The harm of children watching mobile phones for a long time

A prodigal son in the end of the world
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As we all know, playing with mobile phones often does great harm to our health. However, there are still many parents who knowingly commit crimes. For various reasons, children often play with mobile phones, and even individual parents will equip their children with mobile phones so that their children can freely use them. If children use mobile phones in the wrong way, it will cause great harm to children. What harm will children do if they watch mobile phones for a long time?

The harm of children watching mobile phones for a long time

1. It affects vision. Many children are not healthy with their eyes. Most children have vision problems, with myopia and astigmatism being the most serious. The direct cause of many children's eye disease is that they play too much with mobile phones and stare at the glowing screen for a long time, which is very harmful to their eyes.

2. The ability of expression declines. With the rise of electronic products, many children like to stay at home and watch cartoons or play games with mobile phones or tablet computers, which makes children do not like to interact, play or communicate with others. Over a long period of time, children's ability of expression and language organization will be weakened, which will make them more introverted and lack self-confidence.

3. Delays in learning and affects the future. How many children delay learning because they are addicted to mobile phones. Finally, there is no favorite school, and the life trajectory also becomes gloomy. Some parents once denounced mobile phone games as "pests" of children, which can be seen as great harm to children and even the whole family. The experts from the Academy of Social Sciences also believe that prevention and governance let children out of the mobile phone world, and the whole society must participate.

4. Blind comparison, unscrupulous, envious of others' mobile phones, unscrupulous purchase, can lie about school fees, can be saved from three meals a day. According to news reports, some children even thought of stealing money from their classmates and relatives because they didn't have money to buy new mobile phones. In a word, the mobile phones that adults can't control will often have a great impact on children who are weak in self-control, curious, playful and in the critical period of learning knowledge.

The reason why children are addicted to mobile phones

1. With the influence of parents, modern mobile life has become a trend. Mobile phones and other electronic living devices have become an integral part of life. It is almost impossible and not completely correct to let children completely isolate mobile phones. Since it is a part of life, it has a reasonable value of existence. The more positive parents' attitude towards mobile phones, the more correct children's attitude towards mobile phones can be.

2. Children lack companionship and lack of parents' companionship. Children feel lonely and have no place to appeal. The rich and colorful content information in mobile phones impacts children's vision and brain. Children are more likely to be interested in this, immersed in it and forget about loneliness, boredom and boredom. Mobile phones have become another entertainment partner to accompany children instead of parents.

3. The dazzling mobile games without rules are hard for adults to refuse, let alone children? Therefore, children are addicted to mobile games, which is partly due to the lack of parental discipline. Failure to set good rules for children makes them lack certain norms and self-control.

4. Children have strong curiosity, but their self-control is poor, and their mobile phones have many functions, and they are very entertaining. Children are fun by nature, and their curiosity is strong, so they must be interested in mobile phones. However, because their own ability to stop them is poor, and they do not know how long they will play, they will gradually become obsessed.

How to deal with children's addiction to mobile phones

Cultivate children's sports hobbies. Sports are very important for a person. They can not only strengthen the body, but also learn cooperation and skills. Therefore, we should pay attention to the cultivation of children's personal sports hobbies from an early age, so that children can participate in physical exercise, understand the fun in sports, and get to know more playmates at the same time.

Praise children more. All children hope to be praised by their parents. Simply criticizing children will only make them more rebellious. In this regard, parents must pay attention to praise their children more, pay attention to the way of praise not too general, and be specific about which point, so that children will be more confident, automatically put down their mobile phones to help parents do housework, and will become more sensible.

Rose with thorns 2024-06-16 11:09:57

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2. The boundless plain is flat and vast, like a huge dark green jade disc, vast and magnificent.

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8. At this time, the grassland was covered with golden silence. The mountains in the distance were clothed in the color of sunset. The milk white clouds on that day also became as red as flames. The grass waves subsided. The herds of cattle and sheep came from the remote grassland. Only the camels who did not return at night were wandering on the lake near the willow forest. The whole grassland looked peaceful.

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11. Look up at the sky, ah! The sky here is really blue, and white clouds are hanging on it. They also change their attitude from time to time, just like what is sung in the song: blue sky and white clouds are floating, and I am really intoxicated with the beauty of horses running under the clouds. I play and sing with the Mongols, and enjoy the happiness brought to us by the grassland.

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Hunger:. "Hunger" and "hunger" are reduced to "hunger". It is simplified according to the ancient calligraphy. "Shuowen Jiezi": "Hunger, hunger also. From food, a few sounds." Rely on a few to eat is the paradigm of hunger. The original meaning is hunger.
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Source: Shuowen: "Epidemic disease is the disease of the people."
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