What can we learn to cultivate children's concentration

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Many parents find that their children are always in a daze in class. After a class, the teacher doesn't know what the teacher says, which is actually a lack of concentration. Even if the parents scold the children, they don't know how to change it. Parents want to know what can be learned next to cultivate their children's concentration?

What can we learn to cultivate children's concentration

1. Learn calligraphy. Practicing calligraphy can cultivate children's ability of observation, analysis and expression. It can help children develop meticulous, dedicated, calm and lasting quality.

2. Learning painting helps to complete the development of vision and movement, and promotes the growth of children's cognitive ability. It helps to cultivate children's observation, memory, imagination and creativity. It can enable children to express and stretch their internal desires and emotions, so as to achieve inner balance and maintain a stable role in a complex environment.

3. Chess can improve children's concentration. The chessboard is ever-changing. It is often "careless, lose all". To defeat an opponent, you must concentrate. It can exercise children's rich imagination, keen insight and unique creativity.

How do parents cultivate children's concentration

1. Parents should cultivate from childhood. For example, children can exercise their concentration by playing building blocks. At the beginning, let the children build the building blocks in a fixed time, and do not play with other toys in the middle. You can play with other toys only after building blocks.

2. Develop children's sense of time. The understanding of seconds, minutes and hours should not stay at the literal level, but should have a deeper understanding. Put a small alarm clock in the children's room. When doing homework in the evening, adults will check the amount of homework for children, estimate how long it will take, and set the alarm clock on time.

3. Let children do one thing at a time. People's attention resources are limited. Allocating them to things of different nature will seriously consume the effectiveness of attention, especially when children's attention is developing, and doing multiple things at the same time will damage the effective concentration of attention. Therefore, even when children play with toys, they should turn off the TV; Don't play music while doing your homework.

Parents should encourage their children more, rather than constantly denying them, and improve their self-confidence and enterprising spirit. Especially when children face failure, fear of difficulties can easily become a hindrance to their concentration. Parents must eliminate their children's fear of difficulties in time and help them overcome difficulties bravely.

Reasons for children's poor concentration

1. Impact on living environment. Children are in the era of advanced network technology and information, and there are a lot of interference in their lives, such as mobile games, short videos, computer games, etc., which can easily attract children's attention. If parents often play mobile phones, computers, etc. in front of children, it is very easy to affect children, especially when children concentrate on completing a task, it will cause children to be distracted and unable to focus.

2. Parents ignore their children's interests. Children will focus on doing something when they have an interest. If parents ignore their children's interest or discourage their children in this process, they will hit their children and can't focus on what they like, which will have a great impact on their children's concentration and is not conducive to their growth. They should learn to observe what their children are interested in.

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