How parents treat their children who are about to take the college entrance examination

Emotion can control
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Parents should treat the children who are about to take the college entrance examination correctly and calmly. We know that the children are under great psychological pressure at the moment, so we should not talk about learning in front of the children. We should talk more about the children's life, care about their mental health, and never talk about learning. If the children take the initiative to talk about learning with us, we can enlighten the children and give them more good suggestions, Help children solve their learning difficulties.

How parents treat their children who are about to take the college entrance examination

1. Senior three parents should appear in front of their children as a spiritual ally. Psychological experts have repeatedly stressed that a large part of the pressure of college entrance examination students does not come from the college entrance examination itself, but from their parents. Many parents in senior high school often have much more pressure than their children, and their parents' psychological pressure will be imperceptibly transmitted to their children through words and deeds.

Therefore, parents should not urge their children to study all day long when they are preparing for the third year of senior high school, although this may be a way for parents to release their own pressure. Parents should control their emotions in front of their children and give them more confidence and encouragement.

As the spiritual ally of children, parents should first put down their airs and get along with their children like friends. Parents learn to praise their children often. When children make a little progress, do not be stingy with praise words. Parents should not always tell their children who are obedient and learn well.

When children's achievements are repeated, parents should comfort their children and cheer them up, and never accuse them. When children are tired, parents can also accompany them to take a walk, play ball games, and relax with them.

2. Don't compare with each other and recognize the actual situation of children. Many parents always think that children from other families are better, and children from other families work harder to get into better schools. They think that their children do not work hard enough, often blindly compare, and urge children to learn from other children. This part of parents think that this can stimulate children, but on the contrary, it is likely to make children have a phantom mentality, and increase anxiety about preparing for the exam.

As a parent, you should be able to see the actual learning situation of your child, and make a study and examination plan according to your child's situation. You should never blindly compare with others, but set an impossible goal, and your child is likely to give up.

3. If you don't give up, there must be hope. Tell the children that the result is not important. What is important is that we must have the process of preparation and effort for the entrance exam. As long as we really work hard in our studies, and have worked hard for our goals in mind, and have not left ourselves with regret, then we are the winners in the college entrance exam.

The college entrance examination is not the end of life, it is just another new start of life. Even if we can't get into the ideal school, we can still work hard. As long as you never give up, we still have many opportunities to realize our brilliant life.

What should I do if my child's grade in the third year of senior high school is not good and the college entrance examination is coming soon

The poor performance before the third year of senior high school shows that the foundation of the first and second year of senior high school is not solid. If you want to counter attack in the year of senior three, you can only start from basic knowledge.

First of all, we should sort out the courses we have learned in Senior One and Senior Two, which can be completed by reading the textbook. If you don't understand, don't reject it. Just write it down, and see what knowledge points you have understood, and what you don't understand at all. Mark the ones you don't understand. At this stage, you can only rely on yourself. It is better to have a separate notebook for each course. Through this step, you can at least have a comprehensive understanding of your learning level.

But it is easy to say, but difficult to do. The most important thing is to persist. When encountering problems that you cannot solve, don't be discouraged. You can refer to the answers to understand.

Finally, we should tell the children that they should be down-to-earth and not arrogant and not impatient, and how much they can catch counts. After the college entrance examination, if their scores are not ideal, they do not want to repeat their studies but are not willing to do so. Those who are junior college students can continue to take the postgraduate exam in their freshman year, and those who are three or two years old can continue to take the postgraduate exam. There is always a way out. Don't be discouraged. What are you afraid of when you are young?

The children in senior three are very impetuous and can't calm down. How to communicate and guide

1. It is necessary to guard against creeping things. The students in senior three are in a period of extremely heavy psychological pressure. As parents, they should always think about their children, understand their children's difficulties in learning and life, and give them less blame and more care.

2. Nowadays, children are more active in thinking because of the stimulation of information such as the Internet. As a parent, if necessary, you can suggest to the school that the school should manage the mobile phones in the class in a unified way. If nothing happens, the mobile phones should be kept in the head teacher's place to keep children away from mobile phones.

No ending 2024-06-14 13:13:20

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