Parallelism about summer

The mountain stream is clear and hazy
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Summer is a colorful season. Even if the vitality of spring gives birth to hope; Even if the fruits of autumn are full of joy; It is the winter's white clothes that urge people to accumulate energy. But what I like is summer, because summer is colorful and fun, and every scenery in summer is so charming, vivid and interesting that people can't help liking it! The following is a short story about summer.



1. The setting sun has dyed the western sky red, and pieces of sunset clouds have formed fiery clouds! There was a fairy flying slowly; There was a heavy elephant sucking water; Where peacocks are spreading their wings; That naughty monkey is eating peaches! It's changed! It's changed! The beautiful fairy turned into a mountain; The heavy elephant turned into a big tree; The beautiful peacock becomes a railing; The naughty monkeys have become the buildings on the ground of gorillas, and the hard bottomed roads on golden streets have also become dark yellow; Some of the sand is yellow and the light of the setting sun makes it even more yellow and golden

2. Summer is a colorful season, even though spring is full of vitality and hope; Even if the fruits of autumn are full of joy; It is not only the winter's snow wrap that makes people accumulate energy, but summer is my favorite, because summer is colorful and fun, and every scenery in summer is so unique, vivid and interesting, which makes people involuntarily like it!

3. Summer is coming. In the pool full of summer, I can see the magnificent momentum and vigorous power of the lotus, which connects the sky with the lotus leaves, and reflects the sun; Summer is coming. In the cool summer wind, I can smell a jasmine flower that can smoke a room. In the summer, I still feel the faint fragrance of jade; Summer is coming. In the flowers where butterflies dance and bees fly, I can taste the sweet locust flowers and cicadas all over the ground in front of the independent Buddhist Hall at dusk. Looking for the beauty of summer flowers brings me endless happiness

4. In the evening, the sunset glow reddened the sky. People came and went on the beach. Some people were swimming; Some are inspecting shells; Some of them are playing, laughing and laughing like waves. The cool sea water washes away people's fatigue and heat, making people feel relaxed and refreshed

5. The quiet flagstone road echoed with the footsteps of pedestrians in a hurry, mixed with the sound of splashing water like silk, open and abrupt; Under the eaves, there is the sound of birds flapping their wings. The swirling wind startles the sleeping leaves. The green leaves sway and rustle one after another; The ring of a bicycle goes from one end of the path to the other, as long as the sound of a Scottish bagpipe; Occasionally, the pure timbre of the piano falls, and the melody flows, rendering those years without ups and downs

6. Flowers wither, leaves grow, grains grow, and the appearance changes; The grass grows, the tillers grow, and the leaves grow stronger. From the delicate yellow, the grass becomes green and dark green; The tree, the forest, the forest, sprouted, flew, a little green, a clump of green, a piece of green, connected into a green sea. The green apricots, green peaches, green apples, green plums, jade like grapes, hung high on the tree, spread on the vine, and merged with the previous leaves, all of which were green, and reported to the summer, Into the arms of summer

7. The hot summer has passed, but I still miss it. I don't want to brand my lonely footprints on the autumn leaves, stay alone in the cold winter, or go hiking alone in the poetic spring. I just want to be alone in that familiar summer

8. Summer came. At that time, I put on a gardenia shirt with youthful publicity, and the corners of my clothes gently swayed in the warm sun. When summer comes, I will have a little more Meng Haoran's fragrance of lotus wind, and the pure sound of bamboo dew, intoxicated in the fragrant flowers; When summer comes, I will have the comfort of Xu Xiao's long nourishing wind blowing at dawn, gradually opening up the lotus and protecting the roses; When summer comes, I will enjoy the beautiful scenery of Xin Qiji's bright moon and the cicadas singing in the breeze at midnight. Summer is the most vigorous season of life in the four seasons, and it is also the most beautiful stage of life. Tagore once said: Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.

9. Some people say that heat and irritability are the main colors of summer, others say that life in summer is a pale ink painting, and others say that summer is the most difficult journey in the four seasons, all sweating and panting. And I said that summer is the tail of spring, which extends our attachment and pursuit of spring. Fangfei should not hate when she goes to rest. Xia Mu is yin and lovely.

