How to deal with anxiety and weariness

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Anxiety and school weariness are common problems among children nowadays, especially children in junior high schools and senior high schools. They are under great learning and psychological pressure. When the pressure cannot be solved in time, it will lead to rebellious and school weariness. High school children's school weariness will affect their emotions and learning methods. Parents should help children to solve the pressure and get rid of school weariness in a timely manner.

How to deal with anxiety and weariness

1. There may be many reasons for children's anxiety and weariness, such as excessive learning pressure, incorrect learning methods, family environment problems, etc. It is necessary to find the root of the problem first.

2. Reduce the pressure. If the child is tired of school because of too much pressure, it is necessary to appropriately reduce the pressure on the child's learning. Do not arrange too many tutoring classes for the child after class to avoid the child suffering from too much pressure. The pressure relief can alleviate the child's weariness of school.

3. Cultivate interest. Children who are tired of learning mainly have no interest. They can first help children find the fun of learning. For example, let children find the fun of learning in practical learning. They can also start with their good subjects to build confidence.

4. Create a learning atmosphere. The reason why most children suffer from school anxiety is mainly because they are addicted to the Internet during the holidays and often stay up late. Therefore, in order to ease the situation of children, parents can help children ease their psychological burden by helping them create a learning atmosphere. At ordinary times, try to help children create a quiet learning environment to ensure that children have a good rest environment and order.

5. Stimulate children's enthusiasm for learning. If the child is anxious because of the heavy learning pressure after school starts, parents need to communicate more with the child, not to give the child too much pressure, usually encourage the child, help the child to build self-confidence, thus reducing the child's psychological sensitivity, so as to effectively alleviate the child's anxiety.

What are the manifestations of high school children's weariness

1. Interest in learning declined. One of the most obvious manifestations of high school students' weariness is the decline of learning interest. These students no longer feel excited and interesting about learning, and tend to regard learning as a burden. They are no longer willing to explore new knowledge and skills, and their enthusiasm and interest in learning gradually disappear.

2. Lack of learning motivation. Another manifestation of high school students' weariness is their lack of learning motivation. These students often lack clear learning goals and motivation, and feel at a loss. They lack enthusiasm and investment in learning, lack self motivation, and are unwilling to devote more energy and time to learning and mastering new knowledge and skills.

3. Academic performance declined. High school students' weariness is also reflected in the decline of their academic achievements. These students often have low learning efficiency, poor performance, or even fail. They lack self-confidence and courage, and often think that they cannot achieve good results, which leads to a decline in academic performance.

4. Lack of confidence and self abandonment. These students have a sense of inferiority due to their poor academic performance, coupled with external pressure, such as teachers' criticism, parents' reprimand, classmates' ridicule, etc., which makes them lose confidence, abandon themselves, and break jars. When it comes to learning, I feel upset, depressed, anxious, and have a headache. When I enter the classroom, I feel depressed and have an indifferent attitude to the exam.

5. Weak will, poor perseverance to overcome difficulties. They are too dependent, unwilling to think independently in their studies, and once they lose their tutoring achievements, they will plummet. When they encounter problems, they will complain incessantly. They are listless, frustrated, depressed, pessimistic and disappointed all day long.

Senior three children are tired of school and abandon themselves. How can parents enlighten their children

1. Listening and understanding: parents should patiently listen to their children's voices, understand their emotions and confusion, and let children feel cared for and supported.

2. Encouragement and affirmation: parents should encourage and affirm their children, let them know that their efforts and efforts are valuable, and remind them not to pursue perfection too much.

3. Provide help: parents can help their children develop reasonable learning plans and schedules, provide necessary learning resources and support, and respect their children's choices and decisions.

4. Space for children to release: adults should give children the opportunity to talk and space to release. Originally, it was just a matter of talking about venting your emotions and relaxing, but as a result, your fuss aggravated the child's troubles. Parents can talk to the child calmly, help him analyze the reasons for this mentality, and comfort him that the ups and downs of his grades are normal during his comprehensive review.

5. Enrich the content of children's life: It is very normal for people to have mental fatigue. Although it is near the college entrance examination, you should relax and make some adjustments when you are tired. Parents should never talk about big principles at this time, especially how important the college entrance examination is. Once you relax, others may surpass you. You can only increase anxiety and irritability, without any positive effect.

Get busy getting old 2024-06-16 11:14:16

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