When is the best time for old brown sugar to drink brown sugar water

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We all know that drinking brown sugar water has a lot of benefits for our body. At the same time, the nutritional value of old brown sugar is higher, and there is an optimal time to drink brown sugar water. So when is the best time to drink old brown sugar? The best time to drink brown sugar water? Follow Xiao Bian to have a look.

When is the best time to drink old brown sugar

Brown sugar water is best drunk before lunch or dinner. In Western medicine, brown sugar can resist oxidation and delay aging. Brown sugar water is best drunk when menstruation comes. Brown sugar water has the effect of enriching blood and warming the uterus. Generally, brown sugar water is drunk within a week after childbirth, which can prevent the formation of melanin and achieve the effect of continuous whitening. In Chinese medicine, it can enrich blood and promote blood circulation, Warming the spleen and stomach, dispelling wind and cold, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. It contains calcium, iron, carotene and riboflavin, which are the main components of anti-aging, and can effectively alleviate dysmenorrhea. The occurrence of dysmenorrhea may be caused by cold in the uterus or inflammation in the body. Studies have shown that brown sugar contains rich trace elements, which can stimulate blood production.

The best time to drink brown sugar water

The best time to drink brown sugar is from 9 to 11 every morning. Because this period is the running time of the Spleen Meridian, traditional Chinese medicine says that gynecology should follow the Spleen Meridian. The ancient brown sugar should be brewed with hot water above 85 ℃ to ensure that the active substances in the brown sugar, such as octacosanol, can give full play to their activity and have better conditioning effect. People with cold body should drink it once a day, and those with severe cold body can add one more time. It is recommended to drink it with 1/4 water. That is, it is better not to stir each time you brew it, so that brown sugar will naturally melt. Drink it when you drink 1/4 of it. Since brown sugar is a crude product with many impurities and bacteria, it should be boiled, sediment removed and impurities removed before drinking brown sugar water for new mothers. If possible, it can also be boiled more at one time, filtered, refrigerated, poured 1 small cup each time, and washed with boiling water. As brown sugar has the function of promoting blood circulation and removing stasis, it is better to eat it within 10 days after delivery, which is conducive to the discharge of bloody lochia and serous lochia. If it turns into white lochia, it is not suitable to eat brown sugar, or use less brown sugar, so as not to prolong the discharge time of blood lochia.

How long is the shelf life of the old brown sugar

The shelf life of different brown sugar is also different. Generally, if the brown sugar is in bulk, the shelf life is about one to two years. If it is brown sugar water, the shelf life may be relatively short, and it can only be stored for about one day under cold storage conditions. Although the state stipulates that the warranty period of solid sugar can be exempted from the standard, it has to be marked because of the needs of actual market sales. Generally speaking, the shelf life of brown sugar is about 18 months, but if it is properly preserved, it is OK to keep brown sugar for two to three years. Granular brown sugar in appearance shall not agglomerate; The cube brown sugar is required not to break up, which is the method to judge whether the brown sugar is affected with moisture. Once it is affected with moisture, the brown sugar is vulnerable to the invasion of harmful bacteria, mold and other microorganisms, leading to its deterioration. Brown sugar is mainly moldy. There will be a lot of mold on the surface of brown sugar after moldy, so if there is a layer of mold on the surface of brown sugar, it may not be edible. The deterioration of brown sugar will lead to gastrointestinal discomfort.

Can I drink the old brown sugar after expiration

The expired brown sugar can't be drunk again. The expired brown sugar may have bacteria breeding, which will destroy the nutrition of the brown sugar itself and cause a toxic reaction after taking it, which is very harmful to the body. Drinking expired food is prone to toxic reactions, which is harmful to the body. In the future, food should be used before the expiration date to avoid waste. It is recommended to check the expiration date of the food you eat at ordinary times, so as to avoid eating expired food, which will lead to bad reactions. Don't eat brown sugar after the expiration date. If the expiration date of the food has passed the expiration date, you can't eat it again.

Try hard 2024-05-13 13:04:34

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