How to educate parents of 14 year old children when they fall in love

Himura Kenshin
Selected answers

When a 14-year-old child falls in love, parents should not rush to stop it. Many parents are worried when they hear that their child is falling in love. They are worried that their child's performance will decline, and that their child will become bad and rebellious. In fact, the best way to deal with children's puppy love is that parents face up to it, talk with children more, let them know the advantages and disadvantages of puppy love, and then leave it to their children to decide what to do.

How to educate parents of 14 year old children when they fall in love

1. Parents should face up to puppy love. First of all, parents should understand that the preference for the opposite sex is a common phenomenon in every child's psychological development. This is normal. Don't think puppy love is a shameful thing, let alone label children as morally corrupt. Because of the extreme reaction of parents, children will be pushed to the side of puppy love.

2. Pay more attention to children and create a warm family environment. Junior high school students are very sensitive. If they cannot get enough attention and warmth at home, they will place their feelings on others. Once others can give him psychological emotional needs, he will fall into it. Therefore, parents should pay more attention to their children, give them enough care, and let their children's emotional needs be met. Naturally, they will not place their feelings on others.

3. Don't rush to attach labels. Being fond of the opposite sex is an instinctive impulse of body and emotion. What parents need to know is that heterosexual communication is just an important part of children's social interaction. It is a very normal psychological development process to like a heterosexual whom they appreciate.

However, most parents believe that this will affect their learning and are afraid of their children's incorrect actions. So once they find any clues, they will suppress them in various negative ways. Little did they know that this will not only help children to establish a correct view of love and marriage, but also make them farther and farther away from their parents, or even go astray! Therefore, parents should guide their children to look at the relationship between men and women correctly and not define their children as puppy love.

4. Encourage children to handle this relationship well and let them make their own choices. After sincere communication with the child, the child has his own judgment. If he can understand, we should encourage him, let him deal with his own feelings, show trust and respect to the child, let the child have confidence in the future, accept the guidance of his parents, and go back to the normal track.

How should parents educate their children in the second year of junior high school

1. Parents should be patient and accompany their children more. In junior high school, children are in the rebellious period. As parents, they should first determine their own education methods. Junior high school students in the rebellious period often make mistakes in one way or another, because children grow up through mistakes, which our parents also have their own feelings.

However, many parents have no patience to guide their children when they face their children's mistakes. They are always angry with their children, which leads to their children being particularly disgusted and unwilling to communicate with their parents. This will lead to poor education for children.

2. Learn to respect children's personality. Some parents are too strict with their children, scold them everywhere, dominate their activities, and make them obey. On the surface, children with such education are cultured, but because their independent personality is not respected, they often show the characteristics of self-restraint and lack of confidence.

On the contrary, some parents try their best to meet any requirements of their children, resulting in their children's self-centered, selfish, and overbearing qualities, and even aggressive behavior.

In this regard, I suggest that parents should treat adolescent children equally, respect their independence, and let them gradually learn adult behavior and act in accordance with general interpersonal norms.

When children enter adolescence, they often have wild thoughts about how to guide them

1. Tell your child not to "fuss about nothing", suspect others' behavior everywhere, and remind yourself not to worry unnecessarily. Don't always think of the bad, don't worry about how others talk about yourself all day long, and look at life and reality with an optimistic attitude.

2. Divert your attention. Determine your own learning goals, invest your strength, strive for good results, make more friends and treat others sincerely, which will also win the respect of other students. When the child's self-confidence gradually increases, the fantasy will gradually retreat. In addition to learning, children should be encouraged to participate in more activities, not pay too much attention to their scores, and should cultivate their interests and optimism in many aspects.

Xiao Xiao Yu Xie 2024-06-16 11:10:36

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