Bosco Winery

Fight the sword to the ends of the world
Selected answers

1. BOSCO DEI CIRMIOLI is located in the Sarge radar region of Italy, within Treviso, between the Adriatic Sea and the eastern Alps.

2. Its wine production has a traditional brewing history.

Open-minded 2023-12-23 15:45:44

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What does it mean to be in front of your eyes

"Autumn is in front of me" means that the person I miss is in front of me.
Qiushui Yiren, a Chinese idiom, is called qi ǐ y ī r é n, which means the person you miss. Yi Ren means that person, mostly women.
Origin: The Book of Songs · Qinfeng · Jianjia: "Jianjia is a green place, and white dew is frost; the so-called Iraqi people are on the water side."
The reeds are dense and green, and the crystal dew turns into frost. The good man in my heart stands by the river.
Idiom usage: as object and attribute; It refers to the person who misses seeing the scenery.
Example: Qing Dynasty · Gong caly's "Xuehongxuan Calligraphy Answers to Xujia Village": "The lofty vision is bleak, and is eager to love people in autumn."

Cycle definition

Circulation means:
1. Run in a loop, loop or track, along a zigzag route.
2. It refers to running for one week and returning to the original place and turning again.
3. Do sth. repeatedly and continuously.
1. "Warring States Policy, Yan Policy II": "This will make its words like circulation, and its use of troops like embroidery."
2. "Records of the Historian · On the History of Emperor Gaozu": "The way of the three kings is like a cycle, and it starts all the time."
3. In the Flying Pill Story of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), Zhang Jing said, "The cold and hot weather come and go one after another, and the rise and fall are cyclical."
4. Ba Jin's "Autumn" 40: "Flowers wither and flowers bloom, and the moon is full and the moon is short. It's endless. It's very natural."
Circulation refers to the movement or change of things over and over again, which means that things turn round and round again and again. The basic idea can be briefly described as follows: the world is in accordance with an extremely long period of time, that is, the so-called "big year of generation", which goes round and round forever; This cycle is too long to be predicted, but it is not completely certain; In the process of this eternal cycle, everything in the world, including every one of us and every detail in our life, has been and will be reproduced in exactly the same way countless times, and will never change at all.

Who is the hero of the dog tailed sable

The main character of the "Sable" is Simalon, the King of Zhao in the Jin Dynasty. From the Book of Jin, Biography of Zhao Wang Lun by Fang Xuanling of the Tang Dynasty: "Slave soldiers are also entitled to the title of service. Every time the court meets, Diao Chan sits in abundance. The people of the time said, 'If there are not enough minks, the dog will continue.'"
Sima Lun (? - June 5, 301 A.D.), styled Zi Yi, was born in Wenxian County, Hanoi (now Wenxian County, Henan Province). The royal family and ministers of the Western Jin Dynasty, the ninth son of Sima Yi, Emperor Xuan of the Jin Dynasty, the younger brother of Sima Zhao, Emperor Jing of the Jin Dynasty and Emperor Wen of the Jin Dynasty. Her mother is Madam Bai, one of the participants in the "Rebellion of the Eight Kings".
Sima Lun first became an official of Cao Wei, and was granted the title of Anleting Marquis. After the establishment of the fifth class system, Dong'an County was granted the title of "son of Dong'an County" and was awarded the title of "admonishing doctor". After the establishment of the Western Jin Dynasty, Langya Prefecture was granted the title of General Xuanwei. General Qian'an, guarding Yecheng, was renamed King Zhao. The general moved to the west to guard Guanzhong. The unknown punishment and reward aroused the rebellion of Qiang and Di nationalities. He became a riding general, a prince and a daughter-in-law.
The dog tailed sable (Pinyin: g ǒ u w ě i x ù di ù ao) is an idiom. In ancient times, officials used the sable tail as the crown decoration. In the Jin Dynasty, too many officials were appointed, but the sable tail was insufficient, so the dog tail replaced the sable; It is often used to describe the continuation of literary works that are not as good as the original. Derogatory; It is generally used as subject, predicate and attribute in a sentence.
This idiom tells people that when they do something, they should do it well from beginning to end. Don't write down the ending of failure for various reasons when things are near the end. It will undermine all previous efforts and reduce the accumulated height.

What is the mathematical symbol

Not a mathematical symbol.
This symbol is a punctuation mark for questions. Used at the end of questions, rhetorical questions, rhetorical questions, etc. The question mark is an auxiliary symbol tool of mood and intonation, which indicates the pause and mood after a sentence. The pause at the end of a question sentence is marked with a question mark.
1. In a choice question sentence, the choice items are shorter, so you can use a question mark at the end of the sentence instead of a comma.
2. In selective questions, sometimes a question mark can be used at the end of each clause to strengthen the tone.
3. If you have a question about a word in a sentence, use a question mark. Note: This usage is seldom used.
4. If the year of birth or death is unknown or in doubt, it is indicated by a question mark.
5. A question mark is used after the title or subtitle of an article composed of questions.
6. Question marks are used in general questions and misused in non questions.
7. In selective questions, the question mark is only used at the end of the sentence, and the clauses are separated by commas.
8. In inverted questions, the question mark is placed at the end of the sentence. The subject and predicate are separated by commas.
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