2024 Chenzhou High School Entrance Examination Results Release Time

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At 18:00 on July 5, 2024, the results of the middle school entrance examination will be announced. Candidates should check their scores of the high school entrance examination in the way indicated on the Admission Card. If the examinee has any doubt about his/her score, he/she must apply to the graduating junior high school for score review before 16:00 on July 6. The result of examinee's score review will be announced before 14:00 on July 8.

2024 Chenzhou High School Entrance Examination Score Query Time

The results of the middle school entrance examination will be announced at 18:00 on July 5. Candidates should check their scores of the high school entrance examination in the way indicated on the Admission Card. If the examinee has any doubt about his/her score, he/she must apply to the graduating junior high school for score review before 16:00 on July 6. The result of examinee's score review will be announced before 14:00 on July 8.

Precautions for 2024 Chenzhou High School Entrance Examination Score Query

1. During the middle school entrance examination query, the network query will definitely be extremely congested. It is recommended that you use IE browser to query;

2. ID card number and student registration number are required for online query of scores;

3. After the score query is successful, save the screenshot and exit the login system to provide resources for other candidates who have not yet found the score;

4. If the page opens abnormally, try refreshing. If it fails repeatedly, call the Education Bureau.

Start over 2024-06-12 15:16:27

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No source.
Synonyms: communication, consultation, consultation.
Antonym: blocked, closed.
Usage: as a verb; Predicate; Neutral words; It can be used for people and things.
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Sentence making:
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In the twilight, when the mountain falls and the road becomes more vast, the white house looks even poorer in the cold weather.
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