10. Plants in summer are also full of vitality. The trumpet flower blows its trumpet in the morning to shout all the flowers; The lily unfolds its white petals; The lotus threw the lotus seed into the pond to make it take root and sprout; Sunflowers smile at the sun. All the flowers dance beautifully with the accompaniment of morning glory and the breeze.

11. In the moonlight, the petals of those lotus flowers are pure white. Each petal is as big as a small hand. Five or six petals make a big lotus flower. The lotus has a variety of appearances. Some of them blush like shy little aunts and hide under the green lotus leaves; Some lotus flowers poke their heads out curiously, looking at the beautiful and lovely world; Some lotus flowers look like beautiful fairies dressing up on the calm lake.

12. In the smell of summer, there is also surging hot, which is the smell of sweat. Only in summer can there be such a warm sun; Only in summer can there be such enthusiastic people; Only in summer can we work so enthusiastically! Summer lights up the air and people's hearts. Summer is the season of hard work, the season of work songs. Spring is too weak, autumn is too gentle, and winter is too harsh. Only in summer, and only in summer, can we sweat so thoroughly!

13. The duckling waved two fans and kept fanning on the cool water, sometimes making two quacks; The dog lay on the ground weakly, stretched out its long tongue, and the mucus in its mouth slowly flowed to the ground; In the silent fields, no villager can work in the heat. Several birds chirped in the air, which made the dog's eyes open lazily.

14. The setting sun reddened the western sky, and pieces of sunset clouds formed fiery clouds. Ah! There was a fairy flying slowly; There was a heavy elephant sucking water; Where peacocks are spreading their wings; The naughty monkey is eating a peach. Ah! It's changed! It's changed! The beautiful fairy turned into a mountain; The heavy elephant turned into a big tree; The beautiful peacock becomes a railing; The naughty monkeys turned into buildings on the ground of gorillas, and also turned from white to gold. The hard bottomed roads on the streets have also become dark yellow; Some of the sand is yellow and the light of the setting sun makes it even more yellow and golden.

15. Summer is a colorful season. Even if the vitality of spring gives birth to hope; Even if the fruits of autumn are full of joy; It is the winter's white clothes that urge people to accumulate energy. But what I like is summer, because summer is colorful and fun, and every scenery in summer is so charming, vivid and interesting that people can't help liking it!

16. Summer is coming. In the pool full of summer, I can see the magnificent momentum and vigorous power of the lotus, which connects the sky with the lotus leaves, and reflects the sun; Summer is coming. In the cool summer wind, I can smell a jasmine flower that can smoke a room. In the summer, I still feel the faint fragrance of jade; Summer is coming. In the flowers where butterflies dance and bees fly, I can taste the sweet locust flowers and cicadas all over the ground in front of the independent Buddhist Hall at dusk. Looking for the beauty of summer flowers brings me endless happiness.

17. In the evening, the sunset glow reddened the sky. People come and go on the beach. Some people are swimming; Some are inspecting shells; Some are playing and laughing like waves. The cool sea water washes away people's fatigue and heat, making people feel relaxed and refreshed.

18. The quiet flagstone road echoed with the footsteps of pedestrians in a hurry, mixed with the sound of splashing water like silk, open and abrupt; Under the eaves, there is the sound of birds flapping their wings. The swirling wind startles the sleeping leaves. The green leaves sway and rustle one after another; The ring of a bicycle goes from one end of the path to the other, as long as the sound of a Scottish bagpipe; Occasionally, the pure timbre of the piano floated down, and the melody flowed over, rendering those years without ups and downs.

19. Flowers wither, leaves grow, grains grow, and the appearance changes; The grass grows, the tillers grow, and the leaves grow stronger. From the delicate yellow, the grass becomes green and dark green; The tree, the forest, the forest, sprouted and flew, a little green, a clump of green, a piece of green, connected into a green ocean. The green apricots, green peaches, green apples, green plums, and emerald grapes hang high on the trees and spread on the vines, integrating with the previous leaves. All this green, reported to the summer, into the embrace of summer.

20. In summer, the whole city is like a burnt out brick cellar, which makes people breathless. The cicadas were so hot that they kept shouting: cicadas, cicadas! The dog was so hot that he lay down under the shade of the tree, stuck out his bright red tongue, and kept breathing heavily; The chicken was so hot that it hung its head and walked feebly.

