in the knapsack of fools, symbolizing the combination of correct motivation (Holy Grail), clear plan (sword), abundant enthusiasm (scepter), and true execution (pentagram) - a quite powerful combination for achieving goals. Red roses symbolize passion or endurance, while white lilies symbolize pure motives. The snake as a belt is eating its tail. It symbolizes that many things are neither beginning nor end.

This card represents the realization of certain things in certain possibilities. Possibility is worthless unless it is realized. Each of us has great potential, but not everyone will realize these potential. If we pursue it to the end, we can say that no one has really exerted all his potential.

The magician receives energy from the sky (inspiration) and directs it into something concrete and real - land. That is to say, he transformed his thoughts into something we can see and touch. He used his willpower to produce concrete results; He is not pushed by the trends of life, but acts for himself in these trends and makes concrete achievements.

Interpretation of the Magician Card

① The card face is Mercury of Roman mythology, with a confident smile and bright eyes. On the table of the card, there are four elements of the universe: the tree of life (fire), the sword (wind), the pentagram (earth), the holy grail (water), and an infinite symbol on the magician's head. The belt is a snake that connects one end to the other, which is a symbol of eternal spirit. The magician points to the sky with his right hand and the ground with his left hand, representing the exchange of power and the gift of spirit. Under the magician's feet are roses and lilies, which represent human motivation, reflect the will of God, and command heaven and earth. Rose represents life, lily represents death. The magician is the first card, which also implies that you are a magician and can manipulate the power of the universe.

② The white robe represents the pure heart, and the dark red cloak represents the magician's activities.

Definition of the Magician

The beginning of things, the change of actions, skilled technology and skills, implement my will, and use the power of nature to achieve ambition.

Successful, decisive, good start, perfect plan, large space for development, extraordinary intelligence, active thinking, rich imagination, tacit partners, new lovers

It means that you have good motivation, broad mind and sufficient preparation in your career. Everything is in your plan, and you should seize the opportunity to make steady progress towards success.


You are more skillful. The external environment has no effect on you, and you are in an active position.

Interpretation of the Magician

Failure, negative attitude, hurry, indecisive, mediocre talent, lack of technology, judgment, creativity


No progress, pay attention to your partner's behavior

Weak willpower, difficult to start, going in the wrong direction, lack of knowledge, being cheated and failed.

It means that you have a speculative mentality, hide in your own protective layer for fear of being hurt, and have a slightly deviated attitude towards your career, showing a lack of goals and self-discipline. Refusing to abide by some basic principles and realizing their own goals by controlling or even destroying the other party will bring about various mental, emotional or health problems.

General significance

The magician card means that this is the right time to start something new. The right time, the right opportunity, and the right motivation make your efforts worth the ticket price. This is a good time to take action and realize the plan. Since you have laid a good foundation for implementing the plan, the new adventure is likely to come true. The clear sense of direction and the implementation of willpower greatly enhance the possibility of success.

A magician standing on his head

When a magician stands on his head, he loses contact with the earth or the sky. If he loses contact with the land, he may become impractical, resulting in mental, emotional or physical health problems. He will become aimless and lack self-discipline. When standing upside down, even though he received energy from the sky, he was unable to successfully introduce it into the land. This energy is quite strong and powerful, which will lead to mental and emotional distress after accumulation in the body. Hallucinations, schizophrenia, or deep well's mental breakdown, or serious hesitation may follow.

The magician standing upside down may be describing someone who does not understand that the energy is transmitted through him, not from himself. He may control others in the way of gradually destroying the other party, which may be obstructed secretly, or in any way he wants, which may include witchcraft, hiring someone to assassinate or doing it himself.

When the magician on the handstand touches the land and loses contact with the sky, he will lose his spiritual contact. If you lose this connection, you will lose your conscience and may act against the society.

In short, the magician handstand implies that you need to have a stronger connection with the sky or the land, because at this time you have lost the right motivation, plan, enthusiasm or pragmatic attitude to complete your inner desire.

Gender significance

A magician is a kind of partnership rooted in reality, which is not subject to material restrictions. It implies an active gender relationship, and it may be that one of the partners provides inspiration, and the other is down-to-earth to make these ideas into concrete results.

A magician means a person with a strong will, a trained mind and a clear sense of purpose. He has a good sense of direction for his goals, opens his mind and accepts new ideas.

Gu Lian Tea is fragrant 2024-04-15 13:32:00

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