How many people will take part in the national college entrance examination in 2024

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According to the change trend of the number of applicants for the college entrance examination in recent years, the number of applicants for the college entrance examination is expected to still exceed 10 million in 2024, which is also likely to reach a new high, such as breaking the 13 million mark. The specific number of applicants for the national college entrance examination in 2024 is subject to the actual situation released that year.

How many people are expected to register for the national college entrance examination in 2024

After entering the 21st century, the number of college entrance examination is growing rapidly. In 2023, the number of applicants for the national college entrance examination will reach 12.91 million, an increase of 980000 compared with last year, setting a new record. According to the growth trend of the number of people taking the college entrance examination in recent years and the number of students in the 2024 senior high schools, it is expected that the number of people taking the college entrance examination will continue to grow in 2024, which is expected to exceed 13 million people.

The increase in the number of students taking the college entrance examination shows that the number of students selected by the motherland is increasing, and the probability of high-quality talents is also increasing. Of course, in the case of no expansion of enrollment plan, the difficulty of examination is also increasing, which will force students to work hard.

Candidates for the college entrance examination should formulate their own review plan for the college entrance examination according to their own actual situation. They should not only ensure that all subjects and knowledge points are covered, but also pay attention to the key points and difficulties.

Sorting out the number of applicants for the national college entrance examination over the years

In 2023, 12.91 million people will register for the national college entrance examination, 980000 more than last year.

In 2022, the total number of applicants for the college entrance examination in 31 provinces, cities and autonomous regions in the mainland of China will be 11.93 million. There are 10.78 million people taking the college entrance examination in 2021, a net increase of about 1.15 million people.

In 2021, 10.78 million people will take part in the college entrance examination and 10.0132 million people will be admitted to the college entrance examination, with an enrollment rate of 92.89%.

In 2020, 10.71 million people participated in the college entrance examination, 9.675 million people were admitted to the college entrance examination, and the enrollment rate was 90.34%.

South of the sea is no longer blue 2024-05-08 11:01:24

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1、 It should be clear that the quatrains of ancient poetry are different from regular poetry.
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2、 Rhyming difference:
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4、 By paying attention to the "flat" and "oblique" in poetry, and combining with the matching songs, the words in poetry can be matched, and the rhyming poetry can be written with frequent practice.

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