21. Animals in summer are full of vitality. The dog gasped with heat; Cicadas are so hot that they shout: cicadas, cicadas! Not moving in the tree; The industrious little bees are buzzing around, just like the diligent gardener picking pollen; The butterfly spreads its wings and flies in the flowers, just like little elves

22. In summer, the whole city is like a burnt out brick cellar, which makes people gasp for breath. The cicadas are so hot that they keep shouting: "cicadas, cicadas!"! The dog was so hot that he lay down under the shade of the tree, stuck out his bright red tongue, and kept breathing heavily; The chicken was so hot that it hung its head and walked feebly

23. The animal in summer is a lively dog, hot and panting; Cicadas are so hot that they shout: cicadas, cicadas! Not moving in the tree; The industrious little bees are buzzing around, just like the diligent gardener picking pollen; The butterfly spreads its wings and flies in the flowers, just like little elves

24. I like the whispers of the summer wind, the lingering feelings of the summer rain, and the curling of the summer clouds. I prefer the cicadas in the green trees and jungles in summer, the frogs in the lotus scented pond, and the fireflies dancing in the deep night sky. Spring is too luxurious, autumn is too bleak, and winter is too lonely. Only summer is colorful. The sky is like the blue sea hanging upside down, and also like the blue satin woven by silk in the south of the Yangtze River; Looking down, the beautiful rivers and mountains are verdant everywhere. The flowers are in full bloom, the trees are plump, and the trees and red flowers are swaying. You can sing in the summer wind, bathe in the summer rain, and linger in the summer night between the clear mountains and green waters

25. My summer is in the blue swimming pool. I am chopping the waves. The blue waves are jumping around me happily, as if playing a romantic music. My friends and I are chasing each other, playing happily, as if swimming in the water like fish. I sometimes swim freely, riding the wind and waves; Sometimes breaststroke, struggling forward; When I am tired, I leisurely backstroke on the water, looking at the blue sky, white clouds 18, listening to the unique sound in summer, the sound of chugging, bursts of frogs, and the cheerful singing of birds; Look, the sun is burning in the sky, so you can't even look at it. If you stand in the sun for a while, you will sweat. The stationmaster, you will be as black as Africans

26. There are purple thin clouds floating in the sky, which are as gorgeous as the scenery in oil paintings; The setting sun is gradually sinking. The white dove stands on the roof with its back to the setting sun and looks out. Its feathers are gilded; The light and shadow are harmonious. The city has left its most perfect silhouette in the day. The flowing wind in the nature begins to return. I stand in the wind like a devout believer, as if believing in what miracle will happen, gazing at the lights of each house at the beginning of the day, and then reluctantly leaving until dusk

27. In the moonlight, the lotus flowers are white, each petal is as big as a small hand, and five or six petals make up a large lotus flower. Some of them look like shy little girls with red faces and hide under the green lotus leaves; Some lotus flowers poke their heads out curiously, looking at the beautiful and lovely world; Some lotus flowers look like beautiful fairies dressing up on the calm lake

28. Summer is coming. At that time, I put on a gardenia shirt with youthful publicity, and the corners of my clothes gently swing in the warm sun. Summer is coming, so I can enjoy the fragrance of Meng Haoran's lotus wind and the voiceless sound of bamboo dew, immersed in the fragrant flowers; When summer comes, I will have the comfort of Xu Xiao's long nourishing wind blowing at dawn, gradually opening up the lotus and protecting the roses; When summer comes, I will enjoy the beautiful scenery of Xin Qiji, the moon, the birds, the breeze and cicadas singing in the middle of the night. Summer is the most prosperous season of life in the four seasons. Summer is also the most beautiful stage of life. Tagore once said: Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves

29. Some people say that heat and irritability are the main colors of summer. Others say that life in summer is a pale ink painting. Others say that summer is the most difficult journey in the four seasons, sweating and panting. I say that summer is the tail of spring, extending our attachment to and pursuit of spring. Why hate it when we go off? Summer is just lovely

30. The summer plants are also full of vitality. In the morning, they blow trumpet to call all flowers; The lily unfolds its white petals; The lotus threw the lotus seed into the pond to make it take root and sprout; Sunflowers smile at the sun. All the flowers dance beautifully with the accompaniment of morning glory and the breeze

Find your own scenery 2024-04-17 11:30:46

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